Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 975: : Boss

"You, you, what do you want to do? Don't come here...Do you know who I am?"

All of these men in front of them were knocked down by Lin Fan.

Zhang Shao was completely dumbfounded, and now he finally understood what the threat and fear from death meant.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "Who are you, what does it mean to me? Now you have completely angered me, no matter who you are, you must pay the price you deserve!"

"You, what do you want..."

"What do I want to do? Well, that's a good question!"

Lin Fan nodded with a smile, waved to the back, and the two horses quickly ran to the front.

"Brother Fan!"

"Come, take off all of this guy's clothes for me..." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, although the two horses were still a little daunted, they didn't dare to ask any more, so they rushed to Shao Zhang to walk over.

They could all clearly see the intrepid combat power that Lin Fan showed just now.

It is absolutely deceptive to say that I am not shocked at all.

"What are you going to do...what are you going to do?"

For a moment, Zhang Shao let out a hysterical scream and a scream of fear...

After half an hour, a car quickly drove away from the villa.

However, no one knew, on the porch outside the villa, a man wearing only a pair of underwear was hanging.

Just two hours after Lin Fan left with the bald head and Brother Tie, they saw three more black Mercedes-Benz cars, whizzing and driving.

When the car just stopped, more than twenty people walked out of it.

Among the twenty-odd people, there was also a middle-aged man when he saw Zhang Shao who was hanging on it.

His complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly roared: "What are you doing in a daze? Come on, go and put the young master down, go and put it down!"


Several bodyguards quickly walked over, and then released Zhang Shao from the porch.

Someone continued below, but didn't throw it down.

Nevertheless, Shao Zhang has been hanged here for a long time, and the weather is still a bit cold, and he has become dying.

The middle-aged man has a solemn face, and his eyes are full of anger.

"Help the young master into the car, and immediately check it out for me, who did it? No matter who he is, Zhang Hongyin will not let him go easily..." middle-aged man Said fiercely.

"Yes, boss, let's investigate now!" A man next to him nodded quickly, leading a few of his men, and quickly walked into the villa.

At this time in the villa, those bodyguards were still unconscious.

The faces of a few others were stained with blood, and they looked very scary.

"Quickly, send them to the hospital immediately!" The man in the lead ordered.

The few men next to him lifted all of them up without saying a word, turned and walked out.

The man turned around in the villa and suddenly found that the two cameras installed on the ceiling were facing this position, and then he turned his gaze on a laptop not far away.

After opening it, I saw that the camera was connected to this computer, and everything that happened before was recorded in it, including the entire process of how Lin Fan killed the bodyguards...

At this moment, Lin Fan had returned to the pier with his bald head and brother Tie, who had suffered serious injuries.

"How about, your injuries are not minor, go to the hospital and have a look!" Lin Fan said.

"Ahem, Brother Fan, this time, thanks to your help, otherwise our brothers, I'm afraid we will really be told here!" said bald voice a little weakly.

"Yes, Brother Fan, thanks to you today!" Lao Tie nodded beside him.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? This is mainly because of me. If I really want to say sorry, I have to say it. It's hard for you!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Don't don't don't, Brother Fan, don't you say that!"

"That's right, with Brother Fan, we are willing to go up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire!"

Bald and Old Tie said quickly.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and nodded.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Fan, that Zhang Shao's background is not simple, I heard that his father is Zhang Hongyin!" Lao Tie said with a frown.

"Zhang Hongyin? Who is it?" Lin Fan frowned, he had never heard the name.

"Brother Fan doesn't know, it's not surprising that Zhang Hongyin is not our local, he has always been active in Beiguang, he is a famous local boss, and he manages a lot of transactions, such as smuggling, drug trafficking and human flesh He does all the business, and his influence is not small..." Lao Tie said.

"Oh? That's the case, no wonder that Young Master Zhang is so arrogant!" Lin Fan was also slightly startled when he heard this.

But that's it.

If you change to the previous one, offend such a boss.

Lin Fan felt a little jealous in his heart. After all, the other party's playing gangsters wanted to kill himself, there were more than a hundred ways.

But now... Lin Fan didn't care at all.

"But you two, be careful too. Now that you have waded into this muddy water, I am afraid that Zhang Hongyin will not let you two off so easily!" Lin Fan said.

"Cough, cough, cough, don’t worry, Brother Fan, although the two of us are not as powerful as Zhang Hongyin, we will not be scared to grow up...If they dare to make trouble, they will not be desperate Let them live well!" said the bald head coldly.

He himself is in his bones, with a fierce force.

Lin Fan nodded, even though he said that, as the boss, Zhang Hongyin's background is definitely stronger than that of bald and old iron.

Take this time as an example, when Bald and Lao Tie were kidnapped, the locals did not even ask.

Obviously, it was Zhang Hongyin's good job, or Zhang Hongyin's reputation, which made them afraid.

But in any case, this Zhang Hongyin is definitely a trouble right now.

If Lin Fan didn't know, maybe it would have passed.

Now Lin Fan already knew about this, and had completely offended that Zhang Hongyin. In order not to involve more people, he was implicated in it.

Lin Fan decided to go talk to that Zhang Hongyin himself.

After sending the bald head and the old iron away, Lin Fan stood alone at the dock.

Take out the phone and dial a number.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Xiao Shiyu's voice came from inside.

"Hey, there are some things that need to be resolved on my side. I may go to the island later, so stay there first!" Lin Fan said lowly.

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