In the blood tiger gate, Meng Qinghu went to other places to seek development. Now, the person in charge of the blood tiger gate is duanmuyi, the deputy head of the gate.

He has a sharp mouth and a small body. He looks weak and looks like a charlatan. However, no one dares to look down on him because he is good at using his brain. He is also a white fan of blood tiger gate.

But since this period of time, Duanmu one's eyelids always jump, although he let the blood tiger door's each eldest brother's fight not to be so excessive.

However, the big men who have made a real fire, where will listen? After all, Duanmu is not Meng Qinghu, who has built up a long-standing prestige. The deterrent force is still insufficient, so the fight is still fierce.

At the moment, in the high-level conference room of the tiger group, the headquarters of xuehumen, a group of people are quarreling with each other. Duanmu is sitting on the main seat with a gloomy face. It seems that the face is full of bones, and the face is twitching.

Finally, he couldn't bear it. Duanmu patted the table one by one, and the big men in the quarreling door were scared by a bang, and the subconscious meeting room was quiet.

Everyone looked at Duanmu I, the current authority.

Duanmu said angrily, "you just know that you are hungry all the time. You don't know if you want to. Now the boss is planning something important. If you don't share your worries for the boss, you don't have to worry about it. If you let the boss know that your own people are killing hot, you won't be angry! Do you want to try the rage of the boss? "

Although standing several people are still eyebrow stare, but did not speak, it seems that or fear Meng Qinghu Yu Wei.

Duanmu is helpless to this group of big men. In terms of fighting territory, they are all a group of fierce people. However, they are so bitter that they have no goal. After that, they simply start to work with their own people.

He can see that it's OK to let these guys fight the territory, but it still needs to be educated to let these guys manage the territory. They are all a group of big men. How can they know how to operate.

With a sigh, Duanmu's expression became serious: "recently, the complaints and charges against our bloody Humen have disappeared. There must be something wrong with it. Even the mayor who has been fighting against us has stopped. I'm afraid there is a big problem. You should not make any more noise recently. It's better to keep a low profile."

"Grass, if there is no accusation, it means that those guys are afraid of us. Some time ago, we threw a sack of snakes into the mayor's house. It is estimated that the officials were scared to death. This is a good thing. We should take this opportunity to take down the operation right of the bus station." A big man with a cigarette in his mouth and a fierce face.

"What do you know? The quieter it is, the more unusual it is. It is absolutely impossible for those officials to yield to us so easily. I expect that they will do something. Don't worry about it recently. Let me ask for information. Then, the people at the bus stop will not move for the moment." Duanmu shook his head and worried a little on his face.

Unlike these guys in front of him, he has no brains. He can only rely on his fists for a while. If he wants to be long-term, he has to rely on planning. For this, he appreciates Meng Qinghu, his eldest brother. He can not only fight and fight, but also have a gap in his heart. Otherwise, blood Humen will not design and crush Longtang and Qingyi group successively, making the first feat in many years to unify Zhonghai city Underworlds.

Suddenly, a phone call came, Duanmu quickly connected, because it was Meng Qinghu.

After connecting, Duanmu listened for a moment, and his face changed greatly. After hanging up the phone, he said with great impatience: "immediately, close all the illegal industries, especially all the drugs. Put them away and hide them. Hurry up!"

"What's the matter?" A big man doubted.

"Do what Laozi says. There is so much nonsense. If you don't want to die, do it immediately!" Duanmuyi almost roared.

All of a sudden, all of us were stunned by Duanmu's roar. These guys didn't act because of Duanmu's roar, but these guys were dissatisfied.

"Duanmuyi, you really think you are the boss, even tiger brother can't talk so much, what are you?" One of the big guys got angry.

"Yes, if you don't tell me why, why should we listen to you? Do you know how much money will be lost if we close the field one day? You only know that sitting in the headquarters of the Tigers with legs up and enjoying the happiness, if there is no income, who is willing to follow us?" The other one was very angry.

Although the big guys all know Duanmu Yiyin is very shady, some are afraid of it, but they are absolutely unconvinced, because in their eyes, Duanmu knows what to do, even the underworld of unifying Zhonghai city. Duanmu Yi has no contribution in their eyes.

Duanmu saw that these guys actually turned against him, and his face suddenly became overcast. However, at this critical moment, Duanmu wanted to get angry, but he tolerated it. He immediately called Meng Qinghu and gave it to everyone.

Inside came Meng Qinghu's roaring voice: "you've got some ink. I don't want to live. Tell me that I can help you. If anyone doesn't listen to duanmuyi's words, wait till I come back and chop his hand!"

Voice and irritability, also a bit anxious, almost instantly, everyone did not speak, hastily took out the mobile phone, ready to call, but at this time, one of the phone rang.Then, on the spot a few big guy's mobile phones one after another ring up, for a moment, all people have a premonition of bad.

Duanmu saw it, his face changed greatly: "don't pick it up soon!"

Sometimes, these big guys get through the phone.

But the scene was too chaotic and noisy, so they all went out.

Still standing in the meeting room, Duanmu heard the voice of a big man on the phone, the more I listened, the more frightened.

Just listen to make a big man roar: "what do you say, the brothers in the nightclub are all arrested? Damn it, the cops have a problem! what? It's not the police, it's the armed police. They also found a lot of drugs on the spot? Grass, it's against these guys... "

Another man said angrily, "what? There's something wrong with the casino, how can it be! "

Hearing the news from the outside, Duanmu immediately called the financial department of the tiger group and said impatiently, "take all the account books to me immediately! Did you hear that? Speak

But there came a strange man's voice: "Duan general manager, I'm sorry, the account book has been confiscated by us."

Duanmu exploded hair in an instant, and his face changed greatly: "who are you? Dare to fight against our bloody Humen!"

"Lao Tzu is the people's armed police, and it is you who are attacking the cancer!" The phone abruptly hung up.

Duanmu ran out of the room almost instantly and yelled, "I'll run to find a place to hide. If you don't know, don't come out. The armed police are coming!"

Suddenly, several big men ran down desperately, and Duanmu one came to the window and looked at the office building with dozens of stories. His eyes jumped wildly and muttered: "a group of idiots deserve to be caught! You have to get the secret account book and burn it, or it's really over. "

with that, Duanmu climbed up the window and stood in a hiding place that he had prepared for today's event. He had to hide. He knew better than anyone how many people had been killed in Zhonghai city in recent months, including rich and powerful people. As the deputy head of the blood tiger gate, if he was caught, he would be dead.

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