Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 57 Is This For Demolition? (Please Customize)

What caught my eye was a very ordinary room, the size of which was similar to three bedrooms and one living room. There should be some decorations inside, but it has existed for too long, and there are only piles of dust on the ground.

"The so-called relics should be left by the commander who once lived here, but judging from the current situation, not every relic has something worth exploring!"

Looking at the traces of decay left behind, Su Ming shook his head helplessly. God knows how long this alien world has been lost. There are not many objects that can withstand the passage of time.

There was nothing of value to be seen in the hall, so we could only look at the other three rooms. To Su Ming's surprise, even after so long, the device on the door was still working.

But this is not a problem for Su Ming, he has come in from the outside, can he be blocked by a door?

"Damn it! No wonder there are so many alien elements here than outside. The things that lived here before, every single 28 is so rich!"

Entering the first room, Su Ming was dazzled by the scene in front of him. The power stone in the smaller half of the house, although a lot of alien elements have passed away, but the walls of the house are covered with a special coating.

Although the foreign-world molecules spilled out, only a small part of them floated outside, which caused the concentration of foreign-world molecules in the room to reach an unbelievable level.

If the relics in the alien world have reserves of such a scale of power stones, even if only a little alien molecule floats out from each ruin, after a long period of accumulation, it is no wonder that the concentration of alien molecules in the lost alien world can reach the current scale .

Su Ming originally wanted to take away all the power stones here, but after thinking about it, he decided to take the entire room together.

Although the storage space can also block the loss of alien elements, isn't there a strange body of an alien beast inside! What if some indescribable changes occur between that thing and the alien elements, destroying your storage space? , that would be too bad.

"This room seems to be a training place. Are these scattered metals from training equipment?"

After cutting the first room into the storage space, the next room unexpectedly appeared in front of Su Ming's eyes. After all, the two rooms share a common wall.

Compared with the first room, the inside is very monotonous, but the most eye-catching places are the deep pits on the ground and the knife marks on the wall opposite the door.

There are not many things, only a few pieces of metal scattered on the ground, Su Ming took it away without saying a word, no matter what it is, it must be difficult to preserve it, let's talk about it after taking it!

Anyway, I have the warehouse on my back, and I can take as much as I can.

"Strange! This wall looks like an ordinary structure. Why does it feel like it's about to be split when I get close?"

People with strong mental power have much sharper senses than ordinary people. The knife marks on the wall seem to have passed for a long time, but the sharp edge coming from above makes people feel extremely dangerous.

"Could this be the so-called Saber Intent! However, there is no such ethereal thing in the alliance's existing cultivation system!"

Combining the experience of the previous life, Su Ming determined the feeling on the knife mark.

Although there are many uses of mind in various novels, it seems that this kind of language has not appeared in the world he is in now. Even a cultivator, in the later stage, will rely on blood to suppress the enemy. Not to mention, it can basically be solved with supernatural powers, and you will never use weapons unless you are in a weak position.

"I don't care! Although this saber intent lasts for a long time, but the time has passed for too long, it should not have much power, let's talk about it after taking it away."

Regardless of why the alliance did not propose the concept of intention, but since I have encountered it, there is no reason to give up, and I will take it back and study it slowly.

Looking at the room with only two walls left, Su Ming himself smiled wryly. Others entered the ruins to explore, but he came here to demolish it!

Then he came to the third room, which should be the so-called bedroom, and the furnishings outside were the same, except for some metal parts, most of the things were decayed.

"Hey! You actually came in. It seems that the Imperial Capital University is guarding this alien world, and it's not like eating and drinking all the time!"

While Su Ming was looking at it, Mental Force noticed that someone had appeared in the hall, and he couldn't help being a little surprised. The arrangement of overlapping spaces was not difficult for him, but it was different for others.

"Okay! I'll leave the cleaning to you, and I'll leave first, my lord."

It was too late to investigate carefully, and everything that was found to be useful was swept away, leaving a house of ashes for the latecomers.

"Brother Feng, the ruins are really here! Looking at the scale, there are a lot of good things!"

After Su Ming left the ruins, three people appeared in the hall with excited faces, and the tone of their speech was full of excitement.

"That's right! If you're just messing around with my brother, how can you make a mistake! You two should be quick, this Lost World belongs to our school, so the things here are also ours. Whatever it has, just take it away!"

The leader said that under normal circumstances, even the students of the Imperial Capital University rarely have the opportunity to enter the Lost World. This time, although students from other schools were allowed to enter, as an aborigine, the Imperial Capital University still has some ideas.

"Brother Feng, why is there such a big gap here! It seems like the wall 510 has been removed?"

The three immediately began to search for items, and when they saw the gap in the house that Su Ming had moved out of, they were immediately stunned.

"It should be... collapsed! Otherwise, who would be so boring to remove the walls inside the ruins! Besides, the protection of this ruins is so good, without special means, it is impossible to get in, let alone... Damn! This What's up Nima?"

Brother Feng wanted to say that others couldn’t get in, but he saw the scene inside the gap. The first house disappeared completely, but the second house still has two walls here, so it’s easy for people not to see it. What was it like before.

"Brother Feng, look, there are footprints here, someone came here before us!"

The time of the existence of the ruins can no longer be queried. There will be some dust accumulation on the ground. Although the traces left by walking over are not deep, they are not without.

"Damn! Could it be another classmate? But why did they take away the wall! Is this demolition coming?"

Although I really don't want to admit it, but the fresh shoe prints are here, someone has indeed come in before them.

However, they didn't think it was someone from another school, but that students from Imperial University should have come over first, but they couldn't figure out why the other party took away the wall. .

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