Also on this day, a report attracted global attention.

Moreover, it was reprinted by major media.

“Daily News”: “The world’s most alternative bank, Nie Bank, depositors have deposits of just over $1 billion!” itself, but has a cash flow of up to 20.1 billion gold! It is worthy of the existence of the first bank in country T, and it is the wealth and strength! ”

At the end of the report, a set of data released by Nie Bank was attached.

As a result, the world’s major media have begun to reprint reports.

“CCTV News”: “The cash flow is as high as 20 billion US dollars, and the deposit is only more than 1 billion US dollars, how did T National Nie Bank do it?” How can a listed bank rise rapidly after being forcibly delisted and privatized…”

Wall Street Journal: “One of the best and most alternative banks in the world – T National Nie Bank!” The deposit is only more than one billion US dollars, but the cash flow is as high as more than 20 billion US dollars! It, controlled by multiple offshore companies! Perhaps, there is only one person behind it! ”

Le Monde: “If Nie Bank re-listings, the market value will definitely skyrocket by more than ten times!” Because, it has this potential! ”

Daily Mail: “Two billion dollars in cash flow? Nie Bank! The predecessor was actually a bank on the verge of bankruptcy? How does it do it? ”

The Times: “One of the best banks in the world, Nie’s Bank!” Perhaps, it should not be said that it is a bank, but, a very good investment institution! But in one year, I directly paid off more than 12 billion US dollars of debt! Today, it has a cash flow of up to $20 billion! ”


So why did Nie Bank publish this data?

It’s not that the CBRC is pressuring!

In fact, whether it is ZF or the CBRC, T country has a happy cooperation with Nie Bank.

It can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to be a gang at all.

Because Nie Bank has invested in many important enterprises in T country, it has also saved them.

The purpose of Nie Bank’s move can be said to be very simple.

It’s just to show off muscles!

Show strength!

The purpose is to be a project in country T in the near future.

Oil development projects!

ZF offers public tenders and works with private companies.

Naturally, no one wants to miss such an opportunity.

On this day, Will and Nie Fei had a phone call and talked about it.

“Nie Shao, now I have arranged according to your orders!”

“Actually, nowadays in country T, we don’t have any opponents!”

“Also, we have reached an agreement with the T country ZF!”

Connecting the phone, Will said directly.

“That’s good!”

“As long as the project involves energy, you can invest a little more!”

“The rest, just watch and do it!”

After thinking about it, Nie Fei said.


Hearing Nie Fei’s words, Will directly agreed.

“By the way, and then…”

Immediately, Will said without saying anything.


Stunned, Nie Fei said.

“We have been targeted by Eurpe and R countries, and in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to enter their foreign exchange market and stock market!”

There was silence for a moment, Will said.

“It’s okay! Anyway, I didn’t plan to keep the wool! ”

With a smile, Nie Fei said with a face full of indifference.

Wool all the time?

No need to think about it, Nie Fei knew that this was an unrealistic thing.

Before, he was just exploiting loopholes in the rules.

Now, being pitted so miserably, will the other party not plug those loopholes?

Don’t think about it, you know it’s impossible!

Isn’t it wise to eat a lot?


After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

On the Internet, there has long been a quarrel over the Nie Bank.

Are you going to climb a mountain? “Shhh! Are all the banks today so good? Cash flow is so large? Less than five percent deposit? ”

Go to bed early and get up early: “Shhh! In this way, doesn’t it mean that Nie Bank has unknowingly become one of the richest banks in the world? ”

Look at the sea together: “You say, why did Nie Bank suddenly disclose its financial situation? You know, they are not a joint-stock bank and they are not listed! What is their purpose? ”

Looking up to the sky: “There is one thing to say, as a T countryman, it is really difficult to get a loan in Nie’s Bank!” Even if they make deposits, they are strictly vetted! I don’t know what they think, it feels like they’re playing tickets…”

A kitten: “I really look forward to the listing of this bank, I believe its stock will continue to rise!” Alas! Unfortunately, it has never been listed! I really don’t know what the shareholders behind the bank think! ”

Walking hand in arm: “Such a rich bank? That’s awesome! One of the richest banks in the world? ”


In fact, countries are now speculating about the purpose of Nie Bank’s move.

And then there’s who is behind it.

For example, country M.

Both their ZF top brass and the top of the secret service department are analyzing this matter.

They came to a surprisingly consistent conclusion:

Nie Fei, should be one of the shareholders of Nie Bank!

“Nie Fei, this guy, has appeared many times in country T!”

“Moreover, I have also appeared in country R a few times!”

“When he appears, there will be some large-scale economic activities!”

“So, he should be one of the many shareholders of Nie Bank!”

“As for why he is not the behind-the-scenes boss of Nie Bank?”

“It’s simple! Because, a teenager, it is impossible to play the stock market and foreign exchange market so easily! Behind this, it is more like the handwriting of some international speculators! ”


Country M HSD.

A senior data analyst and member of the think tank, in front of a group of high-level M executives, analyzed methodically.

Hearing his words, everyone couldn’t help but nod.

Because his analysis is really very reasonable.

“Also, he has his own industry in Hua Country!”

“His industry has nothing to do with Nie Bank’s management model, style, and investment direction!” So…”

Later, the analyst added.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded unconsciously.

This is really very convincing.

The same situation is also born in country R and EU.

Basically, they all came to a surprisingly consistent conclusion.

Nie Fei should be one of the shareholders behind Nie Bank.

However, it is by no means the boss behind the scenes!

On the one hand, because he was too young.

On the other hand, it is because of his own business style, which has nothing to do with Nie Bank.


Hua, too, is dividing this matter.

However, because of the limited information.

They just suspected that Nie Fei was one of the bank’s shareholders.

Because, there is not enough evidence and data to support it.

Because of this, it can only be speculated.

Nie Fei?

For these, he doesn’t care at all.

Because it doesn’t matter if you expose yourself or not these days.

His business empire is fully formed. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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