It seems to have seen Tang Lin's eyes, and Liu Yun read the disdain among them. Liu Yunheng measured the choice between the idol and the beloved woman, and resolutely and resolutely said, "you say go, then go." '

"then stop talking nonsense and go

Soon three people get out of the car and stop a bright taxi. Shangguanyue takes out an instrument. There are several dots on the screen, and one red dot is running fast.

"To North Street!" Shangguan did not lift the head of the month, and told the driver.

Tang Lin and Liu Yun listen, face suddenly strange rise, can't help but look at the change of Shangguan month in the past.

See shangguanyue face dignified, biting lips, a look of anger.

"What's the matter? Why go to North Street?" Tang Lin frowned, because the road to Wangyuan company has nothing to do with North Street.

Shangguanyue closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "I don't know what kind of tricks this guy is playing."

Just as shangguanyue and others were advancing at a high speed, there was a luxury villa standing alone in this place called tomb forest. Just outside the door, you can see many precious flowers and trees planted inside, and some of them are blooming in winter.

However, this is actually a beautiful scenery, but it always gives people a gloomy feeling, because walking on the path at the door of this villa, you can see a lot of messy tombstones on both sides, and even some tombs have deep stealing holes.

The location of the villa is built in a place surrounded by mountains on three sides and backed by mountains. In fact, in terms of geomantic science, this is indeed a good place, but the surrounding tombs greatly reduce the pattern here.

At the moment, there are mountains around and behind the villa, although not high, relative to the villa, on the high.

On the three sides of the mountain, there are people guarding the villa with awe inspiring expression. It seems that there are so many great people inside.

But soon, a dark shadow came, almost instantly put two smoking guards, and then a woman calmly carrying a sniper rifle, selected a good location, put the gun rack, lying down, the muzzle of the gun aimed at the villa below, aimed at the people walking around the villa.

At the moment, the woman saw a car at the door of the villa, and came down a young man who was as proud as a peacock. The woman suddenly showed a smile: "Your Highness pretends to be everything."

At the moment, it was Fang Hao and Wang Yuan at the door. Wang Yuan took Fang Hao into the villa. The guard looked at Fang Hao. Fang Hao held his head high. He seemed to have unconsciously ignored the bulging things on the other side's waist. He was so arrogant and said with a smile: "brother Wang, tell me about you. You have such a beautiful boss. You should say that you have the moon first when you are near the water Didn't you have a spark with your boss? "

The fat man, who had a solemn look, heard Fang Hao's words. He was just like a cat with his tail trampled on. He exclaimed: "Damn, don't talk about these bullshit. You want to get a girl. You can go and do it yourself. Don't harm me!"

"What does harm you? I'm just curious." Fang Hao's voice was so loud that many guards couldn't help looking this way.

Wang Yuan was in a hurry. He lowered his voice and roared: "Damn it, do you believe that I won't take you to see my boss!"

"Yes, or I'll come back another day?" Fang Hao's face doesn't matter, but he also said with a smile: "in any case, it's good to have a little bit of emotion if you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

“……” Wang Yuan never had a moment, so want to hit a person, NIMA want to die, pull him into the water dry ball ah!

At the thought of his boss's means, Wang Yuan couldn't help but beat a few smart, the fat on his face, could not help but twitch several times.

"Don't talk nonsense. Keep up." Wang Yuan quickened his pace. It is estimated that Wang Yuan wants to give the disaster to his boss as soon as possible. If he is a little slower, he can't tell what he will say to make him tremble.

Finally came to the villa inside a small garden, a woman is sitting on a rocking chair, seems to be basking in the winter, sleeping, long and round thighs on the tea table, this from the side, it is indeed a smooth mountain on the fold, the people who look back to the gut want to catch one.

Wang Yuan bowed his head and called out respectfully: "sister Qing, I have brought it."

The woman didn't open her eyes and her body didn't move. She just said, "I know."

Wang Yuan seems to have a premonition of the next miserable result of the boy in front of him, and immediately turns away, leaving Fang Hao standing alone on the side.

However, Fang Hao was not idle. From the beginning of his coming in, his eyes seemed to aim at everywhere intentionally or unintentionally. Although his face was calm, his eyes read out a little dignified.

Especially saw that above a villa balcony, a dark point, sending out a frightening smell.

Fang Hao already felt that there were more than a dozen people around this no small yard. There were several places with wide sight on the upper floor of the villa. There were some unusual breath.

Standing in the same place, Fang Hao is not looking around. Instead, he looks at the woman sitting on the rocking chair. From the information he gets, he is a pretty beautiful woman with a very hot figure. However, when he sees a real person, Fang Hao still thinks that the photo level of the guy who took the photo in the information is still too poor.Reclining on the rocking chair, the flat belly seems to be unable to grasp, and the two peaks, it is estimated that quite a bit towering into the clouds.

In the upper, white neck, as well as delicate skin, is indeed a lot of men dream of good cabbage.

However, Fang Hao's favorite is legs. The woman's long legs are straight and slender on a small table. If it's summer without pants, it's estimated that Fang Hao can't help but exclaim: "good legs!"

At the moment, the woman light way: "you are Dong Yunhao?"

During the talk, the woman still did not look up, nor did she look at Fang Hao. She seemed to despise Fang Hao at all. Perhaps she felt that Fang Hao did not deserve her attention.

Fang Hao was ignorant and unconscious. He said with a smile: "yes, I am Dong Yunhao. Beauty, let's get to know each other."

"If you want to know my strange man, it seems that there will be no good results. Are you not afraid?" The woman is still lying, or did not look at Fang Hao.

"If you die under the peony, it's also romantic to be a ghost." Fang Hao showed a wanton smile. He really deserved to be beaten.

"Oh?" At this time, the woman finally sat up, calmly opened her eyes and looked at Fang Hao.

Fang Hao also saw the whole picture of this woman. He said that he was really a beautiful woman. He had broken skin and soft facial features. If he didn't know it, it was really difficult to connect with sprout group and one of several big brothers.

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