Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 5 Ability University (For Collection)

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that Su Ming turned off the computer, gave birth to his right hand, and stared blankly at his palm.

Of course, he is not in a daze, but feeling his own spatial abilities. If someone nearby observes carefully, he can clearly see the presence of a tesseract in the palm of Su Ming.

"As I expected, the so-called space teleportation is just one aspect of my ability, space control... In other words, I can manipulate the space to do anything I can think of, such as..."

Su Ming's eyes stayed on the hat hanging on the wall. Without any contact, the hat shattered into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

"If a space is broken, the objects that exist in this space will also be broken, but with my current ability, I can't maintain the brokenness. The repair ability of the space itself is too strong."

Ability is a new thing for him, but space is no stranger to him. Among the novels he read in his previous life, those big writers have already helped him fully understand space.

"Since I can control the space, can I open up an exclusive space of my own?"

With a thought, the space in front of Su Ming began to distort. Countless planes originally existed in parallel, but now they are intertwined.

When the distortion reached a certain level, a black hole appeared, and before Su Ming could infuse the space power into it, the black hole exploded instantly.

"It seems that it is still a little weak. It is a bit early to open up space."

Su Ming was stunned and said, although he failed, he was not too entangled. He was thinking about opening up the space just after he got the space ability, so he was too ambitious.

Putting away the ability, a sense of dizziness hits, the mobilization of the ability has consumption, not only the consumption of the ability itself, but also the consumption of energy.

The consumption of the ability itself is not difficult to understand. In the final analysis, the so-called ability is the product of alien molecules absorbed by the human body. The amount depends on how many alien molecules you absorb.

The strength of the ability depends on how you temper the ability.

The consumption of energy is also easy to understand. The ability to exist in the human body is fixed, but if you want this energy to move, the principle of energy conservation requires you to apply an energy to the ability to make it move. This energy can only be provided by the body.

The next day, Su Ming came to the school as usual. Although it is said that people who have awakened D-level abilities and above do not need to take the college entrance examination, but for those with abilities, there is still a process to enter the university of abilities. to go.

At the very least, you must first obtain the certification of the alliance before you have a pass to enter the supernatural university.

Today is the unified certification of the awakened students by the alliance. In addition, the awakening master ordered Su Ming to come to the school no matter what.

The authentication process is very simple. It is to collect a drop of blood to make a microchip. This chip has detailed information on the awakened person, including the strength and type of the ability.

Usually this chip does not have any function, nor does it emit any microwaves. It only provides an authentication function when the alliance is needed, which is equivalent to an ID card.

Along the way, Su Ming could clearly feel that the eyes of the students around her looked at her differently, with all kinds of emotions.

At the end of yesterday's day, there were thousands of people in the third year of high school, and less than ten had a power rating of C-level, and Su Ming was one of them.

The first and second graders are fine, after all, they still have a chance to awaken, but for the third graders, the contrast is too great.

There are many people who envy Su Ming C-level, but more of them are jealous. If they are not afraid that his abilities are too powerful, some people may want to come up to vent their anger.

"Su Ming, come here, the alliance wants to know something about you."

Before Su Ming observed all kinds of living beings, the voice of the old class came. Since yesterday, as Su Ming's class teacher, Mr. Wang can be said to be very proud!

Except for one C-level supernatural being in my class, this sense of accomplishment is no less than two-thirds of the class being admitted to a prestigious school.

"Quick! Let me see your abilities! Space teleportation should be able to change my space position!"

As soon as he entered the principal's office, a blond girl grabbed Su Ming's shoulder with excitement and said, his unrestrained enthusiasm and clothes almost made him lose control.

In order not to embarrass herself, and to meet her needs, Su Ming threw it out directly.

Although the range of five meters is not large, but he is right at the door now, and it is very easy to throw it out.

"Principal, was this just now?"

He didn't know anyone in the alliance, so he had to ask the principal.

"Don't worry, they are from the research institute. They want to know about your abilities. You can communicate with them later! I am looking for you this time mainly to ask your thoughts on the University of Abilities."

The principal waved his hand and said, the emergence of supernatural powers can change a person's body, and can instantly make an ordinary person have extremely high combat power. to much achievement.

The Ability University is not only a place for resource allocation, but also a place to help you develop your own abilities.

"Although there are quite a few supernatural universities now, there are only four schools with complete development facilities, so if possible, I hope you can choose among these four schools."

"Of course, I won't hide it from you. It's selfish for me to let you compete with so many people with supernatural powers across the country. Regardless of whether you are admitted in the end, in addition to the resources promised by the school, I personally I will give you enough remuneration, you don’t need to give me an answer now, there is still time for college admissions, you can think about it carefully.”

The principal said slowly, there is no need for too much explanation, Su Ming probably knows the truth.

Although it is said that they are all supernatural universities, the first four established will obviously not have the same status as the other schools. If he can enter one of them, it will have an extraordinary impact on Star City High School.

Of course, it would be of great benefit to Su Ming if he could enter one of them.

"It's really amazing! I can't feel that the position has changed at all! Such an ability is absolutely impossible to be C-level! At least it is above B-level!"

The blond girl who was thrown out by Su Ming before walked in and immediately broke the atmosphere created by Su Ming and the principal.

"No, no, you have to go back with us and reassess, there must be something wrong with that broken machine!"

The blond girl said to herself, pulling Su Ming to leave, although she is good-looking and has big headlights, but he doesn't need to be indifferent to her.

Immediately moved behind the principal, the blond girl took several steps before she realized it.

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