Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 837: : Sanitation workers from foreign countries?

"Ahem, it seems that it's not time to come, I didn't expect you to have guests here!"

An old man said breathlessly.

This is no one else, but Mr. Zheng from Wanxiang Auction House.

Come up with him, Han Yu and Feng Keke.

Originally, they were going to visit the mountain a long time ago, and by the way, the money from the seabed treasure sold at the auction was sent to Lin Fan himself.

However, this is not just in time for the Spring Festival.

At the same time, they have to count the various income and data obtained after the auction is over.

And Lin Fan was not in a hurry to ask for the money, so he was not in a hurry.

It was already the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. Seeing that the Spring Festival was about to pass, they found time to come.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he went up the mountain, he happened to see Lin Fan negotiating with people from the Will Environmental Protection Company at the gate of the zoo.

Lin Fan smiled softly, and together with the little fox and Linda, took a short step forward: "Master Zheng, Happy New Year!"

"Hehe, happy new year...Xiao Fan, if you have something here, just talk about it first, we are not in a hurry anyway!" Mr. Zheng said with a smile.

With his current relationship with Lin Fan, it is no longer so polite.

And Lin Fan really respected him very much, treating him like an elder.

"It's not a big deal, just right, old man, let me introduce it to you!" Lin Fan said with a smile, "These are from the Will Environmental Protection Company!"

"Will? Environmental protection company?"

Hearing this, Father Zheng and Han Yu were all startled.

He almost blurted out: "There are also street sweepers on the will side? I'll go, then what do they come to our east? Want to grab jobs from sanitation workers?"

The voice just fell, and the few people here couldn't help laughing.

Only the Chinese representative of the Will Environmental Protection Company and a few foreigners did not have any expressions on their faces.

Well, I can't say that there is no expression, only the Chinese representative has a trace of disdain on his face.

He took out a business card from his pocket and said, "Surely some of you are also friends of the Principal Lin? That's right. I will introduce myself. We will sanitize..... The full name is Eco-Environmental Protection Company, or Environmental Protection Company in short. I came here because I wanted..."

"Oh, it turned out to be such a thing, but we are not interested in knowing this, what kind of work or cooperation, you can talk to Xiaofan, but before that, I hope that some sanitation workers from the will can Wait a minute!"

When the man was about to introduce him, Mr. Zheng directly interrupted him unceremoniously.

It's very simple. After such a long time, he and Lin Fan have learned more or less about Lin Fan's character.

If it is really a relationship like friends, Lin Fan will definitely let them into the zoo.

This is undoubtedly a matter of being a friend of hospitality.

And being able to be blocked by Lin Fan to speak, and it was still about cooperation, it was enough to tell that Lin Fan had no intention of talking to them.

Therefore, Father Zheng did not have any politeness.

In fact, when he saw these arrogant people, he didn't like it a bit.

"You...I, we are not sanitation workers..." The man almost lost his breath.

However, Mr. Zheng did not bother to care about him.

Nodded at Han Yu behind him, winking.

Seeing Han Yu took out a document and a bank card from his purse by surprise.

"Mr. Lin, these are the items you entrusted us to auction. These are auction materials. In this card, there are a total of 580 million... U.S. dollars!"

When it comes to the final numbers, Han Yu deliberately amplifies the volume.

It seems that they deliberately wanted the people from the sanitation company of the will, and they all heard the same.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and nodded: "Then thank Mr. Zheng and Manager Han!"

While speaking, directly hand over the information and card to the little fox behind him.

During this process, Lin Fan didn't even glance at it, and the expression on his face didn't change in any way. It seemed that all of this was taken for granted and taken for granted.

"Hahaha, okay, the business is done, let's go in, let's go in for a drink? My old man ran to this mountain so hard, you kid can't let me go back like this, right?" Old man Zheng laughed.

"Of course, come, come, please come in, please!" Lin Fan quickly let go.

Ever since, I just ignored those people from the Will Sanitation Company.

Toward the zoo, he quickly walked in.

As I walked, I was talking and laughing, as if nothing happened just now.

Seeing this scene, not only the foreigners were a little confused.

Even the Chinese man just now looked surprised.

Especially after hearing the numbers in that card, the chin almost didn't fall off.

Nearly six billion dollars? And still the dollar?

Nima, what a number this must be.

What made him even more shocked was that after Lin Fan heard this number, he didn't show any joy.

Based on this alone, he knew very well in his heart.

This is definitely not an ordinary person, you can pretend to be calm.

Only the kind of people who have seen big money, have been exposed to big money, and even have more assets than this, will maintain this calmness in this case.

If you want to install it, maybe it can be installed on the surface.

However, there is no way to cover up some details.

This person is best at negotiation, and one of the basic skills of negotiation is observing words and colors. Only by observing the changes in the other party's expression, body, and eyes during the negotiation process can we more accurately understand the inner activities of the other party's heart.

In this way, it is even more possible to seize the opportunity to complete the negotiation.

At the moment, he still habitually observed the changes in the expression on Lin Fan's face.

As a result, Lin Fan's indifference made him extremely surprised.

You know, six billion U.S. dollars is a lot of money for many people.

For those with a stable salary, it is an astronomical figure that they dare not expect for a lifetime.

And this time he came here on behalf of the Will Environmental Protection Company. Although the price offered was not low, it was far from six billion yuan.

To put it bluntly, Lin Fan would maintain that calm state even with six billion dollars in front of him.

And what kind of conditions do they have that will make Lin Fan's heart move and transfer those animal stars out?

"Joe, what's the situation now? Did our negotiation end without a problem?" A foreign man asked strangely...and had to be surprised that all the negotiating objects were gone, and only a few of them were left. So, standing here stupidly, everyone has to be confused.

The man smiled awkwardly, then turned around and said, "Born, things are a bit unexpected. I think what we have to do now is to investigate the true identity of the director of this zoo..."

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