Under the extreme panic of the scene, including Jiang Liuying, Duan Zhengnan, Luo Wen, and Ren Weijun, who have seen the big battle, they can't help but change their color, and panic rises on their faces.

But in the numerous flustered crowd, Fang Hao's expression is indifferent to stand still. What's more, he even closed his eyes and his ears twitched slightly, as if listening to something.

At his side, Nangong Mingyue blocked all the people who ran into Fang Hao. Soon, at least dozens of people formed a circle, surrounded Fang Hao in the center, with dignified faces on guard.

Fang Hao's eyes closed slightly. He took out a communication device in his pocket and gently said to him, "at eleven o'clock, six o'clock, one point, someone came with a gun and killed him!"

A moment later, Fang Hao just reported several directions, there are several masked men fell to the ground, as if dead as motionless.

There was a man whose mask was broken off, with pain and doubt on his face, as if he didn't know what was going on when he fell down.

Fang Hao took a look at Luowen who was protected on the stage. His face became loose. Then he said to Chen Taiping not far away: "you go and look at Luowen. Don't let her get hurt."

"My duty is to protect you." Chen Taiping has no expression.

"If you don't go, I'll have to go myself." Fang Hao's light way.

Chen Taiping took a look at Fang Hao, then turned to squeeze into the crowd, and soon fell in love with Luo Wen. He silently thought around and carried out Fang Hao's orders.

Fang Hao's headset came a cold voice: "be careful, that killer may be in the chaos of the forehead crowd, you'd better find a place to hide, so as not to be shot."

"I'm standing here, just a lamp, waiting for them to burn clean!" Fang Hao looks cold, and his body is awe inspiring.

"They have guns." That cold but very nice to hear the woman's voice is not reconciled to the way.

"At a distance, it's not easy to shoot me with a black gun because of so many chaotic people. If you stay closer, you can't escape my hearing. It doesn't matter." Fang Hao closed his eyes again and responded faintly.

"Take care of yourself." The woman's helpless way in the headset.

"Be careful. If the killer does come, follow the plan and lead him to me." Fang Hao asked lightly.


The scene is still chaotic, but Fang Hao's side belongs to the VIP area and the core point of the stage, so the panic crowd is less and less, and they all panic and want to run out of the sports square.

And a group of people on Fang Hao's side are particularly noticeable.

On the stage, Duan Zhengnan, who was stunned, didn't know what had happened.

Ren Weijun, who was beaten black and blue, was also frightened. Although he arranged for someone to place explosives, there were only two. But just now, the series of explosions which were deafening made Ren Weijun also blinded. Especially when he saw that some people were seriously injured in the explosion nearby, Ren Wei Jun's face was green. The explosives he gave people protection were just loud artillery battles Want to create chaos, but never want to hurt people!

Because I didn't know why, I was scared and scared.

"Scattered, too conspicuous!" Fang Hao's face was awe inspiring.

Then, Fang Hao's figure flashed, and he had left here. Nangong Mingyue wanted to follow him, but he could not see Fang Hao's figure. He could not help but feel anxious.

Unwilling to do so, he dispersed his men and paid close attention to the movements of the enemy.

Standing in the high stands, Jiang Liuying looks pale. This time the concert was completely ruined, which was a fatal blow to the company. However, Jiang Liuying had no time to think about these things and broadcast a phone call: "protect Luowen immediately, leave immediately!"

The bodyguard who received the call below, instantly took Luowen to the exit direction.

At the same time, Duan Zhengnan, who was very high-profile, came back from his astonishment, and then his face changed greatly. Today's things will soon spread like a hurricane. At that time, what he did today is likely to be targeted by the public, causing great trouble for him and his father.

"Let's go!" Cried Duan Zhengnan.

Fortunately, he had hundreds of men under him, so even though the crowd was surging, he moved safely toward the exit.

However, some of the subordinates of the three Ren Wei army fled in panic. Things here today are full of weird things. They have military background. Today's events are bound to arouse the government's ideas. At that time, the three of them will be held responsible. If they are to blame for the explosives, it will be extremely big Trouble.

Placing explosives in a dense crowd is as bad as he pulls out an army to fight a gun fight!

There were people running for their lives in panic everywhere. At the moment, a weak woman was pushed down by the turbulent flow of people, and the people behind them were frightened and stepped on it.

This painful cry, but in the noisy environment, where will anyone hear, if you don't think, I'm afraid she will be trampled to death.But just when the woman was desperate and helpless, a strong arm lifted him from the ground and blocked the feet that stepped on her.

Then a gust of wind whistling thought, the woman suddenly sobbed, no doubt, she was to be trampled to death, she was saved.

The woman's body is small and weak, quite a bit of Jiangnan women's soft, delicate facial features, soft appearance as if it can naturally arouse men's desire for protection.

At the moment, the woman is lying in a man's solid arms, looking up at the side of the man's face, suddenly eyes a stare, surprised mouth, a pair of incredible appearance.

In a corner with few people, the woman was about to speak, but the man put his finger on his lips to signal the woman not to speak.

And the man is slightly closed eyes, with the ears to listen to what, a moment later, it seems that there is no movement, open his eyes, looking at the woman in front of him, a face puzzled: "how did you come here!"

"Brother in law I Come to the concert. Who knows what a terrible thing it is The woman suddenly felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. She looked pitiful.

This man is Fang Hao. When he solved those enemies secretly, he took a look at the woman who was squeezed in. Fang Hao saved her without saying a word. He didn't think he was an acquaintance.

Looking at this young seedling's younger sister you LAN, Fang Hao really does not know what to say, this time is not to meet her, this little girl is estimated to have to die in this!

"Did you come alone?"

"A bodyguard followed, but it was scattered. Fortunately, my brother-in-law was there. Now I am not afraid." You LAN looks pitiful.

"Don't call me brother-in-law, I have nothing to do with your sister!" Fang Hao's face was flat. He really wanted to knock the little girl twice, one mouthful of his brother-in-law. He yelled that he thought he was with Qingmiao!

"Oh, what do I call you?" You Lan's obedient voice.

"They all call me brother Ho, so do you."

"Oh, brother Hao!" After Youlan's fright, she still looks pale, but her eyes are very bright. She seems to trust Fang Hao very much.

Fang Hao was called out by the little girl, and he felt a ripple in his heart. His bones were numb.

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