Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 861: : The Monkey King’s Worries

Life in the zoo has always been relatively peaceful, both for the little foxes and the animals.

Because from the day the zoo reopened, Lin Fan set a clear rule.

Animals can only get along with each other in friendship and are not allowed to kill each other.

Of course, ordinary fighting, although it also happens frequently.

However, as long as there is no murder, Lin Fan will do some punishment at best.

After all, they are all animals. Fighting between animals is also inevitable.

You know, humans are often intrigue, fighting openly and secretly, let alone these animals?

However, the snow monkey has just arrived at the zoo.

What it is thinking about is not how to get along with the monkeys who originally lived in the zoo, but how to make itself the new monkey king here.

Its ambition and strength have far exceeded Lin Fan's expectations.

As for the little macaque who had just defected, what the snow monkey did was no different from the robbers and bandits coming down the mountain.

At this moment, in the depths of the monkey forest.

There is a small natural lake that is not big, and this small lake is really small, only about ten meters in size.

And beside the lake, there are many big rocks.

These big rocks are the monkey king and the rest, the more prominent monkeys in the monkey group, where they sleep.

The most important thing is that there is always a layer of white mist in this small lake.

And in this white mist, there is still a warmth.

Although it is far from the hot springs, sleeping here will never get too cold at night.

Of course, this may be a right unique to the Monkey King.

And around the small lake, there are also many monkeys living on the trees, enclosing the lake in the middle.

Especially those gibbons, after the last battle with the mutant monkeys, they have been 100% trusted by the monkey king and have become the guards of the monkey king.

At this time in the lake, the monkey king, the red-haired monkey, and the white-haired giant ape are sleeping here.

Suddenly, there was a rustle of rustling.

Then, a monkey shadow quietly appeared near the monkey king, looking around, looking a little anxious.

"Squeaky squeaky, **** ho!"

The Monkey King is resting, and normally it is not allowed to be disturbed.

However, the monkey was really anxious enough to jump up and down next to him. In the end, there was no other way, so he creaked.

With this call, all the monkeys around were shocked.

Including the Monkey King, it slowly opened its eyes, and when it saw the anxious little monkey in front of it, it seemed a bit dissatisfied.

In a short while, a few sturdy gibbons came from the side to take away the little monkey that disturbed the monkey king's rest.

"Majesty King, it's not OK, someone has come to attack us!" Just when the little monkey was about to be taken away, it screamed and spoke.

Hearing this, the Monkey King was also startled, and quickly sat up.

Although he didn't speak, the gibbons were very smart, and quickly stopped the movements of his hands and released the little monkey.

"What's the matter?" The Monkey King asked in a low voice.

At this moment, the red-haired monkey and giant ape next to them had all sat up.

Here, the status of the red-haired monkey and the white-haired great ape is not lower than that of the monkey king.

To be precise, if you want to compete for the Monkey King now, the two of them definitely have huge advantages.

It's just that the white-haired giant ape simply looks down on the position of "Monkey King", and doesn't bother to compete for anything, especially the red-haired monkey.

In its monkey life, there have been too many ups and downs, and now it just wants to live a quiet life, play music from time to time, and come to a concert that excites the monkey heart. It is already very satisfying.

Therefore, although the two of them are not the Monkey King, their status and treatment are the same as the Monkey King.

"My lord, I was patrolling outside just now and found... I found that the little macaque was coming to us with a few foreign monkeys!" said the little monkey.

The little macaque in its mouth was the sentinel who had defected to the snow monkey before.

As it said, the rebellious little macaque is rushing over here with the snow monkeys.

In terms of time, it is estimated that within three to five minutes, it will almost reach the place.

"A strange monkey?"

The Monkey King was stunned, where did the strange monkey come from?

This is a zoo, how can monkeys outside come here casually?

Just when it asked this question.

The red-haired monkey next to him spoke: "Could it be the owner and bring us new partners?"

"I think it's possible, you and those gibbons, aren't they all delivered in the middle of the night?" The white-haired giant ape next to him nodded.

This is really not a joke. Whether it is a gibbon or a red-haired monkey, even the white-haired giant ape, they are only delivered at night.

It's just that when they were sent, the sky had just darkened.

All the monkeys are not resting either.

At this time, calculating the time, it is estimated that there will be more than 11 o'clock in the evening.

The monkeys, naturally they have all rested, and they didn't notice it, which is also a normal thing.

Hearing the conversation between the two of them, the Monkey King was also startled.

In fact, for this monkey king, what he fears most is that a new monkey will come to the zoo.

This poses a big threat to its status and the throne of the Monkey King.

Just like those gibbons, they are not safe masters themselves, and they all like to cause trouble.

When they first came to the zoo, the Monkey King worried for a long time.

Before the mutant monkeys attacked the zoo, the gibbons were treated as aliens and were arranged to live on the edge of the monkey forest.

All of this is due to the suspiciousness and fear of the Monkey King.

Had it not been for the white-haired giant ape here, who had been helping the Monkey King, I am afraid that the status of the Monkey King would have long been lost.

This has nothing to do with whether the relationship between it and the old monkey king is good or bad.

In the animal world, there has always been a principle and the law of survival, that is, the strong is respected.

Only a powerful monkey is qualified to be the leader of the monkey.

Now I heard that a new monkey came to the zoo. It was more scared and nervous than anyone else.

"Quickly, wake up everyone and let them all stop sleeping!" The Monkey King quickly ordered.

However, just when its voice just fell.

Just listen to a loud voice faintly in the darkness opposite.

"Who is in charge here?"

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