Chapter 49

I ate nearly three million for a meal. Of course, the meal is not expensive, mainly because the two bottles of wine are expensive, and one bottle is more than one million.

Originally, the shareholders were still planning to pay for the bills. After all, Lin Feng was about to go bankrupt, and he also spent 1 billion in cash to acquire their equity. It was a bit embarrassing for people to pay for it.

But he was stopped by Lin Feng. Lin Feng said that he still has a lot of cash. Anyway, the cash will not save the Haoyuan Group. It may be taken away by the creditor at that time, not to mention that this meal was originally arranged by him. , So Lin Feng paid it in the end.

Lin Feng feels a little embarrassed if he doesn’t pay!

God knows, this group of shareholders knew that Haoyuan Group came back to life later, but Lin Feng bought all the equity in their hands at the price of cabbage long beforehand. What would go crazy.

It’s a bit too much to have someone treat you for dinner now.

Of course, a meal of a few million is really nothing to Lin Feng. He still has nearly 1 billion in his account now. What do you think of a few million for him?

Besides, with such a large plate of the Trillion Haoyuan Group, he may have made hundreds of millions of dollars when he talks about a project casually. Is it even worth a few millions?

The dinner was over, Lin Feng sat in the black extension Lincoln and returned to the villa at home.

He drank too much wine during this meal, so he stopped going to the company and continued to work. He had better rest for a while, his head was so dizzy.

However, before he wanted to rest, Zhang Xiaoxiao called.

“Mr. Lin, what do you mean? Where did you get the 2 billion cash? And what is your purpose in purchasing the equity in their hands?” Zhang Xiaoxiao asked in a cold tone.

After all, Lin Feng opened the Haoyuan Group Shareholders’ Meeting, secretly concealing Zhang Xiaoxiao, so Zhang Xiaoxiao did not know about the existence of this shareholders’ meeting.

Until Zhang Xiaoxiao knew, the shareholders meeting had already been over.

Because Lin Feng locked the door at the time, anyone was forbidden to come in, which prevented someone from eavesdropping and spreading the news.

Moreover, the negotiation process is very fast, and the transaction is also very fast. The shareholders are not stupid to trade directly on the spot. They will not leak information to the creditors during the meeting. If the creditors learn, it may even cost the 1 billion cash. Gone.

Therefore, before Zhang Xiaoxiao knew, Lin Feng had completed the shareholders’ meeting and purchased all the shares held by all shareholders.

As soon as the meeting was over, Lin Feng took all the shareholders to dinner. As for the situation of the shareholders meeting and what Lin Feng wanted to do, no one outside knew.

Zhang Xiaoxiao only later learned that Lin Feng had held a shareholder meeting.

After she knew it, she went to ask other people in the group, but other people didn’t know about this shareholder meeting. Only Zhong Li, an assistant, knew that Lin Feng had opened the shareholder meeting, but Zhong Li didn’t know what the specific content of the shareholder meeting was. Lin Feng told her about the future development strategy of Haoyuan Group.

Zhang Xiaoxiao’s instinct was wrong. Now Haoyuan Group has become like this. The shareholders can’t wait to have nothing to do with Haoyuan Group. Lin Feng is a one-man company, where there is a need to hold a shareholder meeting to discuss development strategies.

Ever since, Zhang Xiaoxiao reported to the creditors behind her that she was incapable of investigating this matter clearly. Although she is a city-level deputy governor, which of the shareholders is a simple person, do you need to tell her?

However, the creditor’s rights behind Zhang Xiaoxiao are different. It brings together the entire Xiaguo financial world, and also includes some top foreign creditor institutions. How terrible their power is.

Therefore, as soon as the creditor took the shot, everything was exposed.

Lin Feng acquired 12% of Huang Tao’s equity in advance, and took an absolute advantage with 51% of the equity. Then, in this general meeting of shareholders, he used 1 billion funds to acquire 100% of the equity of Haoyuan Group, and the purpose was to use this as a bargaining power. Negotiate with their creditors.

After learning the news, the creditors went to interrogate Huang Tao.

Although Huang Tao is worth a lot of money, he dare not offend the creditor when he is killed. You know, the creditor brings together the entire financial world of Xia Guo. Where can he be a businessman who can afford it? Friends, so he confessed everything quickly.

After learning the ins and outs of the whole thing, the creditors couldn’t help but become angry.

Well, you Lin Feng, you bastard, secretly gathered 2 billion of funds. If you don’t pay back the money, you can buy 100% of the shares of Haoyuan Group under the guise of us. A super double backhand threatens our creditors. , Come with us to hold the emperor to make the princes?

One can imagine how angry the creditor is, that fist can’t help being clenched tight. From the new novel group 872847971

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(From the new novel group 872847971)

“Ah, did you know so soon?” Lin Feng, who was very drunk, shook his head weakly as he listened to Zhang Xiaoxiao’s cold questioning.

“Heh, President Lin, I don’t know if you have to wait until you sell the Haoyuan Group? Your trick is to hide from the sky, and you are really amazing!” Zhang Xiaoxiao said coldly.

“Hahaha…” Lin Feng smiled weakly.

“The creditor is very angry. Now I will give you half an hour and come to Haoyuan Group immediately. Come and explain to the creditor!” Zhang Xiaoxiao said.

“I drank a little at noon today, and I’m really dizzy. I can’t say anything when I get there, maybe tomorrow!” Lin Feng asked.

“It’s your business to get drunk or not. In short, you won’t be able to get there for half an hour. Just wait to be tied to the helicopter and come to the Haoyuan Group. It just so happens that President Lin will sober up in the wind!” After that, Zhang Xiaoxiao was cold. Hung up the phone audibly. .

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