Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 64 Imperial University Destroys Double Stars! (Seeking Subscription)

After feeling the power, although it has increased a lot, it is still under his control, and Su Ming is very satisfied with this.

Back in the Bingjing bedroom before, Xuewei and Yinger are still entangled with the gemstone, and it seems that there will be no way to end it for a while.

He thought they were the ones waiting for him, but in the end he was done, but they didn't seem to be waking up at all, so they wanted him to wait here.

"It seems that they have gained a lot! Xuewei's supernatural power is completely different from before, and Yinger...why do I feel more domineering?"

Feeling the situation of the two women with mental strength, Su Ming couldn't help showing a look of surprise. Xuewei has dealt with her before, and also tried the other party's supernatural power. She has an A-level level, so she is naturally not weak.

But at this moment, Xuewei's ability is more powerful, and the temperature has dropped by more than one level.

As for Yinger, let alone, outside the ruins, he can still use his mental power to touch the supernatural power. Now he feels that his mental power will be directly frozen, so he dare not touch it at all.

"Su-Su Ming! You are finally here after 960, can you send us to the lobby first..."

Just when Su Ming was lamenting the opportunity of the two women, an extremely weak voice came, and when he looked back, Su Ming was startled.

The other two girls hugged each other, their hair was covered with frost, and their bodies were shaking like chaff.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I forgot that you are not ice-type abilities...Sorry, sorry!"

Good guy! I don't know how much time I spent casting the alien weapon. These two girls have been here for so long. If I spend a little longer, I'm afraid I will only see two ice corpses.

He hurriedly brought the two girls to the hall. Fortunately, when the void mirror took away the metal material, he didn't like the ordinary metal like hot pot, otherwise he really didn't know how to comfort the two girls now.

Shivering from the cold, there is nothing more satisfying than having a hot pot. The two girls had a great time eating, and Su Ming also started to clean up the storage space.

Looking at the pile of powder in front of him, Su Ming couldn't help sighing, this time he really went back to before liberation overnight, three quarters of the power stones are gone, and the rest (cifa) are some A half-baked ability stone.

I have to admit that becoming stronger is really a resource-intensive thing

"Brother Ao, this is the place where Su Ming attacked us. There are beneficial relics here. They should have entered now."

Xiao Lin, who had frostbite on one side of his face, pointed to the traces of the previous battle and said that there were many people behind him, all of whom were from Imperial University.

"This guy can really hide, he has been in for several days, and finally there is news about him.

The leader said lightly, without any emotion in his eyes, as if nothing could attract his attention.

"Then what do we do now? Wait here for them to come out!"

Another person asked, and after looking around, he didn't find the so-called entrance to the ruins.

"Of course I went directly to find them. The Lost World belongs to our Imperial University, and the relics inside are naturally ours. How can we watch others take it away? What do you say, Aolong?"

At this time, another group of people came over, only three or five, but it made Xiao Lin and others a lot nervous.

Although he is also a member of the Imperial Capital University, the guy who just spoke is not a good person.

"Lin Yufei? Why are you here too?"

Aolong with flat eyes asked slightly in surprise, obviously he couldn't ignore Lin Yufei.

"Of course I'm here to meet this face-smacking maniac for a while, and give him a surprise by the way."

Lin Yufei smiled and said, it was only at this time that everyone saw clearly that among the people he brought, there were two people from Shanghai University, Fatty and Shunzi, but there were many slap marks on their faces.

"It is said that these two people have a good relationship with him, so I brought them here. I don't know how he will thank me later!"

Lin Yufei said with a smile that was not a smile, which made other people feel terrified.

"Since you're here too, let's go in together! But I want to remind you, that guy's ability is very weird, so pay more attention."

As if he didn't see Fatty and the others, Aolong said lightly, as if no one else was in his line of sight except Lin Yufei.

"Whether he is weird or not, under our destructive attribute, all the bells and whistles are in vain! Aolong, do you have no confidence in your own destructive fire?"

Lin Yufei said indifferently, a burst of black thunder shot out from the palm of his hand, scaring Xiao Lin and the others to take several steps back.

It's not their fault, the main reason is that the thunder in Lin Yufei's hand is too scary, and even a slight touch may cause serious injuries.

Aolong and Lin Yufei are known as the Destroyer Twin Stars of the Imperial Capital University. Although their powers are fire and thunder, they have a special destructive attribute, and their destructive power is astonishing!

Any object that comes into contact with their abilities will leave damage, it's just a matter of how much damage is done, the property is destroyed, and there is almost no possibility of immunity.

"Damn it! Fat Lord, I was almost pretended to be ruined by this kid on the way. When Boss Su comes out, let's see how he continues to pretend..."

Seeing Lin Yufei's arrogant appearance, the fat man couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but he didn't want to affect the injury on his face, so he grinned in pain.

"Shut up, you! If you didn't publicize our relationship with Boss Su everywhere, would we need to do this? Speaking of which, why didn't you think you were a kid?"

Shunzi said angrily, if it wasn't for the fat man, they wouldn't be so miserable at all.

"I don't know that Boss Su's reputation won't work for these people! Based on what I know about Boss Su, he will definitely beat up these people after he comes in. I'm afraid they will treat us politely when they hear Boss Su's name." Youjia is not..."

The fat man resentfully said, before, he was used to pretending to be a tiger, but he didn't expect to miss this time, and the end is really not so good...

"There is no trace of the opening of the ruins here. Didn't they go in? Then we came in vain!"

After a group of people scattered to search, they found that there was really no trace of the entrance of the ruins, and said quite unexpectedly.

"Cut! I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be a guy who couldn't even open the ruins. I was really looking forward to it! Forget it, here we are. Since there is a ruin here, let's go in and have a look together." Bar!"

Lin Yufei shook his head disdainfully and said, thunder surged in his hand, trying to forcibly smash the portal of the ruins. .

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