Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 958: : Lizard Dragon

Creature Type: Lizard Dragon

Biological age: three years old (in infancy)

Creature Skill: Spitfire

Biological character: docile, with absolute obedience to master's commands

Danger level: 3 (The lizard dragon will not take the initiative to attack easily, and will only take action when it encounters danger.)

When Lin Fan saw a brief introduction to this brand new species of lizard dragon, he knew something in his heart.

Lizard dragon, to put it simply, is a new species that is a fusion of lizards and three other creatures.

There are no special skills, just fire breathing.

And the risk factor is not high. As long as you don't provoke it, it won't attack you actively.

Of course, it will do so unless ordered by the master.

The lizard dragon's owner is naturally Lin Fan.

If it can be arranged on Dayang Island, it would be a good idea to let it be responsible for the air defense security on the island.

Of course, it would be even better if a few more lizard dragons could be added.

"Little assistant, I don't know if I can still hatch a few such lizard dragons?" Lin Fan asked silently in his heart.

[This question is temporarily unanswerable by the little assistant, and there is no functional operation in this area. If the player wants more lizard dragons, he can use the same creature to try to fuse, and maybe a few more such lizards will be merged. Dragon! 】

"..." Lin Fan was speechless for a while.

It is possible to merge this kind of thing.

It's not just what kind of creature you want, it can be fused with the same material.

It's like the lizard dragon in front of me. Even though Lin Fan uses lizards, arowanas, and Chinese garden cats to fuse, the new creature he gets may not be the lizard dragon.

Maybe it becomes a lizard cat? Lizard fish may also be.

Of course, no matter what it is, it is impossible for Lin Fan to try to merge right now.

After all, this is Dayang Island, and there are outsiders around.

After putting the phone away, Lin Fan was surprised to find that Jason had already described the specific plan of Dayang Island.

"According to my budget, it will take about six to eight months to complete these constructions. However, we cannot complete the construction in winter. This will not benefit the newly completed building. So I hope that the construction time will be given to Reduced to four months to six months, I wonder if there is any problem?" Jason said.

Hearing this, Li Kang and Ergou all looked at each other.

It is indeed a big problem to reduce the cycle so much.

On the premise of ensuring quality, it is necessary to greatly improve the efficiency of work and the progress of completion.

This is simply picking the bones in the egg...

However, Li Kang also knew very well in their hearts that the situation on the small island and the interior is different, and the environment has also undergone great changes.

If it is completed in winter, the humid climate will have a lot of damage to the newly completed building.

If it can be done in autumn, this is a very ideal season.

"Mr. Jason, I understand what you mean, but I want to shorten the time within half a year... There is indeed a problem. Unless the manpower, materials, and equipment are all perfect, I can't guarantee otherwise. !" Li Kang said.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. After all, this is a small island, and he can talk about everything.

In his hands, there is a complete construction team, and they are all elites in the industry.

But regarding equipment and materials, it seems a little difficult.

After all, this is on a small island, and transportation is not particularly convenient.

However, Xiao Shiyu smiled and shook his head: "This is not a problem. Let me solve the problem with the construction materials and equipment. I guarantee that you won't be out of stock..."

"Oh? If that's the case, then I'm relieved, it's the beginning of March...well, in August, at the end of September at the latest, I think it will be completed..." Li Kang said.

"No, what I want is not maybe, what I want is that it must be completed before September!"

Just as Li Kang had just finished speaking, Jason frowned and broke.

Li Kang's expression was startled, only five months? This is a bit difficult.

However, Li Kang is not the kind of very stubborn person. As a construction engineer, he certainly understands what Jason is worrying about.

If it can be completed in August, this is of course the best season.

"Yes, I will try my best to arrange it, but Mr. Jason, I still can’t give you a guaranteed time. This is not something else. No one can predict whether anything will happen in the process, but I will try my best to keep the progress of the project. , Control before September..." Li Kang said.

Jason nodded: "Yes, during this period, I will stay on the island and assist you in your work."


Hearing this, Li Kang and Mao Ergou were speechless for a while.

They spent only a few hours with Jason.

However, they have also discovered that Jason has an indescribable stubbornness and seriousness, and he has reached a nearly crazy level of work.

If you really let him stay here, there will inevitably be a lot of trouble and trouble.

But they don't have much to say. After all, Jason is the designer of Dayang Island. If he is here, he can better present Dayang Island on the drawing.

After everything is arranged, even the date for the start of the work is scheduled.

Just three days later, construction will start officially.

In these three days, Xiao Shiyu will also transport all the building materials and equipment that need to be prepared in the early stage to the island.

Before leaving, Jason came up with an idea.

He was not going to go back to the zoo with Lin Fan, but was going to stay on the island.

In this regard, Lin Fan and Xiao Shiyu were also helpless.

Jason's stubbornness can't be changed by anyone...

Back to the town from Dayang Island, it was getting late, and Li Kang and Mao Ergou did not go with Lin Fan and others, but drove back to their city alone.

Although there are still three days to start work, they cannot be idle during these three days.

The first is to find out the elite team in their hands and arrange their future work.

Secondly, after they go back on their own, they must have a precise work plan.

Therefore, Lin Fan did not force them to stay.

"Brother Fan, hahaha, finally waited until you came back. Huh, Miss Xiao was there too?" At this moment, Old Tie and Bald head came over with a smile.

Judging from the appearance of the two of them, there is no such thing as the gloom and melancholy at noon.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Why, the situation of those wild boars has improved?"

"Hahaha, yes, after your inspection by Brother Fan, after we found something that can detoxify, the physical condition of those wild boars has recovered a lot. They can now stand up and move slowly!" The bald head laughed. Said.

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