Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 44 Freshmen Contest, Attractive Rewards! (Seeking Data)

Soon, the registration of new students began, and the whole Shanghai University was full of youthful atmosphere, even the seniors of sophomores and juniors came out for activities.

The arrival of the school girls caused the hormones on the campus to rise sharply, and the seniors who were doing good deeds could be seen everywhere.

Of course, the special enrollment is not idle, they are all a group of adolescent children, who doesn't want to fall in love!

But these have nothing to do with Su Ming, although he has always adhered to the belief that if you have a loli in your heart, your sword is like a thunderbolt, and if you have a sister in your heart, your sword is like lightning.

But the things Shangguanxiong gave were too precious, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't digest them quickly.

And because of his heart knot, he now urgently wants to increase his strength, and needs a lot of evolution points to meet his needs.

But for the upcoming freshman competition, he didn't want to let go of an opportunity to practice mimicry, so he wanted to improve himself, end the freshman competition early, and then go to the wild to obtain evolution points.

There are also the course tasks left by Shangguanxiong, all these things are piled up, Su Ming just feels that there is not enough time, how can he have the idea to find a girl to talk about youth!

"The third level is still close! I don't know when the school's power stone will be cashed out. This damn Shangguanxiong left such a perverted course. Isn't this embarrassing my brain cells?"

After finishing the meditation, Su Ming couldn't help complaining that to highlight the teleportation effect of space and also have an attack effect, the first thing he thought of was to teleport the sword in his hand to various positions of the opponent to chop.

But this can only be an attack method, and cannot be called a combat technique, because a combat technique must have a significant effect on attack.

In addition to making it impossible for the opponent to predict his own attack position, the power of this method has not changed.

This topic gave him a headache, and teleportation is different from space teleportation, it can cut space and replace it, thus causing damage to people.

There is a channel for teleportation, and in order to ensure the effect of teleportation, this channel must be stable. Even if the channel is destroyed during the transmission process, there is no way to cause harm to the people in the channel. At most, people are thrown to an unknown place. place.

"Damn meow, I would have mentioned that if I knew it earlier, and I shot myself in the foot with a stone..."

Immediately, Su Ming checked the corpse of the alien beast, and found that it had changed a lot, but there was no trace of resurrection, so after taking a photo and sending it to Yang Mei, it didn't matter.

As for that piece of metal, Su Ming also used space to forge it. After removing the impurities, there was only a small piece left, which was not enough to cast the original alien weapon, so he had to put it down first.

Unless other materials are found, or there are more such metals, it is better not to think about the matter of the source of different weapons, and it is easy to pierce the heart.


"Boss Su is too serious. He doesn't participate in such things as freshman registration. I haven't seen so many white legs. It's a pity for him."

Fatty and Shunzi stood at the gate of the school, their eyeballs rolled up and down, lingering on one leg for a while, and staring at the other leg for a while, they were extremely busy.

"Couldn't he be amazing! Speaking of Fatty, if you had the mentality of Boss Su, you might have developed the ability to attack a long time ago. Mental attacks are completely dominant at this stage!"

Shunzi joked that Su Ming and others also talked about this topic before, and the reason why the spiritual category was singled out and classified into one category is mainly because the impact of the spiritual level has unexpected effects on both humans and beasts.

Fatty's psychic ability has reached B-level. If he develops aggressiveness, he will definitely be one of the best among this batch of special recruits.

"Wool! With Boss Su around, who can dominate! Even if my ability becomes aggressive, I can't beat Boss Su!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and said, if others don't know about Su Ming's situation, how can he not know about it!

When they were working together before, he noticed that in his spiritual exploration, there was still a quite strong spiritual force.

Although the coverage area is not as big as his, but the purity is extremely high, he can't shake it at all, and the source of this spiritual power is Su Ming.

However, what surprised him was that although Su Ming's mental power was pure, his control was very rough, and it could even be said that it was overflowed passively. dead fish.

"Fatty, you are very happy that you have such an awareness, but I am very unhappy that you have the idea of ​​confrontation!"

Suddenly, Su Ming's voice sounded from behind, causing both of them to tremble in fright.

"Damn it! Boss Su, why are you walking so silently! You can scare people to death, okay? By the way, are you willing to go out?"

The fat man yelled strangely, his chubby little fist almost greeted Su Ming, but when he saw Su Ming's eyes, he softened immediately.

"Quiet and want to move, it's not good to lock yourself up all the time, come out for a walk to relax... By the way, has the date of the freshman contest been fixed yet?"

Su Ming said calmly, in fact, the second half of the sentence was his purpose of coming out this time.

"The notice has been sent out. The competition for freshmen in the past few years is different from previous years. The four famous schools jointly hold it. Not only has the format changed, but the rewards have also increased a lot!"

Speaking of this, Fatty got excited immediately, which is why Su Ming came to find them when he came out, because of Fatty's character, he definitely understood what happened recently, and he was quite comprehensive.

"Oh! Why is there such a big commotion this year? Didn't each school conduct it individually in previous years?"

Su Ming's eyes twitched involuntarily. The four famous schools jointly held it, so his opponents would not only be people from Shanghai University, but also monsters from the other three schools.

"I don't know, the specific model hasn't been announced yet! But the rewards have already been decided. First of all, the original rewards of each school will remain unchanged, and they will be distributed as usual according to the ranking of the competition. That is, people from other schools will be deducted, and our school will be reorganized. Sort, if you are number one, the reward for number one is still yours."

"Besides, there are also rewards for the top ten in the competition. Take the first place for example, you can go to Imperial University to receive empowerment and inheritance, do a mimicry training in our magic city, develop combat skills in the ancient capital, and a set of skills from the southern capital. Needless to say, the weapon armor and the ability stone."

The more he talked, the brighter the fat man's eyes became. It's no wonder that the last time Su Ming heard about such a reward was when he was recruiting students.

However, Su Ming was keenly aware that something was not easy when the high-level executives suddenly invested so much money. Combined with what happened during this period, it seemed that he quickly wanted some people to grow up quickly.

PS: It’s almost 100,000 words. It’s been a long time since I wrote this book. What do you think? Anyway, give me an opinion or something!

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