Soon, Wang Yuan and mad cow came back, Wang Yuan carelessly sat next to Cheng Lianlian. Now Cheng Lianlian is sitting between Fang Hao and Wang Yuan.

at this time, Cheng Lianlian frowned slightly and moved towards Fang Hao's side. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuan's face and skin were quite thick, and then moved over.

Her face was full of smiles: "Miss Lianlian, I'm not to be deceived. I really miss Lianlian. I like it very much. When I know that Miss Lianlian works here, I'm really worried and afraid that others will bully you. So this time, in addition to visiting my old friends, I hope miss Lianlian can give me a chance to take good care of you."

Wang Yuan is very direct and does not conceal his love for Cheng Lianlian. After that, he looks forward to Cheng Lianlian, as if waiting for her nod.

Without process, Lian Lian Lian's face was expressionless, and she didn't even look at Wang Yuan more. She quietly held up a glass of red wine and took a shallow drink, but she didn't mean to respond.

Wang Yuan's pair in a fat face appears very small eyes, the eyeball son turns, seems to think of something, and then suddenly see his hand bag open, take out a lot of things.

"This is my bankbook, this is my house property certificate of 15 houses, my car key, my bank card password, ten three carat naked diamonds I prepared for Miss Lianlian, and this is my penguin number and password..."

Finally, Wang Yuan said solemnly, "Miss Lianlian, I will give you everything I have. I hope you will become my daughter-in-law."

Mad cow frowned, but sister Jin couldn't see it any longer. She said angrily, "Why are you so thick skinned? Don't you see Lotus and brother Hao sitting so close?"

After hearing this, Fang Hao, who originally wanted to see the opera, felt bitter. He had a half dime relationship with Laozi. This woman sat down by herself, but I didn't pull her here.

All of a sudden, Wang Yuan looked at Fang Hao, and then his serious face was filled with a smile that let people relax their vigilance.

"Ha ha, Hello, brother Hao. My name is Wang Yuan."

Let Fang Hao was very surprised. He thought that Wang Yuan would not have a good face for him, because just now, sister Jin said that he had something to do with Cheng Lianlian. Wang Yuan should think that he was a rival in love.

At the moment, the fat man welcomed him with a smile and reached out to shake hands.

Some surprised and Wang Yuan shook hands, Fang Hao introduced himself: "Fang Hao."

I don't know where you are

Because there is a Cheng Lianlian between them, Wang Yuan tilts his head in front of his body and talks to each other Hao.

Fang Hao said with a smile, "well, unemployed vagrant."

"Ha ha, that brother Hao is really free. Unlike me, I have to manage several companies and keep busy all day long. I like Miss Lianlian very much, but I don't have time to express my feelings. Since brother Hao has no job for the time being, I'd better go to work in my company. I'm short of one How about the position of vice president with an annual salary of 3 million yuan Wang Yuan laughs ha ha, look, pour seem to be really help Fang Hao look for a good job.

However, Fang Hao couldn't smell it. He couldn't help but pick his eyebrows. The fat man obviously showed his muscle, financial strength and ability in front of him to attack his "rival in love".

Fang Hao didn't really care. Wang Yuan liked Cheng Lianlian, which had nothing to do with him. However, Fang Hao was upset when Wang Yuan said so.

Nima's rich company does my shit. I didn't stop me from chasing women. Do you need to beat me up?

So Fang Hao eyebrows the same, he he said with a smile: "just in time, my several companies also need talent, look at the elder brother is mature, experience should be rich, how about I, do a manager, I give you a five million annual salary, how about?"

"Oh, brother Hao also runs a company?" Wang Yuan slightly a Leng, some surprised way.

"Ha ha, there are so few small companies, it's not worth mentioning." Fang Hao laughed.

"I don't know if I've heard of it. Ha ha, I'm not very well informed." Wang Yuan laughs ha ha, obviously is suspecting that Fang Hao is boasting.

Fang Hao also did not explain, light way: "it is a small company, but absolutely open your annual salary of 500 million a year, how, brother Wang?"

"No, I don't have the time. Especially in the past two days, I met with the leaders of the provincial Party committee to play chess and drink wine. Alas, it was said that it was tiring enough." Wang Yuan said with a smile.

"Ha ha, that old brother Wang is really busy. "Fang Hao laughed and thought that Wang Yuan was really capable of pretending to be forced. He sighed in his heart. Obviously, this guy really regarded himself as a rival in love.

"Brother Hao, in this way, if we cooperate, you have a company, I also have a company. How about we pay 100 million yuan each and jointly set up a company?" Wang Yuan did not forget to show her financial resources.

at this time, Cheng Lianlian frowned, but did not speak. She looked at Fang Hao slightly and blinked.Fang Hao saw a Leng, do not understand what this woman means.

Immediately, Cheng Lianlian seemed to find that Fang Hao didn't understand, so she said, "Mr. Wang, where is 100 million enough to open a company? I think one billion is still about the same."

"Billion?" The fat on Wang Yuan's face trembled twice, but then seemed to have made up his mind: "a billion dollars doesn't matter. For Miss Lianlian, even if I take out all my wealth, it doesn't matter."

Cheng Lianlian is slightly stunned. She has never thought that Wang Yuan is really open-minded. However, she also says from the side that this guy really has a lot of money.

Fang Hao frowned slightly, but he didn't want to fight this guy fearlessly. If Cheng Lianlian was his woman and someone wanted to rob him, it was said that it was 100 million billion yuan. The special army would go to do it for him, and he would dare not rob him.

But this woman, he did not have any idea, afraid it was too late.

Immediately after that, Fang Hao said with a smile: "brother Wang really has the ability and financial strength. I'm willing to bow down."

"Ha ha, I'll give you a drink. I'll write you a check later. You can fill it out. I'll buy you a drink." Wang Yuan's face was full of laughter, but he was not smiling.

Fang Hao frowned slightly. Obviously, this guy still regarded him as a rival in love and gave him a check. In fact, his intention was to bribe Fang Hao and let him leave Cheng Lianlian.

This immediately let Fang Hao in the heart uncomfortable, feel Wang Yuan too artificial.

Elder sister Jin couldn't help it. She had seen Fang Hao and Wang Yuan fighting each other before. Now Fang Hao seemed to be losing ground. She suddenly said to him, "it's amazing to have money. I told you that there are more people with money. Lotus in our family is money like dirt."

Wang Yuan was scolded by sister Jin twice, and she was angry. Even this time, she also had a smile on her face. It seemed that the person whom she scolded had nothing to do with him. She also said with a smile: "it's really a coincidence. I'm rich and poor. It seems that I'm destined to be with Miss Lianlian."

“……” It's OK. Fang Hao murmured to himself that this guy is really thick skinned.

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