Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 859: : New member of the zoo

Normally, it is normal to have a few chimpanzees in the zoo.

It's just that the few chimpanzees blocking the door, especially the monkey, are a bit too...

When he saw Sun Xiaosheng, Zheng Hongtao took a few steps back in fright.

And there happened to be a small stone under his feet, one accidentally stepped on it, and almost didn't let him fall directly down the mountain.

He himself runs a zoo, although the scale and operating model are far from comparable to Lin Fan's zoo.

However, he had never seen such a humane monkey.

I saw Sun Xiaosheng's eyes flashing from time to time, as if he were a human.

This discovery shocked Zheng Hongtao.

"Hong Tao, are you okay?" Lin Fan turned around and asked with a smile.

Zheng Hongtao shook his head, his face was slightly ugly, but in this dark night, there was nothing unusual.

"Fan, Brother Fan, I'm fine!" Zheng Hongtao barely squeezed a smile on his face.

In fact, Lin Fan had already seen the shock in his heart just now.

In fact, this is not the first time this happened. Almost everyone who came to the zoo for the first time was shocked when they saw these chimpanzees and Sun Xiaosheng.

However, it is also true that these have become unique features of Wanjie Zoo.

"Don't be nervous, they are all trained. Now I let them work as security guards here, and also create a gimmick for the zoo. When you come here for the first time, you will gradually get used to it!" Lin Fan said lightly.

Hearing this, Zheng Hongtao nodded repeatedly.

In fact, the astonishment that just appeared was nothing but a surprise caused by not much defense in my heart.

Now that I heard Lin Fan's explanation, I looked at it carefully, and in fact, these orangutans were not much different from ordinary orangutans.

I really want to say the difference...Well, it's just that they are more well-trained than the caged orangutans in ordinary zoos, right?

Thinking of this, Zheng Hongtao frowned and cursed lowly.

I have never seen the market. They all say that Lin Fan can develop a zoo that is about to close down into its current state in just six months. There are definitely some special methods in it.

Now it seems that Lin Fan’s greatest reliance is probably well-trained animals, right?

"Let's go, let's not stand here!" Lin Fan said.

"Okay, Brother Fan!"

When Zheng Hongtao recovered a little bit, the two of them walked into the zoo mightily with the animals just brought back from Donglin Province.

When they came to this strange place, all the animals looked around from time to time, looking at their new home where they will live for a long time in the future.

Especially the Snow Monkey, from the time it got off the car, it has been showing the appearance of the world's dominance.

Now walking in the zoo, it is even more ostentatious. Adding the other dozen monkeys, surrounding it, as if the stars are holding the moon, makes it even more proud.

At this moment, a few figures came from the opposite side.

When they came to the front, it was Little Fox and Linda and the other girls, followed by Xiao Shiyu and Lin Shu.

The Spring Festival was over, and Lin Shu and the others had rushed back from their hometown two days ago.

"Brother Xiao Fan, you are back, these animals..." When the little foxes saw the animals following Lin Fan, they all looked a little surprised.

"Well, I brought these animals back from Donglin Province and will live in our zoo from now on, little fox, you and Linda will take these monkeys to Monkey Mountain first!" Lin Fan said .

"Yes, Brother Xiao Fan!" The little fox nodded and looked directly at the snow monkey and the golden monkey behind.

"Go, follow them two!"

Lin Fan also turned around and said to the snow monkey.

Today's Snow Monkey, although it still looks fearless, but among these people, it might be Lin Fan that it fears the most.

Maybe it was because when I was in Xinghuagou before, I was afraid of being beaten by Lin Fan, leaving a deep shadow in my heart.

Hearing Lin Fan's instructions, the Snow Monkey did not dare to hesitate, nodded quickly, and followed behind the little fox and Linda with his dozen friends, and walked straight to Monkey Mountain.

As for the remaining tigers and foxes, Lin Fan did not give Lin Shu the responsibility.

Instead, they directly called Ma Da Pao and Li Qiang and put the tiger and fox in a separate cage for the time being.

No way, they are all ferocious beasts after all.

Although there are regulations in animals that animals are not allowed to kill each other, there is also a saying that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

I really want to put this tiger in the other tiger cages so simply, no one knows if something unexpected will happen.

Lin Fan was only waiting for the day to arrange these.

All were allocated, and the zoo was calm again.

"Da Pao, his name is Zheng Hongtao, and he will also be a member of our zoo in the future. Well, let him live in the staff dormitory with you for the time being. You can arrange a room for him!" Lin Fan said.

"No problem, there is nothing else in our staff dormitory, but there are more rooms!" Ma Dapao said with a smile.

He didn't brag about this. You must know that the staff dormitory is a small three-story building that was originally built as a staff dormitory.

It's just that after Lin Fan took over the zoo, he hasn't had too many employees.

Originally, Lin Fan wanted to clear out the staff dormitories. After all, the years are not short and there are not many people living in them. It occupies such a large area, which is indeed a waste.

But after Ma Dapao and Li Qiang moved in, Lin Fan didn't move.

In fact, there is really not much time.

As a result, the popularity of this dormitory building has gradually increased.

There are Ma Dapao, Li Qiang, Niu Dazhuang, Xiao Wuzi, and cousin Yang Li.

Now that there is another Zheng Hongtao, the popularity has naturally become more exuberant.

"Hehe, my name is Zheng Hongtao, I would like to ask everyone to take care of me in the future!" Zheng Hongtao said politely.

"Nothing wrong, come to our zoo, you will be a family from now on, just tell me if you have something to do, don't worry about it!" Li Qiangqiang said grinningly.

Hearing this, Zheng Hongtao nodded.

Ever since, they were led by Ma Da Pao and went straight to the dormitory building.

And Lin Fan also took the car for the whole day, and he was indeed a little tired at this time. After temporarily arranging these things, he also walked to Qingyi Manor.

However, no one knows.

At this moment, in the monkey forest in the back mountain, a battle between king and king is about to begin...

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