All of a sudden, Deng Meiling made a phone call to go out and ordered: "buy a house with three bedrooms and one living room, and transfer it to a person named Hongming. His wife is the nurse of Fengshan nursing home. The transfer should be more hidden. Don't let people know that it is your gift."

Hang up the phone, Deng Meiling seems not in a good mood, closed her eyes.

Fang Hao and Deng Meiling understood in their hearts that this was Deng Meiling's repayment of the debt and a debt owed to sister Qing by the gambling house opened by the underworld.

At the same time, a car has been following the truck since it was driven out. However, several people on the head of the truck are not here, so they have no idea at all.

Soon, the truck drove to the orphanage. As soon as he stepped into the orphanage, Fang Hao's face turned pale. He remembered some horrible pictures of his childhood

Fang Hao is an orphan. Few people know about it. Before he was adopted by the old man, Fang Hao never told anyone. At that time, he was only three or four years old. Although he was young, he already knew a lot of things.

When Fang Hao came back to the orphanage, his memory became clear again.

It was more than 20 years ago. He was not an orphan at that time. He still had his parents. Although he could not remember his parents, he did remember those things.

Many years ago, on such a cold day, a little boy was playing with a toy gun at home. Seeing his father come back in a hurry, he picked him up and ran away, as if someone was chasing them.

He ran to the gate of a large courtyard. His father said to him, "Xiao Hao, I'm useless. I can't protect you. If you see that door, don't go in and say nothing. No matter who asks about you, don't say your last name or where you come from."

"No, I'll be with you." The little boy is very stubborn, let him leave the familiar person, he is not willing.

"Be obedient. Dad has something to do. You have to wait there first. After a while, I'll come back to pick you up. Obedient, Xiaohao, don't you want a big machine gun? Dad will buy it for you when he comes back There was an inexplicable light in the man's eyes.

Finally, the little boy listened to his father's words and walked into the gate. Only then did he know that the tall gate was the gate of the orphanage. The huge yard was the yard of the orphanage!

Living in this strange orphanage, the little boy's heart has been firm not to say his origin, nor to say where he once lived, let alone what his family name is.

Because his father asked him, and the little boy was waiting in the orphanage day by day. His father came to pick him up with a big machine gun in his hand and said with a smile, "Xiao Hao, go, go home with Dad!"

But for a long time, I don't know how long, did not wait for his father, came another man, said to take him away, the little boy was not willing, said he would wait for his father here.

His father was still called Fang because he came by his last name.

I don't know when, Fang Hao has closed his eyes. When he opens them, his eyes are full of bleak ideas. The past events reappear in his mind, but Fang Hao's mood is much more dignified.

That little boy is him. He once asked his old man where his father was. The old man always had only one word. When you want to know, you will know.

In this regard, Fang Hao was helpless. Later, he deliberately forgot this sad past. Today, he felt the situation of the orphanage again. When he looked at the orphans with different sizes with curious eyes, Fang Hao's dusty memory finally broke.

His eyes were moist, and his hands were moist.

It seems that Fang Hao shed tears for the first time after he left the orphanage. Seeing Deng Meiling and ye Dongling, who were inexplicably looking at him, Fang Hao immediately laughed at himself.

Who's the son of a bitch who doesn't shed tears? It's just that he hasn't been there yet!

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Dongling was surprised.

Deng Meiling looked at Fang Hao with some inexplicable eyes. She seemed shocked and curious.

"Ha ha, it's OK. It's just that the sand suddenly falls into my eyes, which makes my eyes ache." It seems that in order to prove that he is sand into the eyes, Fang Hao also deliberately squinted his eyes, making some painful appearance.

"No wind, how can the sand fly into your eyes?" Ye Dongling looks strange.

Fang Hao did not answer, went to the group of eyes looking forward to have their orphans in front of him, and immediately took out several stacks of red banknotes from his pocket.

"Hey hey smile way:" the little fellow, elder brother gives you the red package to come. "

Until Fang Hao sent out the tens of thousands of yuan, Deng Meiling and ye Dongling did not look away from Fang Hao's body, because as women, their intuition is very strong, Fang haogang must have remembered some sad past events, so they will cry!

As for the misty eyes, what about the eyes?

In the orphanage, there are lots of good people in the new year. They not only give money, but also have a lot of good food and new clothes.Especially those little guys, asking questions around Fang Hao, it seems that the other party is very curious, because they have not seen Fang Hao before.

As for Deng Meiling, it is obviously not the first time that she has come. These little guys are called Meiling Angel sister. Fang Hao can't help laughing. If they know that Deng Meiling is the niece of the biggest gangster and the successor of this gangster, I don't know whether she will call her angel sister again.

In the orphanage of enthusiasm to stay, Deng Meiling promised to stay to accompany the children to eat, the orphanage not only has a large number of materials, but also has a large amount of money.

This time, the director of the orphanage waved with a big hand: "the children are growing up, and we will have lunch at noon today."

So this kind-hearted old man took out a sum of money, but the nursing workers of the orphanage went to buy a lot of food materials, and the little guys drooled.

Although the orphanage has government funding, but the living conditions are still not very good, after all, although the government investment is increasing, but the price is also increasing.

And charity people like Deng Meiling do not continue to donate, will let the children in the orphanage have a better life.

At the moment, Fang haozheng is playing football with a group of kids. At the moment, Fang Hao is not the head of the world's top mercenary organization, the hell hall. At best, he is a "child king".

Even Deng Meiling and ye Dongling, two women, big and small, were shocked by Van Gogh's enthusiasm. People who knew Fang Hao would be shocked to see this scene. This is the ruthless man with fierce skills and abandoned Wu Feng, the son of the Wu family?

This is Fang Hao, who is not a member of the underworld, but is more frightening than the underworld?

The two women were distracted, especially the smile on Fang Hao's face. It seemed that this guy was just a simple big boy next door!

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