W supermarket chain group, headquarters building, Lin Tian’s office.

At noon, he welcomed a guest, a middle-aged fat man.

There is no doubt that this middle-aged man is Fang Ze’s father, Fang Mai.

“Mr. Lin!”

Looking at Lin Tian, Fang Mai greeted him a little restrainedly.

No way!

I can’t help him be informal!

Because, W Supermarket is very rich, and more importantly, he knows that Lin Tian’s background is quite terrifying!

“President Fang, please sit!”

With a gesture of invitation, Lin Tian said with a smile on his face.

“Your matter, Nie Shao told me!”

“Nie Shao said, he is still a little guilty about this matter!”

“Speaking of which, it’s still Ling Gongzi who caused him trouble!”

Handing Fang Mai a cup of tea, Lin Tian said with an apologetic face.

Hearing Lin Tian’s words, Fang Mai felt flattered.

Also, I felt very shocked in my heart!

His son’s table mate is actually a big young master?

Looking at Lin Tian’s attitude and hearing his words, it was enough to explain a lot of problems.

“This is a check for 100 million, it should solve your troubles, right?”

Before Fang Mai could come to his senses, Lin Tian directly handed him a check.

“Enough! Thank you, Mr. Lin! ”

Taking the check, Fang Mai said a little excitedly.

“This money, I’ll pay it back to you later!”

Then, he said a little embarrassed.

“Okay! Don’t say thank you! You should thank Nie Shao and Ling Gongzi! ”

Waving his hand, Lin Tian smiled and said.

“As for money, don’t worry!”

Finally, Lin Tian continued.


Hanging up the phone, Nie Fei couldn’t help but show a smile.

For Lin Tian and Zhang Fan, he was still very satisfied.

It can be said that they are now two fierce generals under him!

In addition to helping him take care of his business, it is also very convenient to deal with some troubles.

“How? Someone can’t open it and trouble you again? ”

Bringing Nie Fei a bowl of soup, Eliza asked.


“I’m almost wondering if I’m in trouble!”

“Why do people keep bothering me?”

Spreading his hands, Nie Fei said helplessly.

“Nie, you should be the focus of attention wherever you go, so the tree is a big move…”

After thinking for a while, Eliza said with a serious face.


Shrugging, Nie Fei said.

“By the way, my daddy said during this time that there are many international capitals that want to cooperate with Nie’s Bank, including some investment banks!”

“What do you think about this?”

Looking at Nie Fei, Eliza asked.

“He also told me about this, I think, cooperation is okay, but you need to be careful!”

After thinking about it, Nie Fei replied.

How can you open a bank without investing?

It’s impossible!

How much money can you make by lending alone?

“Good! I’ll tell him! ”

Nodding slightly, Eliza said.

Why didn’t his father tell Nie Fei directly?

Eliza knew this.

Probably because he wanted to let himself have more contact with Nie, right?

Want to match yourself and Nie?

It’s just that how does he know that he has already had Nie’s shadow in his heart?

Returning home in the evening, Fang Mai looked at his precious son.

His face was full of relief.

“Dad, the trouble is solved?”

Looking at his father, Fang Ze’s face was full of surprise.


“President Lin lent me 100 million!”

“Those who are asking us for trouble have also automatically retreated!”

Nodding slightly, Fang Mai said with a smile on his face.

“Your table mate is really powerful! At least, the background is very tough! ”

After hesitating, Fang Mai said.


Hearing his father’s words, Fang Ze couldn’t help but be stunned.

Unconsciously, he thought of the scene at the bar again.

Perhaps, he still underestimated Phineas, perhaps, he is not just as rich as that?


“Let’s have a good relationship!”

Patting Fang Ze’s shoulder, Fang Mai smiled and said.

“Dad, I know!”


There is a person who is very depressed now.

Li Yang!

All because he received a call from his grandfather.

“The Fang family’s real estate company has come back to life!”

“Lin Tian of W Supermarket made a move!”

“Lin Chen is also a supportive attitude!”

“Yangyang, this matter ends here!”

“It won’t do anyone good to continue!”

“The Lin family is not so easy to provoke!”

This is the original words of Grandpa Li Yang.

If that’s all, he still feels nothing.

“Why? Isn’t Grandpa even more powerful than the Lin family? ”

Finally, he asked a little reluctantly.

“Yes, there is nothing wrong with this!”

“The problem is, behind the Lin family stands the Nie family!”

“By the way, it seems that the Nie family’s only seedling is also in your school, I heard that the escort was sent to Jinghua University!”

“Don’t provoke him!”

“Or else!”

“Grandpa can’t save you either!”


How to hang up the phone in the end, Li Yang has forgotten.

Now, his head is buzzing.

Nie family?

Nie family only seedling?

Escort to Jinghua University?

Isn’t it Nie Fei?

Recalling his grandfather’s words, Li Yang’s whole person suddenly became bad.

He never dreamed that his grandfather would personally say that Nie Fei should not be provoked!

What that meant, he knew.

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