Outside the nightclub, Ying Renjie looked at the still peaceful door of the nightclub and sighed: "it seems that we failed. Let's go."

Wu Ming, next to him, said, "what did you arrange? What failed? "

Ying Renjie smiles bitterly, but shakes his head and doesn't want to say.

Wu Ming frowned and said, "I hide everything from you. What else can't you tell me?"

With a bitter smile, Ying Renjie sighed: "well, I really don't need to hide you, but now that I have failed, there is nothing to say."

"Well, you're talking about it. If you leave half of it, don't you know that it will suffocate people out of internal injury?" Wu Ming stares at Ying Renjie.

"Well, I actually want Duan Zhengnan to die here today." Ying Renjie's eyes are extremely bright at the moment, and he has a fierce intention to soar.

Hearing this, Wu Ming's face suddenly changed. After a while, he raised his hands and clapped them. His face was full of admiration!

"Gao, you ask people to kill Duan Zhengnan here, and put the blame on Tongxing society. Let Tongxing society and Duan Wangye pinch each other. Jiulong association can fish in troubled waters and get profits from it. If you didn't tell me about it, I would be ready to prepare for it. Maybe I can get some benefits! " Wu Ming's face admires, as for, also has some kind of blame.

At the moment, Ying Renjie said with a bitter smile: "it's not so simple. Duan Zhengnan died here, and Duan Wangye and Chen yanwang are not fools. It's so easy to cheat. Maybe they will set fire to themselves. How can I let my people kill Duan Zhengnan? I mean, let mad cow kill Duan Zhengnan. "

"You think so well that you think mad cow will kill Duan Zhengnan?" Wu Ming frowned oddly. He thought that the plan to win Renjie sounded reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, there are many loopholes.

"It's not easy for the mad cow to really get angry and kill Duan Zhengnan. But if something else happens, I'm afraid the mad cow will be really angry and disown him."

"What's the matter?" Wu Ming is very curious.

"For example, mad cow's wife was killed." Ying Renjie looks very calm. It seems that he is not talking about killing people, but a trivial matter.

"What? Isn't mad cow without a wife Wu Ming, as a member of the Wu family, is developing in Suzhou city. Naturally, he is aware of the situation of some senior leaders in Suzhou city.

"Ha ha, you don't know. Mad cow has not only a wife, but also a daughter." Ying Renjie laughed coldly.

"Even if there is, is it here? If he killed his wife, it can't be said that Duan Zhengnan killed his wife. If mad cow is angry, he won't let angry people go?" Wu Ming looks suspicious.

"His wife is in there. If Duan Zhengnan hurt his wife, can Duan Zhengnan come out alive with the character of mad cow?" Ying Renjie smiles, but the smile is cold, with a smell of bloodthirsty.

Wu Ming doesn't speak any more. Although he doesn't know who Wu Ming's wife is, as long as he is here, Ying Renjie will definitely design a plan to trigger the conflict. When the time comes, Duan Zhengnan will die in the hands of mad cow, and Tongxing society will not admit it.

After a look at Ying Renjie, he expressed his appreciation: "good method, good mind, but why failed?"

"Because he's in it." Ying Renjie opened his mouth with cold eyes.

“…… This Fang Hao should have been killed early. It's always a bad thing! " Wu Ming unconsciously clenched his fist, and his words were dense.


Duan Zhengnan is very hard to clean up. Chuxiong's sb trio is really gifted at cleaning up people. Duan Zhengnan and his classmates took him to a corner of the concert hall. Xue Qiang, who has always been silent, is very excited about torturing people, and even has some abnormal feelings.

Xue Qiang used two ropes to fall two people, and then did not know where to take out a pair of scissors, in the light of the light, the bright light, see the people scared.

In particular, Xue Qiang used a pair of scissors to cut their crotch. Duan Zhengnan and he and Bandon felt a cool breeze blowing from their crotch. They could not help but shiver, and their faces were full of panic!

Chuxiong and Gu Deyang, who originally thought they were bluffing, were shocked later, because Xue Qiang didn't seem to be joking or frightening.

Because he was under the frightened eyes of Duan Zhengnan and his attendants, he directly waved the scissors and directly put down two scissors on their crotch!

If Duan Zhengnan and Duan Zhengnan felt the crotch cool just now because their pants were directly cut and exposed to the air.

In this cold winter, it is really a chill. This scene directly makes Duan Zhengnan and his followers feel that their souls are going to be scared out of their bodies.

That's their lifeblood. It's the pride of men. If it's clipped off, it's the end of their life!

So during this period, the two people screamed in horror, as if they had seen the most terrible thing in their lives! They look pale in horror!

Chuxiong saw that Xue Qiang's hand was really a good way to clean up people, so he did not stop him. At the same time, he was also on guard. He was afraid that Xue qiangzhen would scrap Chuxiong with a pair of scissors, because Fang Hao did not say that he would scrap these two guys.Fortunately, Xue Qiang still had some sense of propriety. After making the two guys cry and howl, he went to one side. He did not know where to get a grindstone and took the scissors to it. He kept grinding and grinding. The sound of the scissors rubbing with the grindstone made Duan Zhengnan and his followers scared and scared, and their faces were pale.

If Gu Dehao pinched his fist, he thought it was nothing to do for Gu Dehao.

As a result, when they saw Gu Deyang take out a knife from his arms and make a few strokes at their crotch, they suddenly collapse in panic!

Because the goals of the two guys are the same, which also shows that the treasure roots of the two guys can't be preserved, especially Duan Zhengnan. When he collapsed, his eyes were like a dead pig.

"Grass, I haven't come yet." Chuxiong is not happy. He hasn't shown it yet!

At this time, Duan Zhengnan's valet, who had not passed out of his coma, suddenly came to his senses. Hearing Chuxiong's words, he looked at Chuxiong in horror. He did not know what terrible means he would use to deal with them.

At the moment, Gu Deyang and Xue Qiang are all curious. Gu Deyang can't help but ask: "boss, how do you deal with them?"

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