Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 923: : Royal Jelly

Spring blossoms and everything is revived.

With the warming of the weather day by day, most of the animals have also come out one after another.

The same goes for the bees in the zoo.

After Lin Fan got the invitation of the queen bee, he went straight to the small woods not far away.

The small forest is not big, but it has always been the site of these bees, and Lin Fan placed them here.

Unexpectedly, after a winter, they would return to this place again.

As soon as he walked into the small forest, Lin Fan felt that there were many bees around him, exuding waves of excitement.

As if I am extremely happy to be here again.

Just like radio waves, these emotions kept gathering in Lin Fan's mind.

Lin Fan smiled lightly, and did not pay attention to it.

Soon, I came to the place where the bees build their nests. At this time, there are still many bees flying in and out, and they can smell a strong smell of honey when they are far away.

"What's the matter, what can I do?" Standing outside the honeycomb, Lin Fan said lowly.

As a result, his voice just fell off.

I saw hundreds of bees flew out of the huge honeycomb.

And after these bees, a queen-size queen came out.

It was just before they came to the zoo, a queen bee specially selected by Lin Fan, did not expect that after such a long time, it was still alive.

Lin Fan couldn't tell what it felt like for this queen bee who had a high IQ and was a little cautious.

But from Lin Fan's point of view, since it would choose to stay in the zoo, it must abide by the rules and regulations of the zoo.

If it dared to make trouble, Lin Fan wouldn't mind destroying its queen bee and replacing it with one.

However, just when the queen bee flew out.

Surrounded by hundreds of bees, it uses mental fluctuations to express its feelings towards Lin Fan.

"Master, it's really nice to see you again!" said the queen bee.

Lin Fan nodded, "Well, I'm almost the same!"

"Master, this time we come back and bring some good things. I want to make a gift for you, and I hope you can accept it!" The queen bee was very enthusiastic.

Just after the wave of its spirit wave came out, dozens of bees were seen from a distance, whistling and flying towards Lin Fan.

These bees are holding something together, wrapped in an indescribable plant.

Before coming to the front, Lin Fan already smelled a peculiar smell of honey.

No, this honey is definitely not ordinary honey.

Although Lin Fan didn't have much interest in this thing, in normal times, bees would often send him some.

Those honeys are much more mellow than beekeepers.

And it also has a sweet smell, but these things are very different from ordinary honey.

This made Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a slight surprise.

"Master, these are some royal jelly we got when we were outside, and we hope that the master can accept it!" At this moment, the queen bee said again.

Hearing this, Lin Fan was also slightly startled.

This is the legendary royal jelly? He still saw this thing for the first time.

Royal jelly, also called royal jelly, is the main food used to nurture the next generation of queen bees.

Royal jelly has extremely high nutritional value, and it also has a strong immune function. It has been a long-term food for the queen bee.

The honeycomb here was already destroyed in the black bear incident last year.

With the addition of the swarm of hornet attacks, there was not much left.

Fortunately, the reproductive ability of the queen bee is relatively strong. In just a few months, the bee colony has finally been reorganized.

It's just that the bee colony at that time could not satisfy the ability to provide royal jelly.

Unexpectedly, this winter has passed, this bee colony has reached such an extent.

You know, normally, royal jelly is the main food used to cultivate the next generation of queen bees and queen bees, and it can be continuously supplied.

In this way, not only can the edible juvenile queen bee or queen bee become stronger and stronger in terms of body structure, but also have the effect of prolonging life.

Generally speaking, the life span of an ordinary bee is only one to six months.

The queen bee and queen bee eat royal jelly all the year round, and their life expectancy will often reach about five to seven years.

Not only that, royal jelly has unexpected magical effects for humans, especially men.

Lin Fan never expected that the queen bee would give herself such precious royal jelly when she came back this time.

It really surprised him a bit.

"This gift is a bit expensive, but since you are sincere to give me, then I'm not welcome!" Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

When the queen bee heard this, she felt a burst of excitement from the mental fluctuations.

"You can let those bees send royal jelly to my room in a while!" Lin Fan added.

"Yes, master!"

After the queen bee agreed, she gave another order to the bees.

Then, I saw the bees carrying the royal jelly, their directions changed and they flew straight to the room where Lin Fan was.

"Do you have anything else?"

Looking at the queen bee in front of him, Lin Fan frowned slightly and asked.

To send so many royal jelly for no reason, we must know that this thing is not only for bees, but also has precious meaning.

For humans, the value of pure royal jelly is also high.

At this time, the queen bee gave herself so much royal jelly, Lin Fan didn't believe it was not careful.

Sure enough, just after Lin Fan's voice fell.

The queen bee seemed to hesitate, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Hehe, you and I are not new to each other. If you have anything, just say it directly. If I can help, I will help you as much as possible!" Lin Fan smiled.

For a long time, it seemed that the queen bee made up her mind to tell what she wanted to say.

It turned out that after they left the zoo, they went to a city that was not too far away, but the climate was very mild, and they spent the winter temporarily.

These are nothing, but the problem is here.

Just after they got there and found a temporary nest, trouble came.

They encounter natural enemies that are unimaginable in their lives.

And these natural enemies, as if they were their nightmares, even came to the zoo with them.

"Oh? How dare you chase to the zoo? Haha, this is a bit interesting." Lin Fan smiled gently.

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