Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 874: : Doubtful

Many people gathered at the small gate of Fengshi City.

At this moment, outside the gate of the school, many parents and vehicles have been completely congested.

When Lin Fan came here, he saw two police cars parked by the road from a distance.

There are also several superintendents in uniforms who are doing regular inquiries.

"Uncle, you are finally here!"

At this moment, Lin Qianqian saw Lin Fan from afar and hurried over to say.

Even if she was a killer once, but now she is no different from an ordinary high school student.

Her big eyes were watery and red, apparently just recently crying.

Lin Fan calmly nodded and said, "How about?"

"I, I don't know, I will come here to pick Xiaoyu home after school, but, but..." Having said this, Lin Qianqian couldn't help it again, her eyes flushed.

Lin Fan did not continue to question, but let the little fox and Linda behind him step forward to comfort them.

I really want to say who has the deepest relationship with Xiaoyu, I am afraid that after Lin Fan, only Lin Qianqian is left.

This is not surprising, since the two of them went to school, they have been together almost sooner or later.

People are emotional animals, and after a long time together, the feelings will naturally become deeper and deeper.

Now that Xiaoyu disappears inexplicably, Lin Qianqian thinks that she has the greatest responsibility, and she has always been guilty and blamed.


When Lin Fan came to the front, he saw a young female teacher at the gate of the school with a pale face taking notes to the superintendent.

Hearing this, Teacher Zhao quickly turned around. When she saw Lin Fan, her face changed immediately: "Lin, Mr. Lin..."

"Uncle Lin, Xiaoyu, she was taken away..." At this moment, Sun Mengmeng also ran over crying and said.

Behind Sun Mengmeng, she followed her father Sun Guangming.

At this time, Sun Guangming's face was also a gloomy expression.

In the school, Xiaoyu and Sun Mengmeng had the best relationship, and Lin Fan and Sun Guangming were also more speculative.

Although they are not the kind of friends who are irresistible, they also have some friendships. To put it simply, two people can play together whether they are chatting or doing things.

"Old Lin, don't worry, the superintendent is investigating here, and there is monitoring, I believe he will be able to find Xiaoyu soon!" Sun Guangming frowned and said.

Lin Fan nodded, his eyes fell directly on Teacher Zhao, and said, "Teacher Zhao, what is going on?"

"Huh? This..."

Teacher Zhao was startled, his face a little embarrassed.

You know, the comrade superintendent is making a transcript for her now, and he hasn't finished it yet. You can't tell Lin Fan the cause and effect of the incident right now, right?

However, these superintendents all knew Lin Fan, and they were all old superintendents who had been with Wang Jianmin and handled many cases.

For Lin Fan, they were really familiar with it.

"Mr. Zhao, it's okay. You can tell Mr. Lin what happened first, and we can continue to take notes next to him!" said one of the superintendents who seemed to be over 40 years old.

Hearing this, Teacher Zhao nodded and said: "Well, Mr. Lin, this is how things are... Today we are off school, which is about one class earlier than usual, which was decided temporarily by the school. ..... When I came out of school with the children, everything was normal..."

Ever since, Teacher Zhao told Lin Fan all about the kidnapping before.

Normally, school hours are always fixed.

Unless there are holidays, or the days set by the school, students can leave school early.

I don’t know why today, but the school made this decision temporarily and asked the students to leave one class earlier.

Although a little strange, it is a great thing for these elementary school students.

With a happy smile on everyone's face, standing in line under the leadership of the head teacher, walked out to the school gate.

The parents of some students have been waiting here long ago.

When they saw their children after school, they were also very happy.

However, there are also some students’ parents who did not know the news, so they did not come over yet.

It is like Xiaoyu and Sun Mengmeng. When all the classmates are almost gone, only two of them and a few classmates have not left.

Teacher Zhao’s responsibility is to complete the task after seeing the students taken away by their parents.

Ever since, she called the parents of those students one by one, including Sun Mengmeng's father Sun Guangming.

However, just in the process of her call.

From the other side of the street, a jeep came slowly.

No one noticed the car when it just stopped on the side of the road.

Suddenly, two people ran out from inside, picked up Xiaoyu without saying a word, turned around and left.

When Sun Mengmeng and Teacher Zhao reacted, they heard a ‘bang’ and the car door was heavily closed.

After that, he kicked the accelerator and the car quickly drove away from here, and soon it was on the other side of the street, disappearing without a trace.

Such a sudden change made everyone stunned on the spot.

Including those students and parents who have not had time to leave, they are all confused.

This scene has never happened in reality.

Only in the movie, will such a scene appear.

In broad daylight, blatantly kidnapped a student at the school gate? This, this is simply unbelievable.

After a long daze, with Sun Mengmeng's cry, everyone at the scene reacted.

Suddenly, the school entrance became chaotic.

Many people took out their mobile phones to call the police one after another, and some parents even pulled their children tightly for fear that something like that just happened again.

Then, it didn't take long for the matter to pass, that is, when Lin Qianqian appeared on a bicycle.

After listening to the process before and after this incident, Lin Fan's face was already gloomy as if he was about to bleed.

Even he himself couldn't believe that there would still be people who had the courage to rob someone from the school's door?

However, Lin Fan discovered that in this incident, there are still many strange things.

The most suspected one is the principal of this school.

Dismissing students early for no reason, this obviously means abnormality.

Lin Fan frowned and turned around and said to the middle-aged superintendent just now: "Call Wang Jianmin and ask him to come over immediately. Also, where is the principal of the school?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged superintendent dared not neglect, and quickly took out his cell phone to make a call.

And Teacher Zhao quickly said with a panic: "Principal, the principal is in the teaching building, the principal's office on the fifth floor..."

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