Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 853: : A promise worth a thousand gold

"What do you want to do? Rebellion?"

Looking at these monkeys, holding wooden sticks one by one, they all looked like they were about to attack.

The leader of the team seemed to be startled.

Regardless of how he was just now, it is really difficult for him to solve it at this time.

You know, these monkeys and tigers, among them there are several rare species, are protected animals of the institution.

He is the captain of a security brigade, he dare not really take these monkeys and tigers.

Otherwise, he will face severe punishment by law.

In the face of this situation, he also seemed a little daunted. After all, he had never encountered such a situation before, nor had he dealt with such a thing.

But Lin Fan was still standing there, surrounded by a dozen monkeys and tigers.

When the situation was at a deadlock, a man walked out behind the security captain.

Wearing a full suit, it looks like he can be around fifty years old.

She is kind, and she always has a chuckle.

"Hello, I'm the director of Hengyang Zoo, this is my business card!" The man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Lin Fan.

Maybe it was because of fear of the monkeys and tigers, the man did not dare to step forward.

Lin Fan smiled, walked over and took the business card in his hand, and looked down.

The above introduction is very simple, with only one line: Hengyang Zoo, Director Cai Minsheng!

"President Cai?" Lin Fan looked up and said.

"Yes, yes!" The middle-aged man nodded quickly, showing a slightly respectful look.

Although he didn't know who Lin Fan was, just looking at Lin Fan's clothes and temperament, he knew that he was not a local.

Moreover, letting all those animals obey him is also enough to show that Lin Fan has some abilities.

"This gentleman, it's true that these monkeys actually ran out of our zoo. During this period of time, we ran to many places in order to find them. We never thought that they would hide here! "Cai Minsheng said.

In fact, after Lin Fan saw the business card, he had already guessed this faintly.

You know, the snow monkey is native to Fusang, and it is not a rare species in Fusang, but it can only be regarded as a native animal.

If it weren't for the current ecological crisis, the lives of many animals would be in jeopardy. I am afraid that this kind of snow monkey of little value would definitely not appear in China.

In this case, there will be such a snow monkey in the east. Lin Fan guessed that it might be an animal that ran out of a zoo or a research institute.

Looking at it now, it really is so.

Lin Fan smiled lightly, nodded and said, "So it is!"

"Yes, it's a surprise to find them now, and I would like to thank Mr. for help!"

The head of Garden Cai can also speak. He didn't speak to Lin Fan in that tough tone, and he didn't show the appearance of my monkey being the master.

"Okay, let's talk about what you are doing, Mr. Cai Yuan, now that these monkeys have been found, take them home immediately, and we will be able to complete the task!" At this moment, the security captain beside him yelled a little impatiently. stand up.

When the voice fell, he waved his hand and saw the security around him, and he was about to rush forward.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan frowned slightly.

And the snow monkey beside him and the other dozen monkeys also made a flustered squeak, barking non-stop.

Seeing that, it seems that they don't want to just go back to that Hengyang Zoo.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when the security captain was about to bring people up.

Lin Fan spoke coldly.

Not to mention the panic that these monkeys showed when they heard that they were going to take them home.

Just before, Lin Fan had reached an agreement with them and would provide them with a safe shelter.

At this time, how could these monkeys be taken away?

"What do you want to do?"

The security captain was startled, and looked towards Lin Fan with an unkind look.

Since he came here, he has been unhappy with Lin Fan.

There is still a fire in my heart, and I haven't vented it yet.

If it weren't for too many people here, and there were more than a dozen monkeys around Lin Fan, and the tiger there, he would have lost his temper.

"When did I say that you were allowed to take these monkeys away?" Lin Fan smiled coldly and glanced over Cai Minsheng and the security captain.

When the voice fell, he directly took out a business card from his body.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, Chief Cai, this is my business card!" Lin Fan handed it over.

After Cai Minsheng got the business card, he was always suspicious.

However, in the next second, his face changed drastically.

"You, you, are from Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo...Lin, Director Lin?" Cai Minsheng was a bit unfavorable even when he spoke at this moment.

The reputation of Wanjie Zoo is very well-known in China.

What's more, they are all peers. Whether it is the Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo or the director Lin Fan, they all know clearly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that among these colleagues.

Lin Fan's name is already a thunderbolt, and it has also been set up as an example of learning.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo is the object they will emulate.

"President Cai, what did you just say?"

After hearing what Cai Minsheng said, even the security captain was taken aback and quickly took off the sunglasses from his eyes and asked back.

"Lin, Director Lin, I, I really don’t know Taishan. I never thought that the idol would be in front of my eyes, and I didn’t know it... Damn it, it’s **** it. ......"

Cai Minsheng didn't care about the security captain at all, but said very excitedly.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Cai Yuan, don't be so exaggerated, everyone is a peer, let's talk about these monkeys!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Cai Minsheng nodded quickly and said, "Mr. Lin, this is not a place to talk. If we can, we might as well find a place to sit down and talk in detail? Oh, by the way, you haven't eaten yet? Look at the weather, very It’s almost night. Why don’t we do something like this. How about a simple bite?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled: "Don't worry about eating, so let's have a private zoo not far in front. We can go there first and talk about these monkeys. I don't know Mr. Cai. how about?"

"No, no problem, just do as Mr. Lin said!" Cai Minsheng didn't even dare to show up, nodded and said.

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