Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 48 Space Confinement, Hold Shangguanxiong For A Second (For Flowers)

Seeing the change of expression on Su Ming's face, Shangguanxiong couldn't help but smile.

"After all, the effect of mimicry training is too outstanding, so the school has done a lot of work on protection. I told you before that the eighth-level ability user can feel the existence of space, and the ninth-level can easily use it. .”

"Of course, even the Throne can't control the space like you do, but after reaching the eighth level, it is still possible to use the space to accomplish some things. Into a subspace."

It can be said that even a person with supernatural powers wants to practice mimicry. Such training resources are naturally targeted by many people. If special protection is not carried out, the University of Magic City may be flattened.

"Space? Teacher Shangguan, with all due respect, if you hadn't said it, I would have found it hard to believe that this was the work of two thrones and eight nine-level power users. It's too rough..."

Su Ming said a little speechlessly, and the space teleportation was activated instantly, directly bringing Shangguanxiong to appear on a platform.

"Damn it! You can actually penetrate the space wall directly!"

Shangguan Xiong was taken aback by Su Ming's hand, looked at Su Ming with a face full of horror and said.

You must know that after the development of the mimic training device, no one has ever entered this subspace without the permission of the school, relying on the concealment and space walls of the subspace.

But these are here for Su Ming, it seems that the wool has no effect! People come in as soon as they want to come in.

"As I said, this space is very rough. In terms of refinement, the dimensional space I randomly arranged is better than this, but the stability and carrying capacity of this space are a bit too much, and it can actually exist forever, which makes me It's a bit confusing."

Su Ming touched his chin and said, at the same time, he was also carefully exploring this subspace, trying to figure out why it is so stable.

"Nonsense! Although you have spatial abilities, you are only at the second level. This was arranged by the Throne and the ninth-level abilities. They are not as good as you in terms of space understanding, but your strength is also looked down upon by others. You have entered this space. What kind of treatment has been done, you may have to wait until you reach their level to understand."

Shangguanxiong said angrily, he hoped that Su Ming could figure out the secret of the subspace, but it was unrealistic to think about it.

"Go, put your school badge in the groove, and just stand in the middle to let go. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you keep resisting, you may waste this opportunity."

Su Ming let go of his thoughts according to Shangguanxiong's words, and his mental power calmed down.

It can be felt that there is also a wave of fluctuations on the device, which fits well with the spiritual power, and a very strange feeling arises.

When Su Ming opened his eyes again, he found that he had no body, or the space he could see in front of his eyes had become his current body.

"Is mimicry training meant to let the supernatural being incarnate into the essence of his supernatural ability to feel?? This is too realistic!"

Su Ming was a little shocked to think that just as he wanted to move his body, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

"I am now the space itself, so the movement I want is the change of the space, so if this is the case..."

Su Ming began to try to display his combat skills in this state, and it had to be said that it gave him a very different feeling, and immediately refreshed his original understanding of these combat skills.

"I hope you can gain something! I don't know how long this guy can last, although the longer the better, but don't delay the freshman contest!"

Shangguanxiong said with some struggle, if he missed this freshman competition, even with his current perspective, he would feel that Su Ming would be a pity.

Shangguanxiong didn't expect that he would stay here for three days!

It was not until three days later that the mimicry training device began to reduce power, which was a sign that the mimicry training was about to end.

About half an hour later, Su Ming opened his eyes. Shangguan Xiong just wanted to go up to ask about the situation, but found that he couldn't move at all suddenly.

Although this only lasted for less than a second, he felt that the space around him was completely solidified just now, along with the supernatural energy, blood and many other flowing substances in his body. can't do it.

"I'll go... Mr. Shangguan, you are too heavy! Just like this, there will be nothing left of my abilities..."

At this time, Su Ming's uncomfortable voice came, and his whole body became a lot more sluggish, and he could hardly feel the fluctuation of the supernatural power.

Originally, Shangguanxiong was going to take care of this situation, but when he heard this guy coming out, he didn't really want to help this guy.

An eighth-level power user of Lao Tzu is locked by your space, what happened to your power consumption? Isn't this normal!

"You deserve it! You are not afraid of being consumed to death for actually doing something to me..."

Shangguan Xiong grinned and said, it seems that Su Ming has gained a lot from the mimicry practice! The control of space can have an effect on oneself.

Although the duration was very short and his powers had been exhausted, but he, a power user with less than the third level, was able to do this step, which was already indescribably perverted.

"Don't just watch! Help me, I can't even stand up..."

Su Ming smiled wryly, he had a deeper understanding of space, that's why he wanted to try Shangguanxiong, who would have thought that it would really work!

Although the realm has not improved, and the control over the ability has not changed, but this mimicry practice has brought Su Ming much more profound than these intuitive changes.

"Let you mess around, you will suffer a lot now! After you go back, don't worry about resting, and appreciate what the mimicry training has given you. The freshman competition will start in a week, and you are about to prepare for the battle."

Shangguanxiong helped Su Ming up and said, and at the same time brought Su Ming the news he wanted to know most.

"Then, has the format of this freshman competition been announced? With so many people together, it shouldn't be a ring battle!"

Su Ming quickly asked, Fatty's intelligence gathering ability is not weak, but Shangguanxiong is an eighth-level supernatural power user and a school teacher, so he must have a more comprehensive understanding than Fatty's.

"That's right, this year's freshman competition is held in the Lost World of Imperial University. There are only two stages, the knockout round and the final match. All students will randomly appear on the periphery of the Lost World. You need to enter the center through the circle of beasts According to the location registration, each beast has points, and only the top ten points can enter the final round, basically not enough, or those who can't reach the central area, all will be eliminated."

PS: It's the beginning of the month, everyone votes up! See what else is in the bag.

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