Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 932: : No such person found

Lin Fan didn't know much about the things of the Xiao family, and he didn't know much about it.

Except for Xiao Shiyu, Lin Fan has not even had any dealings with the Xiao family.

Unexpectedly, a Xiao Shimiao jumped out to find his own trouble.

And Xiao Shiyu, as if the world has evaporated, disappeared without a trace.

Could something happen to Xiao Shiyu? Otherwise, it's impossible to get in touch.

Lin Fan sat in the zoo with thoughts in his eyes.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

At this moment, Sun Xiaosheng ran over and said in a sharp voice.

Lin Fan nodded, "Well, Yingxue and Little Fox are gone?"

"Yes, Master, they just went out together!" Sun Xiaosheng nodded and said.

Lu Yingxue and the others went out to go shopping in the city center.

But now it was a troubled time, and Lin Fan was really not at ease, so he arranged Linda and the little fox to follow, while shopping, while protecting them.

No one knows if those Xiao Shimiao will do anything excessive.

If she really arranged for someone to threaten her with Lu Yingxue and others, it would be a big trouble.

But now that the little fox and Linda are here, Lin Fan will naturally not worry much.

You know, Linda used to be a member of the J group of the international killer organization, so it's natural to say nothing about her skill and ability.

And the little foxes... are ordinary people, don't even think about getting close to them.

With these two people, the average person will never succeed.

"The recent years have been bad. You will go to Beidou to say hello later. The monitoring side will have to watch me carefully. Don’t let me make any mistakes. And you, make arrangements for your security team again. Make sure that no strangers are allowed to enter the zoo, understand?" Lin Fan said.

"Yes, Master, I'll go over and make arrangements right away!" Sun Xiaosheng nodded.

Since it became the security captain, it can be said that it has been dedicated to its job.

The problem of smoking wine has also been corrected, and he is addicted to patrols every day.

It seems that for him, as long as he can patrol the zoo every day, it is an important moment for him to reflect his monkey life value.

Therefore, it has always been very concerned about the security of the zoo.

There are too few chimpanzees in the zoo but the zoo has now expanded to the front and back mountains.

As a result, in many cases, it cannot be taken care of in time.

Just like the previous few times, someone sneaked into the zoo quietly, but Sun Xiaosheng's security team was unable to arrive at the scene of the incident in time, and almost did not cause a catastrophe.

Nevertheless, Lin Fan had no way to increase the number of chimpanzees to his security brigade.

You know, this is a zoo, not another place.

If there are too many chimpanzees, it is bound to cause a certain impact.

When the time comes, the tourists are so scared that they may cause other things if they don't say anything.

Therefore, if the more than 20 chimpanzees in the zoo are cooperating with monitoring, there is still no big problem.

Seeing Sun Xiaosheng turned around to make arrangements, Lin Fan took out his mobile phone and opened Baidu to enter a few keywords.

The first one to enter is the Xiao family. The Xiao family started as jewelry. The first wave of people from the Xiao family who came out to do business at the beginning saw the gold and silver jewelry market and entered directly.

As many years later, their funds have become more abundant, and they have successively opened up other industries.

For example, real estate, which was very popular at the time, the Internet, which has the fastest money available today, and other industries, including catering, are all involved.

It can be said that the Xiao family's business is spread all over the country and abroad, making him the number one richest man in the East.

Moreover, on the Internet, the background information about the Xiao family is also very detailed, and there are many articles full of them.

After a brief understanding of the Xiao family.

After Lin Fan entered the keyword "Xiao Shiyu" again, the news was also overwhelming.

But most of them are news from Xiao Shiyu long ago.

What Xiao family daughter returned from studying abroad, officially took over the Xiao family enterprise and became the only heir of the Xiao family now.

Then what was Xiao Shiyu's cooperation with a certain large-scale enterprise, or Xiao's jewelry, Xiao's real estate or Xiao's Internet's future plans and trends...

In addition, Lin Fan could not find any news about Xiao Shiyu's disappearance.

And these news, the most recent one was last week.

Xiao Shiyu, on behalf of Xiao's enterprise, negotiated cooperation with an overseas consortium.

After that, the results of the negotiations and the subsequent progress were not announced, as if they had disappeared without a trace.

"It's a bit weird. Could it be that the overseas consortium is the main reason for Xiao Shiyu's disappearance?" Lin Fan said with a frown.

Of course, this is only his own personal guess, and there is no direct evidence.

In addition, there is also Xiao Shimiao who appeared inexplicably. Does all of this have any direct relationship with her?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan himself was a little speechless.

The things inside are so complicated that I can't figure out a bit of clues at all.

Even if the Xiao family inherited the property, it wouldn't be necessary at all, right?

And he didn't believe that even if, as Wei Wu said, that Xiao Shimiao used to be a problem girl, he would never kill his cousin Xiao Shiyu, right?

The more Lin Fan thought about it, the more confused, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand it.

Continue to open Baidu and search for keywords about "Xiao Shimiao".

However, there are no words about Xiao Shimiao on Baidu, as if this person has never existed.

Lin Fan was also deeply surprised by this.

If Xiao Shimiao is just a girl from an ordinary family, this is nothing strange.

But she is a member of the Xiao family, and she used to be a problem girl.

Why is there almost any information about Xiao Shimiao on Baidu?

Could it be that someone wanted to cover up and erased all the information about her?

Thinking of this, Lin Fan finally felt something abnormal.

However, he didn't know that it was when he was here on Baidu to investigate Xiao Shiyu and Xiao Shimiao.

On a mysterious website far abroad, someone issued an assassination order.

"Task target: Lin Fan, director of Wanjie Zoo, Dongfang, Jiangbei Province, Fengshi, the task is rewarded 10 million euros, the task time limit is 3 days!"

Just at the moment when this task information was released.

The killers on the entire website all became boiling...

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