Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1132: : Who should you ask?

When Lin Fan and John returned to China by private jet, it was already late at night.

And the place where the plane landed was not Fengshi.

It is a small county not too far from Feng City, called Xiang County.

Xiangxian is in China, and its reputation is not big or small.

Especially for those who like jewelry and jade, this can be said to be a treasure.

It is said that a jade mine was discovered here in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

It was immediately mined, and during the Republic of China, gold mines were discovered one after another.

Gradually, the level of the people in Xiangxian County has been continuously improved.

The living conditions are among the best among the counties in China.

Xiao Shiyu's family is a fortune in gold jewelry and jade, according to John's investigation.

After Lin Fan got up to go to the country, she went to Dayang Island to check it again.

Confirm that nothing else is happening there, and that the project will start soon.

She just came to Xiang County, ready to discuss a cooperation.

The Xiao family has its own gold and jade processing plants, and they only need to purchase a large amount of rough stones for processing and design.

However, as soon as she arrived here, she disappeared inexplicably.

There is no clue, and no one knows who did this thing.

People disappeared in the hotel as if they had evaporated.

The local county government and the county police station all sent out searches, and no clues were found.

But it was easily investigated by John's eyeliner.

Lin Fan was also very satisfied with this.

It can also be seen from this point that the forces of Group J are spread all over the world, no matter it is in any country, I am afraid there are people from them.

Take China as an example. In this world, it is also among the top three major countries.

However, the J group has their people in every city in China, even in the small and remote counties.

From this, you can see how long the tentacles of Group J are stretched out.

As soon as he got off the plane, John quickly said: "Mr. Lin, I have asked someone to arrange a hotel here. Mr. Lin can go to the hotel to rest first. I will personally bring people and bring Miss Xiao back safely!"

Lin Fan shook his head: "Forget it, I'm not here to rest, but to save people. Go, call your people here, I will go there in person, and take a look. Who is it that has the courage to kidnap the head of the Xiao family!"

Hearing this, John frowned.

He didn't say what he said, so he nodded and took Lin Fan straight to the spot they found.

After all, this is the Japanese country, not their American side.

Although there is their eyeliner here, there are no killers.

If you want to save people, you obviously have more than enough energy but you can only wait for Lin Fan and the others to arrive here before they can act.

Not long after, they came outside a factory building.

It looks like a place used to store raw jade ore.

It's just that it has been abandoned for a long time, and there are already half-human weeds growing under the roots of the wall, and no one is repairing it.

The two heavy iron doors are already rusty.

With a light touch, it seems that the rust on it will crackle and fall off.

Lin Fan and the others stood outside the iron gate and didn't walk in directly.

But standing there, waiting for something.

After a while, a person quietly ran out from the darkness nearby.

This person is also the face of a foreigner, and he looks about forty years old.

Mediterranean hairstyle, the body is slightly blessed.

It seemed a bit gentle, but Lin Fan could tell in his eyes that this was a scum.

Because when he first appeared, his eyes didn't look at John and Lin Fan first.

Instead, he looked at Linna next to him and her shapely figure.

You know, Linna has fair skin and is very sweet.

When any man sees her, it may be difficult to restrain the impulse in his heart.

But this person was different, he appeared bolder, and there was an annoying light in his eyes.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, and didn't say much.

But Linna made a look that was about to kill someone.

"Mr. John, you are here. I have been waiting here for a long time. The woman you asked me to find is now locked in here!" said the middle-aged man.

John nodded, just about to speak.

Lin Fan next to him said first: "Are you sure? How many people are there? What are their identities?"

"This is..." The middle-aged man did not immediately answer.

Instead, he asked Lin Fan's identity first.

In his opinion, Lin Fan is a Chinese.

And the Chinese are here, in front of the J group boss, how can they be qualified to speak?

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and did not answer.

But John stared at him and said, "Mr. Lin's identity, you should also know? Looking for death!"

After the words fell, John hit the opponent's face with a vicious punch...

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