Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1134: :trap

This sudden change shocked Lin Fan.

The brows were tightly furrowed, and he quickly jumped out to the back, although he reacted fast enough, but the tip of the knife was still on his body, making a cut.


Lin Fan raised his head and looked at "Xiao Shiyu".

However, when ‘Xiao Shiyu’ stood up, his hair was lifted, revealing the face of a stranger.

Obviously, this person is not Xiao Shiyu, but another person.

In other words, this is completely a planned trap.

And they are here, just waiting for Lin Fan to deliver it by himself.

At this moment, Lin Fan heard a banging sound outside, obviously Linna and the others had already fought with the people in another room.

Listening to the sound, it seems that they are also fighting hard.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "Very well, are you a triad or a member of the Red Gang?"

When the voice fell, the woman rolled her eyes and said a lot of Japanese language that Lin Fan couldn't understand at all.

Immediately, she moved like a sly rabbit, and rushed straight to Lin Fan.

Just now it was Lin Fan who hadn't paid attention and had no defense, so she almost made her a hit.

And now, how could Lin Fan give her the same opportunity?

Just when she pounced on, Lin Fan leaped slightly to the side and disappeared from her eyes.

Just when this woman just wanted to turn around and look for Lin Fan.

I felt a strong wind hitting her waist.

Obviously this woman also has kung fu in her body.

But just his little effort, in front of Lin Fan is still not enough.

Seeing that she just turned around and tried to hide, another strong wind hit her ears.

The woman's heart trembled suddenly, at this moment she was trying to dodge, obviously it was too late.

There was a muffled sound in the ear, as if a car was hitting his head hard.

It slammed her into the air and hit the wall heavily.

Just this time, the woman was beaten to death.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, looked at the woman on the ground, and hit a blue flame casually.

In an instant, the woman was burnt to smoke.

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to her, but walked straight out of the room.

Obviously, this is clearly a trap.

Xiao Shiyu is not here, but it is the triad and the red gang who made this trap.

Just when Lin Fan walked out, he saw that in a room next door, he was also fighting hard.

Several killers are fighting with a few people who appear to be dressed in migrant workers' clothing.

You know, these killers are all elite members of the J group.

Can make them cope with such embarrassment, and faintly still appear defeat.

Obviously, the identities of these ‘migrant workers’ are not that simple.

Lin Fan came over and saw two migrant workers glance at him, all of them were slightly startled.

Obviously, in their opinion, even if Lin Fan didn't die inside, he would have to be seriously injured.

How can you come out intact? Where is that woman? Why is she not here?

Of course, this idea was only fleeting and disappeared.

In the next second, the two migrant workers abandoned their opponents and ran towards Lin Fan to kill them.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "You are looking for death!"

When the words fell, Lin Fan rushed forward, greeted him with strong wind on both fists.


There were two muffled noises, and the two people who looked like migrant workers had no power to resist.

He was directly bombarded by Lin Fan's iron fist.

Just when Lin Fan was about to walk over and completely kill the two of them.

A dangerous reminder also came from behind him.

Lin Fan frowned and turned back quickly.

At this critical moment, a gunshot came.

Lin Fan hurriedly raised his hand, and a hot bullet was firmly clamped by him with two fingers.

Immediately, Lin Fan looked up and glanced.

In another room, a teenage girl was staring at him in surprise.

Lin Fan glanced over, and said lowly: "At such a young age, do you learn to sneak attack from behind? It seems that your future will end here!"

When the voice fell, he flicked his finger gently.

A bullet ‘poof’ hit the girl’s forehead.

Blood slowly flowed down, and the girl's body also fell heavily to the ground.

There are not too many people in this little red building.

Although Linna and the other assassins were a little embarrassed to deal with, it was nothing more than being caught off guard.

After adjusting their emotions, they immediately fought back.

It didn't take long to kill all the people who were ambushing here.

"Mr. Lin!"

Linna hurried over, with blood all over her body.

I don't know which ones are her own and which ones are enemies.

Lin Fan nodded: "We have been calculated, let's go and find the informant to ask what's going on!"

Linna agreed and hurriedly walked downstairs.

Just when they first came to the yard, they found it was too late.

I don't know when, no less than a hundred people have gathered in the yard.

And John was also intimidated by the middle-aged man...

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