Metropolis: Opening Awakening Space Ability!

Chapter 98 Maintenance Staff: Monster...

Just like making a phone call, the original and different text combination is the other party's number, the void mirror is the signal transfer station, and the space gate used is the mobile phone terminal.

Rubbing the different combinations of space gates in each place on a space gate, then this space gate is equivalent to having the number of each place, and it can be sent to various places just by dialing.

However, if the origin variant combination only recognizes Su Ming's abilities, then it would be meaningless to set up space gates throughout the alliance.

There is no way, in order to clarify this problem, Su Ming contacted the fat man who was far away in the magic city, and asked him to go to his dormitory, input the ability into the character, and see if the Void Mirror can respond.

"Boss Su, what are you doing! This saber is as bright as a flashlight, and I haven't seen any reaction to this character!"

According to Su Ming's instructions, after the fat man injected the ability, the characters did not respond, but the sword was activated.

"Fatty, you can go to the school mall to exchange for a converter, it doesn't need to be too big, just the smallest one will do.

Su Ming said that this situation is within his expectation, after all, everyone has different abilities and characteristics.

The original character is the most original embodiment of a certain attribute, and it must be conditional to activate it.

As long as there are exceptions, the ability also has no attributes, just like when using the test ball, it is necessary to refine the characteristics of the ability in advance, and use the attributeless ability to control the ball to pass through the channel.

The so-called converter is an object that extracts supernatural attributes, and there are many models to choose from according to needs.

Like supercars, the converters they carry are very large, and the energy used by these public equipment is non-attribute superpowers.

Of course, these non-attribute abilities are not all from the supernatural beings, and the non-attribute abilities can also be obtained by refining the ability stone and the beast crystal nucleus.

Ability users will not do the kind of hard work that provides abilities, and the rarity of ability stones does not allow such squandering, so the main source of non-attribute abilities is the alien crystal nucleus, which is also the main source of the alien crystal nucleus. consumer use.

"There is a reaction, there is a reaction! What is the principle of Boss Su! This character is actually picky ~ "!"

Fatty's surprised voice sounded, and Su Ming also saw the characters on the void mirror light up, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Now the complete structure of the space gate has been built, and the rest is to build the transmission mechanism. Let's talk about it later!"

The non-attribute ability can activate the original text, which is enough to support the operation of the space gate. As for the Zongmen, when the characters on the void mirror light up, the ultra-long-distance teleportation will be activated, and when multiple space gates are used, how to use it? It takes time to figure out the respective transmission batches, but there is no need to worry.

In addition, there is also the power consumption during teleportation. Su Ming will not use his own powers to serve others.

But the premise of solving the problem is to have a full stomach. After working on it for so long, everyone in the Su Ming Wu Zang Temple has long been unhappy. Let’s go to the cafeteria to see how the food is!

At this time, in the compartment of the main control room, two alliance commissioners looked at the three dilapidated mechanical beasts with incomparably shocked faces.

"Are you sure it was caused by a fourth-order superhuman? Isn't that how responsibility is evaded? We don't even need to take it back to the factory!"

One of the alliance commissioners looked at Duan Murui and said, using the mechanical beast to test it will inevitably leave some damage, as long as it is not too serious, it can be repaired on site, and if it is serious, it can be repaired by taking it back to the factory.

But besides the three mechanical beasts in front of them, except for the one with a hole in the chest, the other two don't even have the basic shape, so there is no need for maintenance!

Duanmurui didn't say anything about the maintenance personnel's questioning, but released Su Ming's assessment monitor.

After watching it, two maintenance guys could fit an egg into their mouths.

"Monster! This is made of alien alloy, he actually pierced it with one punch, and that silver brilliance, the cutting power is too strong! It's just cutting tofu!

The maintenance staff smiled wryly, if it wasn't for their logo on the mechanical beast, he would have thought it was a counterfeit product, and the performance on the monitor could hardly see the slightest quality!

"When we talked about it, it was already agreed that you will be responsible for the damage caused by the students during the assessment process. Letting you come here is not to shirk responsibility, but to follow the process. Whether it is scrapped or returned to the factory for repairs is your business. .

Duan Murui said coolly, then turned around and left, leaving behind two maintenance workers with dazed faces.

The cafeteria of the training camp is very large and conspicuous. When Su Ming came over, there were already many people eating. Although the importance of points is emphasized here, the initial points will still be issued. Otherwise, before the official start of the training camp, the total Can't make everyone hungry!

"..." This lunatic is so cruel, she actually blocked our abilities and made us stand in the open space all night. Now I feel that my body doesn't belong to me anymore. "

"I didn't realize it before. It turns out that my body is so poor. It seems that I still need to pay attention to the improvement of Qi and blood! I can't just ignore it all the time. If one day encounters a beast tide and the energy consumption is exhausted, then I really can only Wait to die."

"The assessment of this training camp is too perverted. They have passed the passage of illusion, but they still have to stand still. If we say that we are not doing well enough, I think it is clearly that they are embarrassing us. No matter what we do, we will be punished." Stop!

"Isn't it? I heard that there is a person who was exempted from the punishment of standing, and he can move freely when he comes in."

"Really! There are people like this? They came in through a relationship!"

(Good, good, good) "Blind! It's not that you don't know that the so-called test is to kick out those who have no strength and seek connections. The training camp will not let go of this. I heard that guy not only Passed through the hallucination passage within one minute, and passed additional checkpoints, and even said in front of the lunatic woman that her mouth smelled of garlic, which is unconvincing!"

"Damn it! After all this, she was not punished to stand. Is there something wrong with the madwoman's brain? Are you sure it's true!"

"It must be fake! This is too exaggerated. With the temper of a lunatic, how could it be said that it is not counted..."

In the process of queuing up to pick up the meal, Su Ming heard some remarks about himself, except for the few students near the exit, everyone else expressed disbelief.

After all, they are all geniuses, how can they accept others to do things that they have not done themselves?

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