Out of thin air, Fang Hao certainly couldn't think of who it was. So he put aside this thought and intuitively, he would meet this person again one day, and it would be clear at that time.

Then, Fang Hao thought of another thing. He couldn't help laughing, and almost burst into tears, because he could imagine how frustrated and tangled Deng Meiling was at that time, and was judged by others.

Even so, she still despised her beauty and belittled her status. For the proud and charming Deng Meiling, it was hard to bear, especially when she had to endure it. Fang Hao was very happy about this.

"What are you laughing at? What's the point? What do you think of it as Schadenfreude? Do you hate Meiling so much Ye Dongling frowned and said she was puzzled.

Fang Hao said with a smile: "it's not a nuisance. You don't know that Deng Meiling is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She framed me last time and let me stay in the police station for a few days. If you, how much do you like her?"

"I can see that you are holding a grudge." Ye Dongling was suddenly enlightened.

Fang Hao's face was serious and serious: "wrong, I don't bear a grudge in general."

"Then you're gloating." Ye Dongling has no choice but to talk to Fang Hao, who is a bit of a headache.

"I'm not revenging. If I do, I'll take revenge. I just feel funny Fang Hao grinned and showed his white teeth.

"Well, I have a big question now. I hope you can help me out."

"Say it."

"How can you practice your Kung Fu in such a bad way?" Ye Dongling didn't feel anything at all. She just felt that Fang Hao was so young and skillful. It was incredible.

But now, this conversation between Ye Dongling and Fang Hao has made Ye Dongling realize that Fang Hao has no upright side, so she has this feeling.

"Well It seems that you are scolding me, but I will forgive you for ignoring the villains. I'm good at it. " Fang Hao's last sentence is the truth. He did fight in real combat.

"Of course I know. I've been through countless battles. I know what you mean. But how can you experience so much when you are young?"

"This is life." Fang Hao said with emotion, and then he said seriously: "my old man once said to me that all the martial arts moves are dead. If one day you forget all the moves and routines, you will be a real expert. At the beginning of this period, I didn't believe that if it was really like that, it would be that all the people who could not master martial arts would be the top experts, because he did not know kung fu at all, nor could he know the so-called moves and routines. "

Speaking of this, Fang Hao seemed thirsty. He took a sip of his tea cup, and then began to talk about it. He continued: "but later, I realized that from scratch to existence, and then from existence to nothingness, is a rare experience and experience in itself. Just like playing games, he has no experience. Even if he has learned how to coax and coax, he will not exercise If you do, it's easy to hang up. "

"But with experience, even if the level is a little lower, it will be more leisurely. The ordinary people who can't master martial arts just have no words in their dictionaries. In fact, there is nothing. But on the contrary, those who have experienced the process have experience. Those so-called moves are only one action. I ask you, how is the best way to fight two people against each other? "

Looking at Fang Hao at the moment, talking about his feelings, if ordinary people, must think that Fang Hao this animal is just bragging about chasing girls.

However, the more Ye Dongling listens, the brighter her eyes are. Many people understand the truth of Fang Hao's words, but few people believe in it. After all, most people think that practicing martial arts is to practice as hard as possible. The more skillful the moves are, the more powerful they are.

But I don't know, these tricks have already confined a person in a limited space, it is difficult to make a breakthrough, it seems that it has been finalized.

Hearing Fang Hao's final question, ye Dongling thought for a moment: "fast and accurate."

"It's not direct enough." Fang Hao shakes his head. He is really a master.

"Fast and accurate is not direct?" Ye Dongling asked.

"Of course, I think the best battle test is actually simple." Fang Hao is very serious, but it seems that he has really entered the lofty spiritual world of exploring martial arts in China.

"Simple?" Ye Dongling frowned, apparently unable to understand.

Fang Hao shows a certain complacent look. If it is someone else, I'm afraid that Fang Hao is pretending to be forced. However, ye Dongling thinks that Fang Hao is really capable. The last time we had a fight with Fang Hao, although it was a tie in the eyes of others, ye Dongling, as the party concerned, knew clearly that she was not Fang Hao's opponent. At that time, she played hard, but Fang Hao always had one A calm momentum, let her pressure doubled.

Then Fang Hao took a look at Ye Dongling. At this time, he was really interested in discussing these issues with this woman, because this is the only woman who can share the same topic with him in martial arts!As for Wen Xiao's wife, the realm is higher than him. If Fang Hao says these things in front of her, it's probably just a joke to show off his skills.

Different from this woman, everyone has a serious spirit of exploring martial arts. Unconsciously, Fang Hao felt a sense of finding a bosom friend, especially when he saw Ye Dongling's listening carefully to his talk. Fang Hao could not help but straighten up his chest and said: "yes, it's simple. For example, I can hit him directly Your face, why should I try my best to hit you on the back? Our traditional martial arts, more or less, have some fancy movements. Although it's good-looking, it reduces the combat effectiveness. For example, if I can kick directly with one foot, why do I need to have a whirl kick? You may be in the club, and the whirl kick will increase the strength. Although this is true, it prolongs the time to launch a swing kick, and I may have played it directly After several legs, although the strength is not enough, it can completely disrupt the enemy's position and make the enemy too busy to deal with it. At this time, our big move can be displayed

"Well You said so much, I think it means to be quick. " Ye Dongling could not help but wonder.

"Then I ask you, how can you be quick?" Fang Hao's objection to the other party is not displeased, but very happy, because this proves that this woman listens very seriously.

"What do you say?"

"Is simple, only simple and not fancy, will be the fastest." Fang Hao said here, but also can not help demonstrating a few.

Ye Dongling suddenly realized.

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