"Ha ha, I believe Mr. Lu can help me to handle it. Otherwise, if I can't think about it, if I lose it, it will be miserable." Fang Hao laughed.

But Lu Guobin was dark in front of her. Her mother was completely a threat to red fruit. But Lu knew the importance of Fang Hao, and at the same time, he knew more about Fang Hao's importance to the temple. The temple was also a force in Chinese view. He Lu Guobin, who has always been strict in discipline, nodded in violation of his heart.

Fang Hao saw Lu Guobin, though dark, nodded, and smiled brightly: "go, drink together, guests should be almost there."

"No, I'll be a little bit more secretive." Lu shook his head, and then he turned and left, so afraid to stay, Fang Hao put forward the outrageous rude conditions.

Looking at Lu Guobin's back image, Fang Hao's eyes are shining, taking out his mobile phone and turning out a picture. This is sent by cold front. On it, there is a man and a woman. The man is Lu Guobin, who is ordinary in appearance. However, the woman is not like a woman in the world. She has a beautiful face that is full of the country and is in harmony with the classical charm, which makes people feel that the soul is all pumped Come out like, is the nameless flower nightclub chenglianlian.

Although Fang Hao has put forward so many rude conditions, Fang Hao does not doubt the ability of Mr. Li to handle affairs, and of course he will not think that he will make perfunctory efforts, because he is very important to the interests of Huaxia in Africa, and of course, it should be said that the temple of the underworld is very important to China.

Therefore, Lord Li will not refuse, especially Fang Hao is threatened with the breath of death. Fang Hao is more determined. The enemy of Huaxia in Africa is so furious and ruined, which shows the seriousness and seriousness of the affairs in Africa.

The heart is bright, this is almost the most comfortable day after Fang Hao returned home.

Fang Hao was in a good mood and went to the banquet hall full of hard work concentrated at Jinling wharf. These people all knew Fang Hao, the legendary wharf boss, and almost instantly stood up in the whole scene, and burst out with warm applause and shouting: "Hao Ge, Hao Ge, chief..."

Facing the enthusiasm of the group, Fang Hao is also very excited. These guys are the most sincere group of people in his celebration. These people are the most harmless and of course the least helpful. Of course, Fanghao never thought how much money he could get from these people. After all, they are all hard.

Fang Hao walked on a temporary platform, and Fang Hao arched to thousands of people under the platform: "today, this banquet is not just a celebration banquet, but a crime compensation banquet. Because of my negligence, you have been lost these days, and some people are not satisfied with the invasion of Jiulong society and seriously injured. Therefore, I will express my apology for this wine."

Fang HaoDuan said that Fang HaoDuan a cup of wine from security personnel, and then he lifted it to the whole scene, and then drank it.

There was a warm applause under the stage, but soon someone shouted, "Hao, you are not sorry for us. It is our blessing to have your boss. "

Yes! There is Hao Ge in, and nobody will think about the idea of our wharf business in the future! "


Many people expressed their respect for Fang Hao. Fang Hao looked at it, and he was very comfortable. After all, although he was doing a good job of handling the wharf, he also strictly prevented the invasion of the wharf by some people in Jiulong society and Tongxing society. Part of the reason is for their own interests and the responsibility of being the boss of the wharf.

Since he took over the dock, he should make money at ease. He didn't need to remind the people to be afraid. He was fighting with foreign people to fight for a place.

After drinking wine, Fang Hao continued: "my responsibility is to protect the interests of all of us at the wharf. This is what I should do, but we can't do it alone. So I hope you can screw it into a rope later. Even if I am not here, even if my brothers are not here, you can fight out the people who will commit them together. This is not just for my territory, It's also for your site. You saw the other day. There are hundreds of people in Jiulong district. How many are our docks? There are thousands of people sitting in, you are just some representatives, thousands of people, let hundreds of people give pressure to breathe. "

When it comes to this, Fang Hao looks very serious and his tone is very sharp. The people below are all respectful and look at Fang Hao with a nervous face.

Fang Hao said in a sharp voice: "I am ashamed of you all. Do you know what the hundreds of people in Kowloon will come to do? You don't think they came to rob Laozi's territory. Tell you, they are also here to rob your territory, grab your job, rob your money. You dare not resist. I understand that because they are too fierce, they are all underworld, killing people without blinking eyes. You are afraid. As a common feeling, I see the sword and gun. I am afraid to fall in my heart I am on my own, but some things, even if they can't solve the problem, will make others more bullied think you are good at bullying. "

"So, after all, I don't want to hear that when someone calls, you dare not fart. I can understand that you are women, and you don't need to participate too much in the bleeding in the world. But the young and old men here, we are men. Where is blood?" Fang Hao looks around at this moment, and the momentum is raging.Immediately, Fang Hao said in a deep voice: "people who are familiar with Laozi know that even if someone offends Laozi and bullies him, Laozi has no overnight feud. Hehe, is it because of Laozi's generosity

No one answered the scene, it was very quiet, obviously many people were listening to Fang Hao's words carefully.

Fang Hao, with a straight face, yelled: "I tell you, that's not Lao Tzu's magnanimity. It's because as long as Lao Tzu has revenge, it's not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years. It's the helpless action of incompetent people. Don't you have the ability? No strength? You can carry one or two hundred catties. Do you think that the shriveled children in Jiulong club have three heads and six arms. They have knives and you don't have shoulder poles? Take up to hit him Ya is, was cut a knife again how, sew two needles to be good, more a scar again how? A big old man with no two scars on his body. When your son grows up, you are embarrassed to brag in front of your son. I used to be so arrogant that I beat ten by one! "

Speaking of this, Fang Hao immediately laughed.

When he laughed, the whole audience laughed, which could be regarded as a roar of laughter. Then Fang Hao finally said, "so, I hope that everyone will live like a man in the future, regardless of whether he or she has done it or not. It is one thing to fight or not to win. It is another thing to dare to fight. This is the same principle as being a man. Eat well and drink well, and don't give me a damn thrift, Laozi rich! Ha ha... "

Wang Hao seems to be the most excited person in front of him when he sees his body and feels the most excited.

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