Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 988: : Swenson’s Difficulties

"Are you Lauren?"

The two came to the front and asked coldly.

Lauren turned her head, with an angry expression on her face, looking up and down.

"Hey, man, who are you?" Lauren asked.

At this moment, he also felt a bit of danger on these two people, and his tone of voice did not appear to be that strong when he spoke.

"You were the one who went to Arad Wanjie Ranch to make trouble last night?" one of them asked coldly.

Hearing this, Lauren's heart squashed.

Before he nodded or answered, one of them took out his weapon and put it on Lauren's head.

"Unfortunately, you got the wrong person!"

"Guys, you have to calm down, you must be calm, this is not a joke, if the fire goes off, you will encounter unprecedented troubles, I promise you will not go to the Arad ranch in the future!" Lauren was dumbfounded.

Including those around him, all were stunned.

One by one looked at the scene here in amazement, but no one dared to come forward to stop it.

The few men, including Lauren, also hid not far away, watching carefully.

"Trouble? Yes, if you are looking for trouble, just come to Group J to find us!" The man sneered coldly.

When the voice fell, I heard a weapon sound.

It came from this bar.

In the next second, the entire bar was quiet, and everyone stared blankly.

I saw an extra wound on Lauren's forehead, and blood and white brains were constantly flowing down.

Without saying anything, the two men turned around to put their weapons away, then turned and walked out.

It wasn't until they had been out of the bar for a long time that a woman screamed hysterically.

Immediately, the whole bar was messed up.

Although the people here are all the kind of innocent bastards.

However, this kind of murder is still extremely terrifying in their eyes.

Moreover, in front of them, a living person was shot and killed.

In an instant, their hearts all collapsed.

While exclaiming, he ran toward the outside of the bar.

In a short while, in the huge bar, only Lauren was left sitting on a chair, his eyes widened, and the wound on his forehead and the blood flowing out of him had completely stained his face. red......

Early the next morning.

Lin Fan just woke up and called as soon as he called. It was Lei, the leader of Citigroup J killer.

"Hello!" Lin Fan connected the phone.

"Mr. Lin, the matter has been resolved, the guy named Lauren should have been sent to the morgue by now!" Lei said.

"Well, thanks to you this time!" Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

"This is what we should do, and I am happy to serve Mr. Lin!" said quickly on the other end of the phone.

Without saying a few words, the phone was hung up.

However, not long after hanging up, another call from Citi came in.

This time it was Swenson who called.

Lin Fan frowned, this guy didn't call himself, Lin Fan was also about to call him.

If such a big thing happened and people were dead, isn't it all related to this guy?

"Say!" Lin Fan said in a gloomy tone after answering the phone.

"Boss...I, I'm Svensson, something very unpleasant happened in our ranch!" Svensson said in fear.

Listening to the tone of his speech, he seemed extremely scared.

Lin Fan said with a sullen face: "I know, this time it was something, it was all caused by you, right? Tell me, why did you go to borrow usury?"

After a pause for a few seconds, Svensson spoke and continued: "Boss, I, my mother is sick and hospitalized, and the conditions at home have not been very good, I went to Lauren to borrow two thousand dollars. Unexpectedly, only a week later, he actually increased the money to more than 30,000, and said that if he didn't return the money, he would take the pasture..."

Borrow two thousand, but have to pay thirty thousand?

Hearing this, Lin Fan was also shocked.

What a loan shark, this is simply a brazen robbery.

But there was one thing that surprised Lin Fan.

Judging from the salary Lin Fan paid to Svensson, the weekly salary is nearly 600 dollars per week, so in a month, there are more than two thousand dollars.

Why is he still going out to borrow money?

Lin Fan was puzzled and said, "Your mother's illness is very serious?"

"Yes, boss, we need a lot of money to pay for the operation, but..." Swenson murmured.

"Well, okay, this matter will go over temporarily, but no matter what your reason is, it is not advisable to bring trouble to the ranch. I will visit Citigroup in two days!" Lin Fan said.

"Yes, boss, I will be waiting for you here!" Swenson said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Fan sat by the window and looked at the sky outside.

They all say that Citigroup has good welfare treatment, and it doesn't cost much for ordinary people to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Now, it's just that.

Maybe it's Swenson's mother, the condition is really serious.

In any case, Svensson is also his own employee. As the boss, if the employee is in trouble in life, he can't just sit back and watch.

So he decided to go to Citigroup after two days.

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