Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 900: :Making the real

After such a small episode, there was a long queue of ticket purchases just now, which has completely dispersed.

Nonsense, who would dare to watch here at the scene of the fight?

Who knows this now, and who is not afraid of affecting himself? Therefore, without queuing, Lin Fan bought their tickets directly.

When they returned, Lu Yingxue and Jin Miaomiao still stood here honestly.

And the little **** who were just knocked down to the ground by Lin Fan are still lying on the ground, screaming from their mouths from time to time.

It's just that no one dared to come forward and ask more, let alone help.

Lin Fan glanced at it and said with a smile: "Uh, anyone who has a phone call, please contact 120 for help. It is not good to let them die here!"

Abandoning these words, Lin Fan took Lu Yingxue and the girls, and then went straight to the gate of the paradise.

When their figure was drowned in the crowd.

Those who watched the excitement came back to their senses.

Of course, although no one has just come forward to take care of this matter.

However, there are still many people who call now. There are a few tourists who quickly took out their mobile phones from their pockets and dialed 110 and 120 respectively...

Lin Fan didn't know exactly when those little gangsters were taken away by 120.

At this time, he had taken Lu Yingxue and Jin Miaomiao girls into this royal theme park.

The so-called theme park is actually a large indoor playground.

After entering, there is a hall with a large area.

In this hall, it is divided into several partitions. On the left is a variety of small gifts, mostly dolls and toys, all of which are models of various animals.

On the right is a rest area where you can buy a variety of drinks and provide a place for tourists to rest.

There is a passage directly in front, and at the door of the passage, there are still staff guarding it.

Although he has already entered, he still has to check the ticket if he wants to enter the passage.

"Xiao Fan, shall we go in?" Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded, and followed the crowd without saying a word, walking towards the passage.

The passage is about fifty meters long. On the walls on both sides of the passage, a piece of land resembling a prairie is painted, and on this prairie, there are various wild and rare animals.

Such as cheetahs, lions, elephants, hippos, giraffes, zebras, hyenas...

If these animals were in the past, it can be said that they are very common and common animals, at least on TV, they can often be seen.

But now, most of these animals are almost extinct.

And some animals, simply have been strictly protected by the agency, it is difficult to see outside.

Therefore, as they passed through this not-to-long corridor, many tourists stopped and stood there to admire the paintings on the walls.

There are also young people who simply hold their mobile phones and take pictures and take pictures continuously on both sides...

"Welcome to the Royal Theme Park, each experience will last for two hours. I hope you can have a good time here!" There is a staff member at the end of the corridor.

After seeing Lin Fan and the others coming, they smiled and said a few welcome words.

Regarding this, everyone didn't pay much attention to it... Immediately, the door opened and a dazzling sunlight came in.

Everyone including Lin Fan quickly closed their eyes.

A few seconds later, when they reopened their eyes and saw everything in front of them, they were all deeply shocked.


"I go!"

"This, is this the prairie?"

"Look, there are zebras over there..."

Many tourists around were amazed at what they saw before them.

That's right, just as those tourists said, there is a large grassland in front of you.

The grassland that can't be seen at a glance, seems to fit the blue sky perfectly.

A few white clouds drifted slowly across the sky.

There is even a breeze blowing from around from time to time, with a hint of coolness.

Right in front, a group of zebras was drinking water and resting by a stream, and from time to time they had to look around, for fear that some natural enemy would suddenly come out and attack them.

From a distance, about a few hundred meters away, there is an impressive lion site.

There, several lionesses were lying on the ground and resting.

Two male lions are also pacing around, as if patrolling.


A roar came from not far away, and everyone quickly looked back. There was a black bear there, fighting a bee under a tree.

Seeing this scene, many tourists' jaws are about to fall.

Although they all knew everything here was not real before they came here.

But after seeing this, I was deeply shocked.

Everything is enough to be false and true. If they were not deliberately reminding themselves in their hearts, I am afraid that even they themselves would think whether they really came to the African savannah.

Not to mention them, Lin Fan couldn't help but frown slightly when seeing everything here.

Everything here is simply too realistic.

And even the smell of the air here is so fresh.

What exactly is going on? What kind of scientific and technological means can be arranged here to such an extent? Could it be that the technology in this world has reached such a point?

Just when Lin Fan was secretly guessing in his heart, he heard Sun Qiong next to him shouting.

"Ah, look, what's all over there?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan and a few people hurriedly looked back.

I saw a dozen monkeys, riding on a few rhinos, and running with all their strength.

And behind them, there are actually two cheetahs, catching up to them at a very fast speed.

All of this is unbelievable.

"No wonder it's so hot here. With such a falsehood, I'm afraid I really want to..." Lu Yingxue frowned, and there was no joy on her face, but more worry.

What she worried about was Lin Fan's zoo.

You know, once such a theme park is opened for a long time.

It will definitely affect the zoo to a certain extent.

Maybe slowly, it will rob the zoo's business and popularity directly.

Lin Fan knew what she wanted to say.

When I was about to speak, I suddenly felt the ground shaking for a while, and the originally calm prairie immediately became chaotic. In the next second, all the animals ran away and ran to the other side.

"What's wrong? No, it won't be an earthquake?" Sun Qiong said in surprise.

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