Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 885: : Too little wine

"Xiao Fan, your kid is not kind, why don't you tell me about such a big thing in advance?"

In the private room of the zoo restaurant, Lin Fan, Wei Wu, and Zhang Dakui were sitting at the table, eating and chatting.

And beside them, there were a few strangers in plain clothes.

As for the three men and one woman, their faces looked serious. After Wei Wu's introduction, they were from the so-called related department, that is, the monster management office.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and shook his head: "What a big deal is this, it's nothing more than trouble. I never thought of alarming the old man!"

"Huh, what's the matter, if it weren't for Da Kui and I to come over today, are you going to go straight up to grab someone?" Wei Wu said.

Lin Fan didn't speak, but his meaning was already very obvious.

In that case, and it's still a powerful related department, all Lin Fan can do is to go upstairs and **** people out.

And with Lin Fan's ability, for such a few people, there is no problem at all.

However, if Lin Fan really did that, the consequences for Lin Fan would be very serious.

Seeing Lin Fan's appearance, the faces of the few people sitting nearby changed.

Look at that, if it wasn't for Wei Wu who was here and suppressing them all the time, I'm afraid the people in these relevant departments would just go violently.

This is normal and can be a member of the relevant department.

They themselves have a kind of arrogance and pride.

After all, this department is a mysterious existence in the organization, and the degree to which it is valued cannot be clearly stated in a few words.

They have this qualification to be arrogant, but it depends on who the other party is.

"Xiao Fan, I don’t know what the situation is on your side, but fortunately, this matter has not been known to everyone. Otherwise, even if the old man came out in person, it may not be able to give this matter to Press it down!" Wei Wu took a sip of wine and said softly.

"Well, by the way, Old Wei, how did you and Da Kui know about this? How did you come here?" Lin Fan said curiously.

This happened in the afternoon, and there were only a few hours before and after.

In such a short period of time, Lin Fan has never spoken to anyone, just called Wang Jianmin.

You know, Wei Wuke has always been a busy man.

Every day, the dragon sees the head and ends, and no one knows where he will appear.

Besides, in Lin Fan's view, he could solve this problem himself, so he didn't go to Ye Peng or Ye Old Man who was far away in Kyoto.

However, at this critical time, Wei Wu and Zhang Dakui appeared silently.

How could this not surprise Lin Fan?

Wei Wu laughed and said, "If I say this is a man's sixth sense, do you believe it?"

"A man's sixth sense? Are you lying there?" Lin Fan said silently.

"Hahaha... you know that you kid doesn't believe it, how can women have the sixth sense, but men can't? Tell you, my sixth sense, but very accurate, as long as it appears, it won Mistakes..." Wei Wu said.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was also speechless for a while. Wei Wu was good everywhere, but he liked to brag about his problems and never changed.

Just when Wei Wu was about to continue to say a few more words, Zhang Dakui next to him was a bit hard to stand.

"Old Wei, can you be a kind and kind person? You are blowing there every day, what kind of sixth sense do you have, can you die without blowing?" Zhang Dakui said.

When the words fell, Wei Wu's face was a bit uncontrollable.

Others may not know what happened, but Zhang Dakui came with him, how could he not know?

As a result, Wei Wu's expression immediately became serious.

"Well, in fact, Miss Xiao told me about this matter..."

"Who? Miss Xiao? You mean Xiao Shiyu?" Lin Fan was startled.

Xiao Shiyu had left the zoo a few days ago because of some company affairs.

How would she know about the missing fish? This is a bit abnormal.

But Wei Wu's words later solved Lin Fan's doubts.

"Yes, it was her. When she called me, people were talking about business at Citigroup. Well, what she told me was that Lin Shu called her and said that Xiaoyu had been kidnapped. And what happened was a bit unusual, so after receiving this call, Xiao Shiyu immediately called me!"

"It just so happens that I'm working in the city today, so I came here directly!" Wei Wu said lightly.

However, just when he had just finished speaking these words.

Zhang Dakui who was next to him was unhappy, and said quickly: "I said, Old Wei, why are you so unkind? You came here by yourself? You didn't find me? What's the matter, you think you can save Xiaoyu alone. Come out? Why do you face so much?"

"Nonsense, you are just a green leaf, as a foil, what's the matter, I have to show you merit?"

"What's the matter, it's not surprising to give me first-class work, your kid is too unkind, Xiao Fan, you will not be friends with him in the future, this kid is too bad!"

"Zhang Dakui, you are telling me again!"

"What's the matter? Wei Wu, are you dissatisfied, let's single out?"

"One-on-one is one-on-one. Let's go for an interview outside the hotel?"

"Try it, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

It was a good thing, but Zhang Dakui and Wei Wu turned into disobedience under each other.

Of course, this is also after a few glasses of wine.

Seeing the tit-for-tat between the two of them, Lin Fan shook his head depressedly: "I will never drink with people like you who have no alcohol!"

However, just when the two of them were holding each other up there.

A man in casual clothes leaned over without any expression on his face.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I am Xu Min from the Monster Management Office, I think we should have a good talk!" the man said lowly.

"Huh? Talk? How do you want to talk?" Lin Fan frowned, turning his head back with a cold look in his eyes.

To be honest, Lin Fan now doesn't have the slightest impression of this so-called monster management office.

There is no other reason, that is, without Lin Fan's consent, he took the little fish away without permission.

This alone made Lin Fan feel very upset.

If it hadn't been for the timely appearance of Wei Wu and Zhang Dakui today, with Lin Fan's character and methods, they would definitely not let them off easily.

How could there be a chance to sit here with them and drink and eat safely?

Xu Min's expression condensed, and he quickly said, "Mr. Lin, let's go out and talk!"

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