Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 910: : The big scene of the zoo

Erpi has no idea about the situation of Brother Kun and the scarred man.

His current task is to quietly open the cages of those wild beasts in the back mountain.

This guy used to be a thief, and it was not a problem for him to open a lock or something.

When he quietly appeared in the back mountain, he saw a dark area around him.

The gloomy cold made him feel an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart.

This so-called sense of fear is actually mainly derived from the coercion of these animals themselves.

You know, the animals here in the back mountain are all tigers, lions, dire wolves, and Timberwolves, and they are all beasts themselves.

At this time, so many beasts, all concentrated in this place.

The place itself is full of coercion and fear from wild beasts, and only people like Hu Lao Dao can suppress here.

Even if the little fox and Linda and other girls are guarded here, I am afraid that it will be difficult to offset this pressure over time.

What's more, Erpi is just an ordinary person. The first time he came here, it was at night. For everything here, he saw endless horror and strangeness.

"Fuck, this place is too scary, finish the task quickly, and get out of here quickly." Er Pi muttered in a low voice, and walked toward the cages in the back mountain while cats at his waist.

In the front cage, there are three little wolves.

Of course, this is also a name, in fact, over time, all of these three little wolves have grown up to adulthood.

In the wolf clan, the wolf king does not allow his children to easily approach him.

For the Wolf King, this is equivalent to a threat to status.

Although the wolf king in the zoo has a slightly higher IQ than the wild wolves outside, this is a tradition left in the bones and cannot be easily broken.

Ever since, Lin Fan put the three little wolves into another cage again.

Lest he face the wolf king every day and make the wolf king feel depressed. After a long time, he will not suffer from depression?

When Erpi came here, he found the three little wolves in the cage, all of them were sleeping, and Erpi moved from here.

Ever since, he quietly took out something like a wire.

This is his unique magic weapon... it is specially used for picking locks, and has never missed it.

What's more, the locks of the zoo's cages are by no means very difficult to open, they are just ordinary big locks.

He checked the wire in the keyhole, using a little trick.


There was a soft sound, and the lock was opened.

Erpi was overjoyed and quickly took the lock off, but did not open the door.

If this were to open the door, it would be hard to keep his nickname if he was alarming the three wolves inside.

In this way, one by one, he opened most of the cages, and his movements were very agile.

In less than an hour, it's almost finished.

As a result, at this time.

He suddenly felt a deep chill behind him, his sweat pores were going to stand up.

"Who?" Erpi suddenly turned his head and glanced behind.

As a result, it was discovered that the three wolves, as well as the Bengal tigers, had all come out of their cages and were staring at him.

Especially the Bengal tiger, with its white hair, is very conspicuous in this dark night.

A pair of dark yellow eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, and he opened his mouth as if to swallow his whole person.

Upon seeing this, Erpi's calf was a little soft.

Nima, didn't you say that you are coming out tomorrow morning?

what the **** is this? Erpi now has a heart that wants to cry.

Being stared at by so many beasts, even if he has great abilities, there is no way to escape from here.

Wait... this is a zoo, not in the wild.

I heard that these animals in the zoo have been held for a long time.

IQ will also drop, and animalism will be greatly reduced, there is no way to compare with those animals in the forest outside.

Can't tell, they won't attack themselves at all?

Erpi thought silently in his heart, if it doesn't work, don't open the remaining cage.

Getting out as soon as possible is the best way.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be a supper for these beasts?

Thinking of this, Erpi quietly walked to the side.

There is a dark forest, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with outstretched fingers.

"Several people, go back to sleep well, don't run around at night, I, I will not be here with you, I will take a step..." Erpi quietly moved to the side while talking. Moving through the woods.

As expected, those Timberwolves and tigers didn't do anything.

Still standing there, staring straight at Erpi.

Upon seeing this, Erpi was overjoyed.

As expected, these animals were a bit silly after being held in the zoo for a long time.

No one actually pounced on his side.

If this is the case, you should escape here quickly, so as not to wait for them to regret it.

While thinking in his heart, Erpi moved toward the woods, and the speed of movement was gradually accelerating.

However, just when he just ran to a place not far in the woods.

I only heard a creaking sound around me.

Erpi condensed in his heart, and quickly looked up at the surrounding trees.

As a result, he was completely confused.

I saw a dozen little monkeys squatting impressively on the surrounding trees. These monkeys were looking at Erpi with a very strange look.

And there were a few more, squeaking and screaming constantly.

In a short while, I heard a commotion in the depths of the woods again.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of monkeys, led by a monkey king, quickly appeared in front of Erpi.

And these hundreds of monkeys quickly put the two skins in the middle.

"Nima, no wonder the tigers, they just watched themselves running here, so there are monkeys lying in ambush here?" Ertong said cryingly.

At this moment, I saw a snow-white monkey walking out of the group of monkeys swaying pretendingly.

Looking up and down at Erpi, he made a strange creak.

Seeing that, it seems to be asking something.

But how can Erpi have the ability to listen to animals? What's more, he was already scared by the big scene in front of him now.

"I, I surrender, you guys... don't eat me..." Erpi knelt down as he spoke.

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