"Ah? Brother Hao, didn't you teach me? Women's words should be listened to in reverse. If she said no, she said no, she said no. if she beat you and scolded you, it was beating, cursing and love. I followed the routine you taught me. " Liu Yun a face at a loss helpless, tears Hua Hua Hua flow.

Looking at the pathetic tears of the old man, Fang Hao blinked and blinked. His face turned red and his mouth twitched violently. However, Fang Hao didn't laugh at last, because it would be cruel to others if he laughed out at this time.

So, Fang Hao held back for a long time, sighed, patted Liu Yun's shoulder with his hand, and said in a kind of earnest manner: "Xiao Liu, women's heart, undersea needle, we men, can never fully understand their mind, in principle, some will lose. You see you now like this, although you are beaten, but this is the woman you like There is a scar on your face that can't be healed. It's better. You will always remember the woman you like, and the woman you like, once you see the scar on your face, you will think of what happened with you. Congratulations, you really entered the inner world. Try hard, young man. "

Hearing Fang Hao's words, Liu Yun's eyes gradually brightened up, as if to be luminous. He clenched his fist with high morale: "brother Hao, you are a beacon on my emotional road. Without you, I'm afraid I'll give up. Thank you, brother Hao. If one day I catch up with Tang Lin, brother Hao, you are my rebirth parents."

Looking at this slightly immature face, that firm and abnormal expression, Fang Hao's eyes beat hard a few times, sighed: "go back to rest, come on."

Liu Yun nods his head fiercely, then turns to walk toward the door, but at this time, Fang Hao ordered a sentence: "just now I was playing a metaphor, you must not put a scar on your face."

Liu Yun turned back, grinned, and showed a simple and honest smile: "brother Hao, I am not so silly, I now face in addition to bruises, but there are no scars, if you make one out of yourself, Tang Lin will not admit it. Next time, when Tang Lin hits me again, I will take advantage of me and make her remember me in my heart for the rest of her life."

With that, Liu Yun turned around and closed the door for Fang Hao when he went out.

At this moment, Fang Hao really didn't know what kind of words to describe his mood. His facial muscles twitched involuntarily. He couldn't feel that he should laugh, but what's more, he couldn't laugh.

Because the heart suddenly burst out a tremendous sense of guilt, especially, this guy is really stupid or fake silly, this son of a bitch is not trapped in the injustice of Laozi!


The next day, Fang Hao put yunfeifei's affairs aside for the time being, because he had made up his mind to finish the work first, and then went to m country in person to meet his mother-in-law, no matter who he had never met, who dared to obstruct the happy life of him and his little daughter-in-law. Fang Hao also said that he could not poke a hole in the sky!

So, Fang Hao into the work, at the moment, Fang Hao is racking his brains to consider how to find the young Miao woman.

According to the information monitored yesterday, Da Ya didn't even know who the leader was. From Da Ya's mouth, the woman named Qingmiao was the key to find the leader.

However, it is still unknown where this young seedling is, and it is impossible to check it.

Therefore, Fang Hao, on the one hand, coped with big teeth and used the means of procrastination to find out the whereabouts of the young seedling. On the other hand, he asked the secret group to identify some people to help investigate the news of the young seedling.

However, at this time, Fang Hao heard a piece of news that pleased him. Last time, Fang Hao saw ten three carat naked diamonds from Wang Yuan, who ran to pursue Cheng Lianlian. At that time, he was wondering how a man, who was not in the jewelry business, could go back and get as many as ten naked diamonds.

And even if Wang Yuan bought it, he shouldn't have bought such a monotonous bare diamond. He should have bought jewelry and jewelry with diamond.

So Fang Hao and Wang Yuan's driver inquired about it and got some useful information. Later, he called Lengfeng to let people monitor Wang Yuan.

Unexpectedly, he really got the news that surprised Fang Hao. Wang Yuan was also engaged in smuggling diamonds and gems. Moreover, the wharf where he purchased goods was his management and Jinling wharf. He also traded with him on the wharf. That man was one of his subordinates, Wen Zhong!

Fang Hao knew about this news two days ago, but it didn't make any difference to his goal, so he didn't take any action, just let cold front let people pay close attention to it.

Just now, Fang Hao received the information about Leng Feng's coming back. He took a picture of Wang Yuan standing in front of a woman respectfully. This woman is the woman named Qingmiao that Fang Hao has been thinking about.

Fang Hao immediately changed his action plan and refused to cooperate with Daya. Instead, he asked Zhou Hui to contact Wang Yuan.

Big tooth is very unconvinced, but when Fang Hao says that he has been in contact with Wang Yuan, big tooth is surprisingly calm down, only the other party Hao put a few words on the road, and also made a shot at Fang Hao action.In this regard, where will Fang Hao consider these problems, in fact, Fang Hao did not face up to the big teeth.

Wang Yuan is very happy to hear Zhou Hui say that there are big customers. He took a batch of goods from the wharf at the command of his boss. He is worried that there is no place to sell. Now the wind is so tight that buyers dare not come over easily.

Therefore, Zhou Hui's big list really excited Wang Yuan, so he immediately set out to meet Fang Hao in person.

Meeting Fang Hao appeared in the identity of Dong Yunhao, so Wang Yuan didn't recognize it at all. He just talked about business with Fang Hao solemnly.

Fang Haohao contacted Da Ya several times, and he was drunk every time. He also learned a lot of news. For those one carat diamonds, the starting price should be between 40000 and 50000.

So Fang Hao directly opened a super low price, 40000!

Wang Yuan was in a dilemma. He said that Fang Hao's price was too low and he would lose money if he sold it to him.

Fang Hao was naturally indifferent and said faintly, "don't sell it. I can come here, but also listen to a nickname called big teeth said that your side of the diamond is also good, let me come to have a look, of course, these are not important, the important thing is, I heard that your boss is a great beauty! Hehe, if you say it well, it's not difficult to add another ten or twenty thousand. I have plenty of money. "

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