Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 872: : Xiaoyu was kidnapped?

After understanding the misunderstanding between the snapping turtle and the money turtle, because of the inconvenience of language communication.

Lin Fan didn't send the two money turtles to other places alone, but continued to keep them in Crescent Lake, learning to adapt to the life here.

Upon hearing this arrangement and handling, Li Qiang and the others did not object.

Not only that, they are all very supportive.

Who said that foreign moons are really rounder than domestic ones? Since it is a domestic turtle, it is necessary to master the domestic language.

Ever since, after Lin Shu and Ma Dapao gave these two injured money turtles a simple inspection and wound treatment, it was confirmed that there was nothing serious, and they were allowed to continue returning to Crescent Lake.

Of course, before that, Lin Fan solemnly explained the rules of the zoo to the two money turtles.

These two money turtles can now become extremely honest.

Maybe it was really afraid of being bitten by snapping turtles and baby fish, but there was no rebuttal. Even if they were not allowed to eat the fish and shrimps in the Crescent Lake, they would accept it.

In fact, think about it from another angle, let alone two money turtles, even humans, in this unfamiliar place in life, they can't beat each other, and there is nowhere to run.

What you can do is just let it go and get used to everything here...

On the other side of the snapping turtle and the baby fish, Lin Fan also explained that as long as the two golden turtles do not actively seek out and cause trouble, they do not need to actively attack them.

Once they cause trouble or violate the rules, they can report directly to Lin Fan.

Neither the snapping turtle nor the baby fish have any opinions on this.

After resolving this matter, all of them dispersed and went busy with their own affairs.

Since Zheng Hongtao has just come to the zoo, he is not very familiar with everything here, and there is no specific work for him to be responsible for.

At noon, Lin Fan simply gave him a short holiday and asked him to go back to Mr. Zheng to rest for a few days.

Originally, Zheng Hongtao didn't want to leave. He came here for a simple reason.

Lin Fan helped him with such a big favor, returned him such a large sum of money, paid off all his debts, not to mention, he was still a little rich.

For this, Zheng Hongtao has always been grateful.

Let him swear silently, even if it is to work for Lin Fan for a lifetime without giving a penny, he is willing.

Since coming to the zoo yesterday, he has always wanted to integrate here as soon as possible and become a member of the zoo.

However, the zoo is now closed.

There are only so many jobs every day, and there is a pit for each carrot. If you really want to arrange a job for Zheng Hongtao, there is really nothing suitable.

According to Lin Fan's vision, there must be many places where he can be used in the future.

Zheng Hongtao originally graduated from an agricultural university, and after the successful development of Dayang Island, he must also develop agriculture.

Therefore, Zheng Hongtao's future will definitely not be in this small zoo.

After learning this, Zheng Hongtao was even more moved.

After sending off Zheng Hongtao, Lin Fan returned to Qingyi Manor and sat on the bench outside.

The big yellow cat Yuanbao and the three mountain dogs are lying lazily on one side basking in the sun, while the cheap-mouthed parrot is standing on a branch not far away, using its mouth to keep combing its feathers.

Everything looks very harmonious, and after the Spring Festival, the warmth of spring blossoms, and spring is coming soon.

"It's time to think about starting Dayang Island!" Lin Fan said with a light smile.

Time flies quickly, and dusk is approaching in a blink of an eye.

Although it hasn't been long since school started, the faces of every student are still immersed in the Spring Festival holiday and have not recovered.

Lin Qianqian is now in high school, but her eldest sister exists.

No one dared to provoke her easily.

Now in high school, who doesn't know the background behind Lin Qianqian? Lin Fanna is not someone who can easily provoke.

In addition, Lin Qianqian can still work hard, even if a dozen boys in command besieged together, they are not Lin Qianqian's opponent.

However, this is why Lin Qianqian is deliberately hiding her strength.

After school, Lin Qianqian rode her bicycle straight to Fengshi Xiaoxiao, which is not far away, as usual.

Since she and Xiaoyu went to school, plus Lin Fan was busy at work, and always had to go out for a few days from time to time.

Lin Qianqian was responsible for all the things Xiaoyu went to and after school.

The two schools are not too far apart, even if it is riding a bicycle, it only takes about 20 minutes.

In this world, high school is no better than the world Lin Fan lived in before.

There is no need to make up classes, and there is no such heavy learning.

Even when school is over, it is half an hour earlier than elementary school.

Therefore, Lin Qianqian rode a bicycle to Fengshi City Elementary School, but there was not enough time.

However, when she came to the junction not far from the elementary school, she saw a lot of people there.

There are also many vehicles, all of which are jammed there.

"What's the situation? Why do so many parents come to the school to pick up their children today?" Lin Qianqian frowned slightly and murmured a few words in a low voice.

If it is normal, there are many parents who come to pick up their children at this time.

However, it has not reached the level of blocking all roads.

And most importantly, as Lin Qianqian got closer and closer to the gate of the school, she found that there were several school teachers and classmates standing beside the gate.

Such a scene is even more strange.

Lin Qianqian found a tree, parked the bicycle and locked it, quickly walked towards the door.

However, when she came closer.

But I heard a little girl crying non-stop.

There is also a teacher next to him, hurriedly persuading something.

When she came closer, Lin Qianqian realized that the crying little girl was Sun Mengmeng who was in the same class as Xiaoyu and had a very good relationship.

The one who persuaded him was also Xiaoyu's teacher Zhao.

Seeing that they are all here, just not seeing Xiaoyu, Lin Qianqian shook her heart for no reason.

There is a bad idea that quietly popped up in my heart.

"Mengmeng? What's wrong with you? What about Xiaoyu?" Lin Qianqian stepped forward and asked.

Hearing this, Sun Mengmeng raised her head when she saw Lin Qianqian.

Immediately ‘wow’ again and burst into tears.

"Sister Qianqian, Xiaoyu... Xiaoyu, she, was taken away by bad guys, oooooo..." Sun Mengmeng cried and said.

And Teacher Zhao next to him also wanted to come over and explain quickly.

However, Lin Qianqian couldn't hear anything at all.

When she heard Sun Mengmeng say that the moment Xiaoyu was caught, there was a thunderbolt in her head, and she was blown up.

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