Fang Hao thought for a while and thought that his little lover Hou Sisi was the most pitiful and lonely person. By contrast, Ning Nan and Mo Wenya were much happier.

Now that the decision was made, Fang Hao immediately started to act and made a phone call to housisi. After receiving the notice, housisi said: "husband, I just wanted to call you, but I didn't expect you to call. I'm going back to my hometown for the Spring Festival. My sister said that she missed me very much and asked me to go back."

“……” Fang Hao was depressed and just wanted to say he would go with her.

As a result, Fang Hao was even more depressed. Hou Sisi said: "my sister is ill. I'm on the way back to my hometown. Husband, don't you blame me?"

Can I blame you?

Fang Hao burst into a bitter smile, and then suddenly thought of something. He quickly asked, "aren't you an orphan?"

"Yes, this elder sister is the elder sister who brought up me up. Although it is not pro, it is closer than pro."

"Oh, be careful on the way. Call me as soon as you have something to do. No matter how far away I am, I will come." Can't help, Fang Hao helpless mouth.

"Mm-hmm, I will take good care of myself, you also want to have a good Spring Festival, and, do miss me." Hou Sisi's coquettish tone makes Fang Hao smile more bitterly. In fact, he really wants to spend the new year with Hou Sisi, because everyone is an orphan!

After hanging up the phone, Fang Hao also decided not to go to Ning Nan and Mo Wenya for the Spring Festival. They were all parents and brothers, and they were all alone. Fang Hao really had a feeling of touching the scene when he was a member of the Chinese New Year League.

Suddenly, I remembered that I made a phone call to the old man of his family. The other party was connected for a long time. A voice that seemed not to wake up said lazily: "who, call me when I take a nap."

After listening to this sentence, Fang Hao suddenly understood that his old man was still uncertain about his days in that foreign country. He still took a nap in the middle of the night!

"Old man, new year's day, will you come?" Fang Hao couldn't help asking.

"Spring Festival? I haven't celebrated the new year for decades. You can live with your little lovers. I'm an old man and I won't spoil the scenery. " Old Fang has no good temper.

"Well, why don't you ask me how I'm doing recently? You're so relieved. Don't you know I'm in danger now?" At the moment, he can't bear to complain about his elder.

"Don't you think I don't know? It's just a few killers. Why should I worry about such a small matter? If you meet a big event, please come to me. By the way, I'll ask you something. Have you made any progress in practicing the skills I taught you for so many years?"

Fang Hao suddenly rolled his eyes and looked depressed. He was very upset about the new year's day, asking about the practice of farting. He felt as if he had been abandoned by his own adults. However, Fang Hao still replied honestly: "I feel angry, but I don't feel anything else."

"Oh? It's not bad. I've already got a sense of Qi. Well, I'll continue to practice more frequently. I'll use it a lot in the future. " The old man was laughing.

"Well, it's not bad. I've been practicing for nearly 20 years, and I feel a little bit angry." Fang Hao's face was gloomy, and he didn't know whether his old man praised him or hurt him.

"What do you know? It took me nearly 30 years to develop a sense of Qi. You are better than Laozi." The old man said in a serious tone.

"Ah? What's the use of this Kung Fu? I've spent nearly 20 years. I don't think it's useful. " Fang Hao can't help but suspect that the old man of his family fooled him.

"What do you know? Under normal circumstances, it takes at least 50 or 60 years for a martial arts practitioner to enter the Tao with martial arts. This skill can increase the speed of martial arts practitioners by two or three times. You are not satisfied!"

"No, what's the use of this? It's just like a stream of air in your body. It's hairy?" Fang Hao is still depressed.

"I'll tell you, this Kung Fu can not only prolong your life, but also enter another realm of martial arts. It's not my boast. Guess how old I am now." Old Fang suddenly gave a mysterious smile.

"If you guess right, there is a reward?" Fang Hao didn't reply.

"Reward a lollipop!"

“……” Fang Hao turned a white tooth fiercely, ignored this stubble to open a way directly: "more than 50 years old."

"No, I'm 90 now. Do you know the magic of Kung Fu? Practice well. I have told you before that you will definitely get unexpected results, and this is only one of the insignificant functions of this Kung Fu. " Fang laughed and hung up the phone.

Fang Hao, who was on the phone here, was in a terrible state of shock. How could he see his old man was only 40 or 50 years old. Moreover, it was because his hair was a lot gray, and there were not many wrinkles on his face!

However, no matter how you look at it, you can't see that he is 90 years old. Later, Fang Hao, who came back to God, was excited. Is this really the legendary peerless skill? Can you rejuvenate?

However, Fang Hao shook his head and felt ridiculous about his sudden ideas. He even thought of these ghost words. You know, even now, there is no real confirmation of the existence of internal Qigong, that is, the so-called "Jueshi magic skill". Those so-called "Jueshi magic skills" are even more fantastic.However, there are some hard Qigong. By constantly refining the muscles, bones and skin, the body strength is amazing. To a certain extent, it can be several times more than that of ordinary people.

Smile bitterly. I feel Qi in my body. I guess it's just one of the so-called Qigong. But if Qigong is true, maybe it can prolong your life.

Just at this time, sister Jin came with a swaying posture. She sat down in front of Fang Hao with a big air and said with a smile: "the boss seems to be dissatisfied with our little sisters. Actually, she has been sitting here for so long. Would you like me to introduce you a masterpiece?"

"Excellent, do you have a Huakui or something?" Fang Hao is funny to know that the women here are very good.

"You don't doubt, if Lu Gu Gu said it, it's really a flower queen level. I have one under my hand. Under normal circumstances, she won't show up." Sister Jin explained it carefully, as if afraid that Fang Hao didn't believe it.

"If it's true, you call her Gu Lai, and I'll identify her?" Fang Hao said with a bad smile.

"Yes, but it's too expensive." What's wrong with sister Hua.

"Not another ten thousand?" Fang Hao doubted.

"Ten thousand? You also underestimate the best beauties in our nightclub. You know, ten thousand is the bottom and the top is not Sister Jin stood up with pride.

"Why is it true?" Fang Hao was surprised.

Elder sister Jin is a little angry. This boy obviously suspects her. Her sister Jin is in this nameless club. In addition to the famous ones, her younger sisters are the best. Besides the manager, she has the most say. The most important reason is that she has a very beautiful woman to support her. Many nightclubs secretly dig walls I hope she will take her little sisters there.

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