Fengyuanqiang lived for most of his life and spent more than half an hour in the room. It was more than a life and death war, and it was even more physical and mental fatigue, even frightened.

Because Fang Hao that stinky boy did not know which rib is wrong, and old prince Li, such existence has no scruples to face of the break.

Outside the interrogation room, Feng yuanqiang looked at him. Li Tai, who was also driven out by old prince Li, was nervous at this moment. He seemed to be afraid of and Fang Hao, who was obviously not afraid of the chaos of Mr. Li.

However, Li Tai could not brush down the meaning of the old prince Li, but he had to go out. But at the moment, he still had ears attached to the interrogation room, and tried to listen to the movements in it. It was not a general difficulty for Li Tai to hear the movement and quiet in this special interrogation room.

"Fengting, what's going on inside?" The last official month who has been outside, watching the two come out, asked immediately.

Although Fang Hao's animal was not waiting for the official month, but in his heart, he hoped that Fang Hao would be fine, and no help, but also let her return Fanghao's human feelings, and then the animal's death and life she did not care!

"Not optimistic." Fengyuanqiang thought of the angry posture of old prince Li to beat Fang Hao. He felt tight again, and squeezed a sweat for Fang Hao.

Two people went to the distance, last official month saw the face of the gloomy and nervous Li Tai a glance, some anxious asked: "what are the two people, is the identity very high?"

"High? That is very high, do you think, my Hall official, and also nodded to the old man to bow to the knees, you feel puzzled, right Fengyuanqiang was not ashamed of his actions and actions, but he was very happy.

Last official didn't respond, but her expression has told fengyuanqiang that she really thinks so.

"That's what you don't know about the man. Do you know the fight against y 30 years ago?" Fengyuanqiang eyes float to the distance, his eyes are full of hot eyes that are not consistent with his recent period of the year. At this moment, Fengyuan is strong and straight, as if silently telling others that he is a soldier!

"You know, it's something to do with the old man?" Last official month was surprised.

"That is a big relationship. This old man led a company to strengthen. In the jungle war that the enemy was good at, he dragged the enemy into a regiment and fought for three days. In these three days, he hit the enemy with very little casualties. At that time, he was called the jungle Army God. To be honest, I was a field army. So the old man was my most respected soldier 。” At this moment, fengyuanqiang's eyes are full of the hot light of worship, as if he was in that battle.

Although last official month graduated from police school, but also for the military, so understand the performance of fengyuanqiang, that is a kind of from the heart of the respect.

"But he is so high, what does Fang Hao do?" Asked the official, frowning.

Fengyuanqiang has a strong face and his eyes flash. In fact, he is also very confused and doesn't understand why the old man came to see Fang Hao, a guy who has retired from the army and has now made a big disaster.

Looking at the slightly nervous and worried eyes of the last official month, fengyuanqiang had to helpless way: "I don't know."

"Then you say it is not objective, is it that the old man is here to be embarrassed Fang Hao?" Last official month heart more for Fang Hao worried.

"I think it's possible." Fengyuanqiang thought and sighed that Fang Hao could have punished it lightly. But now, Beijing knows it. It is said that there will be a special team coming from Beijing immediately. It seems that it is for Fang Hao's affairs. After all, the gunfight is too bad.

"But, that old man so high position, why to be difficult Fang Hao a small people!" Last official month thought not to think, according to the reason, should not stir such a big person ah.

But immediately, Feng yuanqiang said a great possibility, Feng yuanqiang sighed: "the old master Li is the former head of the family, I am afraid it is related to the situation of the city of Su."

Although last official month was only a relatively small police officer, she learned from her father the secrets that many senior Chinese characters knew, such as the four families, Li family, Kong family, Song family and Wu family.

Now, the black and white two roads in Suzhou are in a mess, even to an irreparable point. Fang Hao is the source of the chaos. So if we guess this, I am afraid that old prince li really came to ask for sin.

Because this time, after eating the great loss of Tongxing society, there is Li family figure.

When the official month and fengyuanqiang were worried, the interrogation room was another scene, and it was also a confrontation between the old and the young and the village.

"You know, now Wu, Kong, song and three families are going to kill you. I really don't understand. You seem to have a revenge with Wu family. How can Kong family and Song family fall in the stone at this time! If our Li family is also worried about your past affairs, you will face the anger of the four families at the same time. Do you have a chance to live! "

Fang Hao has a dignified face. He learned from the words of Lord Li that the seriousness of the matter is normal for Wu family to hate him. He abandoned Wu Feng, his outstanding son.As for the Kong family, the family is in great momentum. Naturally, it is not too difficult to find out what happened to Kong Jiaxiang in Qiushan club. After all, as long as careful investigation has been conducted, we can find out that Fang Hao was in Qiushan club that night.

But the Song family Fang Hao can't help but think of that triangular eyed, feminine song Wenli, but his heart is suspicious. His impression does not seem to have offended the talents of the Song family. However, the second generation ancestor may be jealous of Laozi and more handsome than him

Looking at the black faced old master Li, Fang Hao said: "what am I afraid of? I take the staff of my security company to escort valuables. When I meet a robber, I fight back on the spot. What's wrong? Are you waiting for the gun

"Hum, as for the reason or excuse that you are such an idiot, can anyone believe that, even if it is true, those guys who want your life are idiots who don't know how to take advantage of the heat and forge iron to deal with you?" Old master Li sneered and looked at Fang Hao. He looked like an idiot.

Fang Hao was a little annoyed. When old master Li came, he said something harmless to himself at the beginning. Then he kept telling him that he was in great trouble. The three families of Kong, song and Wu wanted your life. You can't escape

At the moment, Fang Hao's face was black, and he said straightforwardly, "master, what are you doing here to see me? Just tell me, don't ink these words here!"

Old master Li, who was still trying to intimidate Fang Hao, turned pale, but suddenly became very straightforward: "well, I think it's too inky. This kind of roundabout work is really not my strong point. I'm here to save you, but I'm not happy to excite me?"

"Go away, I need your help?" Fang Hao immediately looked at Old Master Li with a bad look in his eyes.

"You boy, don't give me my idea. Even if you're holding me to escape from here, how big a China is and where you can live? When the time comes, your property will only be confiscated. " Old master Li sneered.

"Well, say no ink, and tell me what you're coming for." The bad light in Fang Hao's eyes faded away. For a moment, he really thought that, but Fang Hao thought of the consequences, or gave up the bad idea.

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