Only Chen Xiao and Qing Xiaofeng were at the top of the company. The rest of them led the team out to help clean up the blood tiger gate people. Fang Hao said to the ghost hand, "ghost hand, Overlord, you go to find the cold front and wait for an opportunity to deal with the experts of blood tiger gate. Don't let the brothers shed too much blood."

"Well, I'll go." Ghost hand and Overlord turn to leave.

Immediately, Fang Hao looked at Chen Taiping and Nangong Mingyue: "you go out first, I have something to discuss."

"We always protect you. Although I hate you, the task is the task." Nangong Mingyue hates being ordered by others, especially by her.

Fang Hao's face was cold, and he was going to be tough, but Chen Taiping took the lead in pulling away Nangong Mingyue.

Wen Xiao sat at the table, closed his eyes, a little tired on his face, while Wei Wei and Li stood on the side with a cold look.

At the moment, Chen Xiao was very happy to say: "brother Hao, how did you do it? You actually got such a strong relationship and got such a task. After that, it will be difficult for China security company to make money or not."

"Ha ha, it's just a coincidence. It's no big deal. In fact, the biggest purpose I set up this security company was not to aim at the domestic market. By the way, how many people do we have in the security company now?" Fang Hao asked.

"There are more than 800 people in our company, of which more than 500 are your former younger brothers, and the other 300 are veterans recruited according to your requirements." Speaking of this, Chen Xiao frowned and continued: "it's not the domestic market. Do you want to develop abroad? It's not easy. Our company has just started. Is your goal too big? What's more, the business volume of our company is so low that I don't understand why we should continue to recruit so many people. Do you know how much money our company will lose every month? "

Fang Hao said with a smile: "it's expected to lose money now. As long as someone is easy to handle, after this event, you immediately select the appearance of 300 or 400 young people. Those who are not married, whether they were gangsters or veterans, should strengthen training for a month, especially the skills of using various firearms, and then go abroad to carry out tasks."

"No, there is a way to go to the international market?" Chen Xiao looks shocked.

"There are many overseas Chinese enterprises. Many enterprises are in turbulent areas and need professional security. Huaxia can't send troops there, so it's only our security companies to send people. Do you understand?" Fang Hao said that he had been planning for a long time.

Chen Xiao looked at Fang Hao seriously for a while, then choked out a sentence: "brother Hao, I really believe you, I finally understand why you have to raise so many people, there is a foreign market, after this matter, I will choose out, how to go then? You take it with you? "

"I will go there, but not now. Someone will contact you. But when you talk about the price, you should drive as large as possible. Brothers, you are risking their lives to go there. Don't be afraid that the price is too high. There will be a lot of overseas business in the future. You should step up recruitment. We need a lot of people." Fang Hao looked serious.

"Good." Chen Xiao's eyes are full of curiosity. She really wants to know what kind of background Fang Hao has. She remembers that when she was in Yunshi group, Fang Hao was just an ordinary person who had no right and no power to fight. However, during the past year, Fang Hao's identity was more and more strange, which could be regarded as a miracle.

He first became the husband of yunfeifei, President of Yunshi group. Later, he was a veteran of some mysterious army and a group of high-ranking officers and comrades. After that, both black and white were almost all eaten.

The more contact, Chen Xiaoyue felt that Fang Hao was unfathomable. Now even if Fang Hao said that he was the son of a military magnate, she would believe it immediately.

Fang Hao saw Chen Xiao's doubts and said with a smile, "don't be curious. You'll know later. Remember to recruit more people, especially those who dare to fight and dare to fight. Those who are timid and timid are not allowed."

"Well, can you tell me who you really are Chen Xiao finally asked the biggest question in his heart.

Even the next Qing Xiaofeng has raised her ears. This woman is also the same. The more she thinks that the man she only likes is more and more mysterious.

"Your question is very general, and I don't know how to answer you. I'm just an ordinary person in China, but I have some influence abroad. Now many people like my influence abroad, so this will take care of my industry. Therefore, in the future, you can only speak big and I will help them do things, and I will get some benefits. Besides, I don't know who I am, so I don't know how to answer you specifically

Although Fang Hao's answer is somewhat ambiguous, Chen Xiao still knows something very important, that is, his boss is very competitive and has influence abroad.

Qing Xiaofeng suddenly cut in: "brother Hao, I heard my sister say that you have troops abroad?"

Fang Hao did not hide: "it's not a troop, it's a mercenary. I have a mercenary Corps."

Chen's mouth was so excited that she could not even laugh at her boss.Qing Xiaofeng's eyes are a little confused. Who doesn't want the man she likes to be very tough. Now Fang Hao is not ordinary and fierce. Qing Xiaofeng, who has been abroad for so long, of course knows the meaning of a mercenary Corps. It is absolutely not that dozens of hundreds of people can become a mercenary group. She also knows how powerful it is to have a mercenary group.

"Can you show me around sometime?" Qing Xiaofeng looks at Fang Hao with hope.

"Of course, there's a chance, but there's nothing good to see. It's all big men, except some guns and cannons." Fang Hao is very casual.

The two women immediately took a deep breath, which was nothing to look good at. Guns, for them, was such an amazing thing. Fang Hao also said that it was so light.

After explaining some things, there was a quarrel outside the door: "get out of the way!"

"Who are you? You can't go in."

"Who are you?"

Fang Hao heard the sound outside, it was Lengfeng. Fang Hao went out and went to a quiet place with Leng Feng. Then the people brought by Leng Feng immediately kept their hands away from people.

Leng Feng coagulated: "Your Highness, you let me investigate the matter of wenmengji. I'm sorry for my incompetence. I didn't find out."

Fang Hao immediately frowned, and his face was angry: "Damn, who is such a scum? He has made wenmengji's stomach big, and he still doesn't show up. Don't let me know, or he will break his three legs!"

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