Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1062: : Your kid Yanfu is not shallow

Recently, the extra-large terrorist attack that occurred in Toyo City was finally broken.

None of the four terrorists ran away and all were arrested.

It was just a little strange when they found these four terrorists.

All of them became dying, and all of them were red and swollen. Seeing that there was less air in and more out of breath.

If you come about half an hour late, I am afraid that all four of them will die.

After being sent to the hospital, the doctor's diagnosis found that these people had been stung by wasps.

The strange thing is that these wasps control the toxins just right.

It didn't inject too much toxin, but it was enough to paralyze them.

Nevertheless, if it is left unattended, the venom can still flow slowly through the blood into the internal organs, causing the internal organs to become paralyzed and weakened.

Before this case was solved, the entire Fengshi city was panicked for a while.

Especially after the dark sky, basically all of them dare not go out.

Moreover, the leaders of the province and the central government have all been alarmed.

They also formed a task force to arrest this terrorist attack in all directions.

As a result, they haven't done anything yet, but someone else has subdued these terrorists.

Of course, similar to this, the police will not explain.

Just vaguely, said something that didn't hurt or itchy.

The main reason is that all these terrorists have been arrested, so that the citizens of Feng City can feel at ease.

Nevertheless, it still received a lot of cheers from the citizens of Feng City.

The terrorists who had troubled and threatened them for several days were finally arrested.

This gave them a big breath.

On Tianshi Mountain, in the zoo.

The morning sun poured down softly, and it felt warm and comfortable on the body.

Lin Fan had just walked out of the attic and was stretching his waist.

I have to say, it is better to sleep at home to make him feel more comfortable.

At this moment, the little fox and Linda also ran over with excitement.

Holding a cell phone in his hand, and the content in the cell phone is exactly the news that terrorists have been arrested.

In addition, there is another news.

Wang Jianmin, deputy director of the Jiangbei Provincial Department, has successfully passed the dangerous period and his physical condition is continuously recovering. After inspection, all indicators are good.

Now I can sit up normally, and I can eat.

This kind of recovery ability is an amazing miracle in the medical world.

You must know that a person whose lung lobe was punctured and also lost too much blood, even if the doctor was helpless, he recovered slowly.

And the injury has completely healed, only some skin injuries are left.

At this rate, it is estimated that within three to five days, Wang Jianmin will be able to leave the hospital alive and well.

Of course, as soon as this news appeared, many people expressed disbelief.

It's no wonder, after all, the injury was so serious yesterday, it was almost impossible to directly issue a critical illness notification.

But today, like a okay person, Wang Jianmin in the picture is still eating while talking and laughing.

And after this incident, Wang Jianmin became a well-deserved hero in the hearts of the people of the city.

If he hadn't found those terrorists in time, and stopped them, the current Toy City still doesn't know what it has been destroyed by those terrorists.

I don't even know how many casualties there will be in Fengshi.

Of course, they didn't disclose the news that they were going to blow up the zoo.

After all, this is equivalent to confidentiality, and once it is publicized, it will only harm the zoo.

Even if terrorists have been caught now, the zoo's business will still plummet.

After reading the news, Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, a phone call came in.

Lin Fan took a look, but it was Wang Jianmin.

Lin Fan chuckled and put on the call: "Hey, how is it, your body is all recovered?"

When the voice fell, I heard Wang Jianmin's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Xiao Fan, I won’t die this time, I’m afraid I have an indelible relationship with you? Xiao Li told me just now that you came back from the U.S. yesterday and saw me in the hospital... you know , I don’t believe in any miracles. I know the severity of my own injuries. I know better than anyone else. I’m afraid you will be the only one who can rescue me from the ghost gate, brother!” Wang Jianmin’s voice sounded a little weak.

After all, the injury is so serious that it is impossible to recover immediately.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "I just don't want to lose a brother, just do it!"

"Haha, a little effort? Xiao Fan, don’t think I don’t know, there are a few terrorists, you did it? I don’t believe that in this world, besides you, there are other people who can command so many The hornet attacked!" Wang Jianmin continued.

Lin Fan didn't say anything, it was considered acquiescence.

In front of Wang Jianmin, he didn't need to hide anything.

Besides, Wang Jianmin is a policeman and knows Lin Fan very well. If you just think about these things, you will be able to guess that they are inseparable.

"Xiao Fan, thank you... For the rest, I don't want to say anything, but this kindness, Wang Jianmin, I remember!"

After a long time, Wang Jianmin said in a low voice.

Lin Fan chuckled and nodded: "Okay, I really want to say that you owe me, then you won't be able to pay it off in your life, well, before you pay it off, you must live well for me, if you meet this Don’t bite the bullet!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Fan heard a woman's voice on the phone.

"Oh, Director Wang, why are you still on the phone? Hurry up, don’t think you have just recovered from your injury and you can do whatever you want. You are the director in the hall, and you are a patient here, so you have to listen. My..." a very sweet voice said on the phone.

Then there was a wry smile from Wang Jianmin.

"Okay, your son Yanfu is not superficial. Is this the young nurse in your hospital? The voice sounds good, how does it look? If it's okay, please contact me if it doesn't work. You're the boss and you're pretty good. A girlfriend is married!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, what's the matter, don't talk nonsense about this, by the way, Xiao Fan... There is one more thing, I'm afraid I have to ask you for help, and I believe you will be interested in this case too Yes!" Wang Jianmin said.

Lin Fan was startled: "Oh? What other cases? Could it be that you asked me to destroy the terrorist's nest?"

"Cough..." Hearing this, Wang Jianmin coughed for a while, probably almost vomiting blood.

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