Fang Hao thought that there would not be many guests here, but when he arrived, he was totally wrong. This area not only has room department, but also leisure department, and even casinos, bars and so on.

Fang Hao immediately confused, turned to ask Li Mengqi: "not to say, only black card can come in to play? It looks like a lot of people? "

Li Mengqi rolled her eyes: "you don't have a black card, but you come in."

"Well Isn't that what you have? " Fang Hao dry smile way, but already understood, those people, I am afraid also rely on whose black card come in.

However, Li Mengqi or said another way to come in, that is to do their own black card, need to pay millions of deposit, to be able to deal with a one-year black card, Li Mengqi's hands are lifelong, and do their own to handle, limited period, after the expiration of course, can also refund the package certificate money, but also to charge a lot of fees, ordinary people fundamental Can't afford to spend.

When he was taken to the door of the room by the waiter, Fang Hao was immediately attracted by the beautiful woman standing outside the room. Before Fang Hao was surprised, the beauty would smile and salute and introduce herself: "Hello, Mr. and miss, my name is Xiaoqi. I'm the housekeeper of this room, and I'm dedicated to serving you."

Fang Hao finally knew the difference between the guest room and the outside. He also made a beautiful woman to be the room lady. Fang Hao could not help but subconsciously asked, "what service is OK?"

"Yes, sir," she said with a smile

All of a sudden, Fang Hao felt a chill, and his face was suddenly right: "well, open the door."

The housekeeper opened the door knowingly. Fang Hao said to Longlian, "you go to another room first. I'll come to see you later."

"Yes, brother." Outside, the people in the dark group are called brother Fang Haohao.

Li Mengqi coldly looked at the housekeeper, let the housekeeper lower her head, dare not look at Li Mengqi's eyes.

"Stay outside. Don't come in."

"It's miss." The housekeeper bowed her head and answered.

Fang Hao took a dry smile and did not speak. After entering the room, he looked at it a little. It was not called a room. It was exactly the pattern of the presidential suite, but there was no big difference between it and the outside.

Li Mengqi hummed: "I can see that you men like this place, especially the various services of that chick outside."

Fang Hao said with a dry smile: "there, I don't like it. You see, I haven't been here."

"That's because you're reluctant to spend money. If you're willing, you can get a black card and come every day." Li Mengqi looks a little angry.

"Well, let's not talk about this. I have to think about how to find that guy." Fang Hao knows how passive it is to talk about this topic with women, so Fang Hao shifts the topic directly.

After a while, Fang Hao had noticed and said to Li Mengqi, "you rest here, I'll go outside and have a look."

"Well, but Be careful. " Although Li Mengqi is a little angry because of what happened just now, she still shows worry in her eyes at the moment.

"Don't worry, who am I? I was once the master of dragon thorn! " Fang Hao gave Li Mengqi a confident and brilliant smile.

Li Mengqi was immediately relieved, because she also remembered that the guy in front of her was the little master who had been invincible in the Dragon thorn. To make an image analogy, those who could enter the Dragon thorn were the king of war, and Fang Hao was the God of war!

He walked out of the room, closed the door, and showed a brilliant smile to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was slightly stunned, and then she bowed her head with shame: "Sir, what can I do for you

In the face of a beauty who can provide any service to you, the beauty is still showing a shy look to you at the moment. If it is really Teng, it makes people excited. I have to say that men probably like to come to such a place!

However, Fang Hao's face was positive: "well, I want to go shopping. Can you be my guide?"

"Certainly, sir. Where would you like to visit?"

"Well, I'm very interested in your room. Just walk around the housekeeping department. It's comfortable to have beautiful women with me." Fang Hao said with a smile.

The housemaid, Xiao Qi, once again showed her charming shame and took Fang Hao for a walk with a smile.

Before leaving, Fang Hao sent a message to Guo Rong, asking them to act immediately to investigate any area of the housekeeping department, but be careful not to be found by the security personnel.

Fang Hao and Xiao Qi walk on the corridor of the guest room at will. Fang Hao seems to wander aimlessly. In fact, every time he walks through a place, Fang Hao records the route here. Soon, he has a map of the housekeeping department.

After walking on the first floor and the second floor, he took a walk in the guest rooms. Fang Hao also recorded the routes and entrances and exits of the housekeeping department, and even recorded the number of each location.

And Fang Hao found that there are cameras everywhere, and the security personnel often patrol, and the security is very strong, which shows that we attach great importance to the safety of the VIP entering here. As far as the vast party is concerned, it is not a big obstacle to the good side.However, Fang Hao also noted down the location of all the cameras. Once he moved, he could easily avoid the surveillance range of the cameras. Moreover, Fang Hao also found that the patrol security personnel, in the same place, were almost once every ten minutes, with two people each time.

After the tour, Xiao Qi next to her seems to be tired of walking, and her speed is obviously reduced. However, Fang Hao is a VIP, so she can only insist.

At the moment, Fang Hao has achieved his goal, so he proposed to return, and Xiaoqi nodded quickly.

Back in the room, Fang Hao heard the sounds of terror. Fang Hao's face changed greatly, thinking that something had happened.

Results a closer look, suddenly turned a white eye, the original is Li Mengqi, this woman is actually watching horror films, the voice is also open extremely loud.

At the moment, Li Mengqi took off her high-heeled shoes and squatted on the sofa with unknown snacks in her mouth.

Fang Hao's eyes turned, and then he rubbed his feet slowly in the past, ready to scare the woman. Fang Hao is very strong and careful. He doesn't make any sound.

After a while, already touched the back of the sofa, hands slowly raised, deeply took a breath.

Then Mao full strength, facing Li Mengqi is a big drink.


A short but extremely abrupt voice suddenly rang out! Fang Hao widens his eyes to see Li Mengqi's embarrassment. As a result

If it's an ordinary woman, I'm afraid that she'll lose her looks. It's the best time to watch a horror movie!

However, let Fang Hao extremely depressed things happened, Li Mengqi slightly turned his head, some of his face at a loss, his small mouth still half bit a snack, lenglengleng asked: "are you full?"

"Well, what do you mean?"

"I'm full. What's the ghost name behind me?" Li Mengqi small mouth stutters several snacks, a face puzzled asked.

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