"Ah A man kicked Liu Jun in the chest, almost instantaneously, the man's face changed greatly and he cried out in pain.

Immediately, the man became angry and kicked Liu Jun to the ground, and then took out a kitchen knife from Liu Jun's chest clothes.

One ear's face, which had not been moved by him, suddenly became ferocious. He stepped on Liu Jun's head, lowered his body and squinted his eyes. His voice was extremely cold: "good guy, you want to look at us with a knife, but you are more and more daring!"

Liu Jun's face changed greatly, and he exclaimed in horror: "no, it's not. I'm going to chop someone else."

Although Liu Jun explained, how could one ear and others believe it, because there are only three of them here.

One ear's face flashed a trace of fierce color: "owe us 500000, when to return!"

Liu Jun had been trampled on his head by one ear. In fact, his body is also very strong. It is not difficult to get rid of it, but he dare not!

But hearing one ear's words, Liu Jun was shocked and yelled: "brother one ear, I just owe you 100000?"

"Bang!" A stuffy sound, one ear retracts the foot, but the moment mercilessly kicked in Liu Jun's face.

This moment, Liu Jun screamed repeatedly!

Later, Liu Jun's face was dripping with blood, and it was obvious that one ear's foot was too overbearing.

However, seeing Liu Jun's miserable one ear three people, there is not a bit of intolerance and sympathy, only the cold-blooded ferocity, it seems that they have seen too much.

Seeing that his son was bleeding, Liu tou, who was eager to protect his son, jumped on him in an instant. As a result, he was severely beaten by two thugs. Poor old Liu tou was nearly 50 years old, and he was beaten by a fat man during the Spring Festival.

Half an hour later, Liu tou and Liu Jun were lying on the ground panting. The floor was covered with blood. The scene was bloody and ferocious.

A little brother nearby said to one ear who was wiping the blood on his hand: "big brother, it seems that they really don't have money."

"No money? It doesn't matter. The house seems to be worth some money. Let them sell it and pay back the money. " One ear empty squint eyes sneer way.

A little brother immediately went to the side of Liu Jun and picked up the beaten half dead Liu Jun, and said fiercely: "did you hear what the elder brother said? You sold the house and paid back the money!"

"No..." Liu Jun has not yet said the next word, that little brother suddenly once again to Liu Jun fierce hand, that posture seems to be to kill the rhythm of Liu Jun.


When the bloody incident happened in his home, Fang Hao and Liu Xiaorong, his daughter, were wandering in a vegetable market.

Of course, Fang Hao was wandering, with a stack of banknotes in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. He took a leisurely look at the beef here, and then looked at the sea fish there. Later, he asked if the chicken was a native chicken.

Fang Hao's animal is leisurely, but behind him, Liu Xiaorong's hands are full of big and small bags of things, all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of meat, and even a bag of very expensive fragrant rice.

So many things, all to Liu Xiaorong, and Fang Hao is empty handed, a pair of natural appearance.

Many people in the vegetable market were indignant at this scene. They thought that Fang Hao was too much of a beast. He even let a little girl be a coolie. This new year's Eve was a torment.

Human beings are used to sympathize with the weak. At the moment, I don't know how many people are pointing at Fang Hao's indignation, but no one goes forward to see injustice, because human beings are also afraid of things, afraid of trouble!

Fang Hao didn't seem to notice the eyes of those people at all. Instead, he turned back slightly and looked at Liu Xiaorong, who was panting and sweating on his forehead, and said, "do you think I'm such a jerk."

Liu Xiaorong bit his lips, stubborn expression, but did not speak, but the eyes have given Fang Hao the answer.

Fang Hao faint smile up: "think I am a lot of jerks, but I don't care."

"Hum!" Liu Xiaorong snorted, as a response, in fact, now she really does not have the strength to say more, after all, the things in her hands are too much and too heavy.

It was her little hands that were red and even purple.

But Fang Hao didn't have the heart to show mercy and cherish jade at all. On the contrary, he taught a lesson like an elder: "do you know why this happened? I don't think you know. In fact, it's not me that makes your family unhappy in the Spring Festival, but you. "

Liu Xiaorong bit silver teeth, did not answer.

At the moment, Fang Hao couldn't help but become angry and said: "I've been traveling for so many years, no one has said that I'm obscene. You are the first one, so I decided to give you a new year's Eve that I'll never forget in my life. Do you understand now?"

“……” Liu Xiaorong looked at Fang Hao in surprise, and then his eyes became a little contemptuous. He was probably thinking, this guy is really stingy and really grudge!

Fang Hao ignored the woman's expression, calmed down his mood, rolled his eyes and said, "you can say I'm cute, you can also say I'm a thief, but you can't say I'm obscene. I'm such a decent man. How can I use such a word to describe Laozi's noble demeanor?"At this time, Fang Hao changed his words: "of course, these words are nonsense. The most important thing is that I was wronged. When I look at you, there is absolutely no indecency. Therefore, I regret to tell you that there is no land for the Spring Festival and I have to blackmail you."

After listening to Fang Hao's words, Liu Xiaorong was stunned. It seemed that Fang Hao was not as terrible as her brother said, except for being stingy!

Of course, Liu Xiaorong still won't give Fang Hao this guy a good look.

Fang Hao was too lazy to break up with this little girl. After wandering for a period of time, he suddenly saw a commercial street next to the vegetable market. Then he looked back at her and suddenly said with a smile, "go, I'll buy you clothes!"

"Ah?" Liu Xiaorong this moment is simply disordered, this big villain this is that tendon is wrong?

However, in an instant, Liu Xiaorong glared at Fang Hao with the color of tendons: "you don't think you can buy me off if you have money, and don't try to make me an idea. I will never promise any of your requirements!"

Fang Hao looked back at Liu Xiaorong, whose face was firm and serious. He was suddenly depressed. Lao Tzu was kind for a time. You are a pretty girl. You are wearing a pair of washed white jeans for the new year. He vent his conscience for a moment. He felt embarrassed to bully you just now

However, Fang Hao didn't explain. Since she has become a villain in the eyes of this little girl, she doesn't need to be a good person. So she said with a cold face, "Shao te, I'll buy it for you if I say I can buy it for you. Do you believe me, I won't let you have a new year tonight?"

Sure enough, was Fang Hao black face a yell, Liu Xiaorong suddenly scared up, think of this guy but will kill!

So he had to follow Fang Hao to the commercial street.

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