Fang Hao went to the director of the orphanage and read the information about the little boy. The boy's name was Yue Sihong, but not his real name, but the name of the orphanage.

His parents are unknown, because this is a lost child, but so far no one to claim, so sent to the orphanage.

Looking at this information, Fang Hao can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it is really a lost child, it proves that the parents may still be alive. As long as they try to find it, they are likely to be found.

At the moment, Fang Hao can't help but feel lucky for the little boy. He is ready to send the boy's information to the police station, as well as the major media to advertise to help him find his parents.

After finishing these things, Fang Hao sighed. The little boy's business has a direction, but what about him?

Fang Hao frowned slightly. The old man of his family should know about it, but he never told him about it. Even when he asked, the old man just said that the time was not right.

However, Fang Hao has made up his mind to ask him about his life experience when he has a chance. He thinks that there is a big secret in it. Otherwise, with his old man's caprice, his expression will not be so dignified when he asks.

When Fang Hao and ye Dongling and others left the orphanage, the little boy Yue Sihong also came in person and solemnly ordered Fang Hao. It seemed that he was afraid that Fang Hao would forget what he had told him.

Fang Hao also solemnly said: "little fellow, don't worry, I've received your reward, and I will help you find it. I'm a mercenary. I take money to relieve disasters for others."

It seems that the boy's long-distance smile and his mother's eyes have changed.

And ye Dongling and Deng Meiling were surprised to see Fang Hao. Deng Meiling gave Fang Hao a blank look: "they are orphans. You are still willing to accept other people's things."

Fang Hao didn't answer. He took out two sweets and gave them to the two women who were shocked. He said solemnly, "have a taste. It's delicious."

"Well How old are you? Eat this Ye Dongling rolled her eyes.

Deng Meiling also looks at Fang Hao strangely.

However, looking at Fang Hao's serious appearance, they suspicious of the candy and put it into their mouth. Although the candy is sweet, for two women with amazing life experience, what delicious food has not been eaten, by contrast, the taste of the candy is peaceful and light.

But then Fang Hao's words, but let the two women immediately respect each other Hao.

Fang Hao said: "you ate his candy, should you help him find his parents?"

At this time, the two women knew that the reward of the little boy was a few sweets, but it was the most precious thing for the little boy now.

For a moment, there was silence in the car, and several people had some unspeakable sadness in their hearts.


At the back of a big truck is an ordinary looking car. There are two people sitting in it. One of them is driving and the other is on the phone.

"Boss, Deng Meiling has come out of the orphanage. It seems that she wants to go back. However, there are two people around her, one is Ye Dongling, and the other is Fang Hao. Well, go ahead with the plan. "

The man put down the phone, and then on the side of the humanitarian: "wait a moment, hit the agreed place."

"Yes." The driver light should a, in the eye has the cold breath.

Before long, trucks and cars came to a section called Yunding Avenue, which was the main section of Deng Meiling's return.

Just then, the truck and the car behind it crashed into it.


A loud noise, the car and the rear end of the truck collided, but the driver pinched it very well, it looked very sad, but they were not hurt.

Soon, two people saw the truck up and down, four people, two men and two women, three of them, people in the car know, the other is a truck driver.

The man who didn't drive suddenly got a message on his mobile phone: "hold the driver."

Suddenly, two men on the car also got out of the car. One of them immediately cried out, "how do you drive? Don't you know how to turn the corner light?"

The truck driver saw that it was clearly a car rear end collision, but he even made a harrow. He said angrily, "is there a curve here? It's blind!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" The two men who got on and off the car were very angry and immediately rushed up to argue with the truck driver.

But Deng Meiling frowned and said, "don't make any noise. How much does it cost?"

A man on the opposite side said angrily: "I think it's great to have money. Wait, I've already called the police, we'll let the traffic police break it!"

"Break it, it's your responsibility!" Truck drivers see each other very arrogant, but also a belly of anger.

Turning to Deng Meiling, she said, "Miss, why don't you go back in another car? I'll stay and deal with them."

Deng Meiling thought that she had a lot of things to do, so she didn't have to wait here, so she nodded and said, "OK."Said, Deng Meiling looked at a pair of irrelevant Fang Hao: "Fang Hao, go to see a taxi."

"Well You don't know how to stop yourself? " Fang Hao turned his eyes and thought that Lao Tzu is not your subordinate. In terms of seniority, Laozi or your uncle!

"You are my bodyguard today. Don't forget to promise me." Deng Meiling made an understatement.

“…… All right Fang Hao thought of the previous transaction and muttered, how can I be your subordinate today for the sake of many good deeds you have done!

Ye Dongling smiles and doesn't speak when she sees Fang Hao eating shriveled.

Then Fang Hao Ran to the side of the road and drove a taxi. Fang Hao waved quickly. He didn't expect that he was so lucky. In such a remote place, he called a car as soon as he came out.

The taxi stopped next to Fang Hao. Fang Hao looked at the driver and found that the driver was very enthusiastic and beckoned Fang Hao and Deng Meiling to get on the bus.

After getting on the bus, the driver quickly started the car. Fang haodun looked at the driver strangely and couldn't help saying, "you don't even ask where we are going?"

The driver immediately laughed and said, "isn't this waiting for you to say?"

"Oh, where are you going?" Fang Hao looks at Deng Meiling.

"To Yunshan century." Deng Meiling looked at the beautiful watch on her wrist before she said.

"Well, you'd better fasten your seat belts." The driver reminded me.

No matter where they go, Deng Meiling and ye Dongling have special cars to pick them up. If only they drive their own cars and seldom take taxis, they don't feel strange and fasten their seat belts.

But Fang Hao is different. After listening to the driver's words, he looks at the driver suspiciously. Under normal circumstances, unless it is on the high speed, the driver will not ask passengers to fasten their seat belts.

However, Fang Hao didn't care, just when the driver paid more attention to safety. He sat in the co driver's seat, but he didn't fasten his seat belt. He said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you don't get on the high speed."

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