Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1046: : Sister, let's talk?

The small town of Arad is named after the ranch.

Every Wednesday, a large market is held here.

This market is not the kind of domestic market, selling vegetables and all kinds of food and drink.

Here mainly sell some livestock such as cattle, sheep and horses...

At this time, the ranchers of the various pastures will come here on time.

One is to look at the current market price of cattle and sheep.

Secondly, I want to see if there are suitable and good breeds of cattle, sheep and horses, and I am buying a batch.

When Lin Fan and the others drove a pickup truck, they came to the town entrance.

I saw a lot of pickup trucks parked in the surrounding parking lot.

It can be seen that those ranchers, I am afraid they have already come here.

"Boss, let's go in!"

When the car was parked, Ham said with a smile.

It was the first time Lin Fan came to this place, and he was very curious about everything here.

Follow Ham and a few people and walk inside.

I saw that wherever I went, there were quite a few people, holding a dozen cattle and sheep, standing on both sides of the street.

There are also some people who will come forward to inquire about prices and varieties.

Sharp-eyed people even observe the state of these cattle and sheep and how they grow in the environment.

Don't think these are trivial things. People who have actually worked on the ranch know all of them.

The growth environment of cattle and sheep has been good or bad for the pasture they eat.

But it directly determines the quality of these beef and mutton meat.

Therefore, if you want to buy good cattle and sheep, you really can’t buy them without a professional appraiser.

These are just like buying antiques in China, and you may buy some sick cattle and sheep if you are not careful.

If this were the case, it would be more than just a loss of money.

In severe cases, all cattle and sheep in the pasture will be infected.

"These cattle and sheep, shall we not look at them?" Lin Fan said strangely as he looked at the vendors with a dozen cattle and sheep on the side of the street.

Coming this way, these people are all on both sides.

But Ham and Borg had no intention of staying at all.

"Boss, the cattle and sheep sold by these people are not guaranteed in terms of safety and quality. If we don't buy well, we will lose a lot!" Ham said.

"Oh, do you know anyone?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"Of course, I don't know each other, but everyone who works here knows that the most guaranteed place here is actually at the cattle and sheep auction!" Borg said with a smile beside him.

Hearing this, Lin Fan almost didn't fall off his chin.

auctions? There are places like auctions for selling cattle and sheep?

While Lin Fan was taken aback, he also gained a lot of knowledge.

After not going far, I saw a temporary tent made of canvas in front.

And here is what Borg and Ham said of the auction site.

It looks simple, but there are many people standing on the empty ground outside the tent.

"Boss, it’s here. They specialize in selling large quantities of cattle and sheep, and the quality is also very good. Health problems can be guaranteed. They are much better than those on the street. They come here every week. They only lead one breed. The main purpose is to introduce, if someone places an order, they will send it to the ranch according to the quantity!"

Ham seemed familiar with the situation here.

While bringing Lin Fan over, he gave a detailed explanation.

Lin Fan also learned a lot at this time.

Go outside the tent and stand in the crowd.

I saw a tall black man in the tent, who was giving a detailed explanation to a cow.

This cow seems to come from a New Zealand pasture, and the breed seems to be more famous.

However, Lin Fan has no interest in these.

He also doesn't know the quality of these varieties, and the sales situation.

But he doesn't know it, it doesn't mean the people around him, nor do they know it.

Especially Borg and Ham, both of them seem to be more experienced.

As long as Ham said, this breed of cattle is fine, and that breed of sheep is good.

Lin Fan would silently record it in his heart.

After the decision is made, a few varieties will be selected and a large number of purchases will be made.

Lin Fan was not afraid that the other party would use some bad sick cows, sick sheep, etc. to make up for it.

As Ham said, they are big businessmen in this market.

This is the main business they do.

If even they dare to pour water into it, they will lose their reputation.

And even if the cattle and sheep have problems, they can tell at a glance in front of the experienced Borg and Ham.

This auction has been going on for a long time.

There are two full hours to introduce those cattle and sheep.

However, after his introduction, these ranchers who had been standing in the open land all became crazy.

Walk directly into the tent.

At the same time, several staff members responsible for registration also appeared in the tent.

"Just as we said just now, go and register!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

During the introduction, Lin Fan, Ham and Boge discussed with them and decided to come up with several breeds of cattle and sheep.

These varieties are currently on the market and have relatively good sales.

Especially Green Red Bull, which can be seen in many western restaurants and is very popular.

And it's like the Badshan long-haired sheep, etc., which are more famous.

But it is also true, its price is relatively expensive.

If you buy in large quantities, I am afraid you will pay a lot of money.

Originally, Ham and Borg considered that these costs were too high and hoped that Lin Fan could buy some cheaper varieties.

However, Lin Fan also thought in his heart that although these varieties are more expensive, what he wants to build is a high-quality processing factory, and it is mainly for Dayang Island.

Therefore, some money cannot be saved.

At Lin Fan's insistence, Ham and Borg did not continue to say anything.

Walked directly into the tent and lined up to sign.

And Lin Fan was walking around in the open space outside, taking a look, passing the boring time.

However, at this time.

A man was found from the crowd, a woman with long blond hair.

It seemed that he was only in his early twenties, and he was very beautiful.

However, in this place where all the masters gather, the appearance of her as a girl seems a little abrupt.

With a pair of smart eyes, she kept scanning the surroundings, and her goal seemed to be the pockets of the ranchers.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled lightly and walked straight over.

However, just when the girl was about to reach out one of the ranchers with sinful hands.

Lin Fan's hands were quick and quick, and he squeezed his wrist tightly!

"Sister, let's talk?"

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