Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1001: : This person cannot stay

In the early morning, Lin Fan just woke up.

Looking at Lu Yingxue, who was still asleep next to her, she felt a very solid feeling in her heart.

Last night, nothing happened.

This makes Lin Fan feel more at ease.

When he was getting ready to go to the bathroom to wash, the phone rang without any warning.

Lin Fan frowned and hurriedly went over to connect the call.


Soon, on the other side of the phone, the voice of old iron came.

"Brother Fan, disturb you to rest, right?"

"No, I just woke up just now. Why, what's the matter?" Lin Fan frowned slightly after seeing the phone from the old Tie.

It was a peaceful night on my own side, and nothing happened.

Could it be that what happened to Old Iron and Bald Head?

Sure enough, Lao Tie paused for a while, and then said in a low voice, "Brother Fan, something did happen last night. Several Fusang people attacked Dayang Island last night and let us catch it!"

"What? Fusang people?" Lin Fan was taken aback when he heard this.

Almost out of instinct, he hurriedly asked, "Are these Fusang people related to Zhang Hongsheng?"

"Yes, Brother Fan, these Fusang people are all triads. They came with Zhang Hongsheng, but among those arrested last night, Zhang Hongsheng himself was not there. I think he might have escaped. !" Old Tie said lowly.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan frowned.

No wonder there was no movement from Zhang Hongsheng last night.

He didn't really want to do anything with Lu Yingxue, but went all the way to Dayang Island?

Fortunately, nothing happened on Dayang Island, but it was a pity that Zhang Hongsheng escaped.

Just when Lin Fan just hung up.

I saw Lu Yingxue, who was still asleep, slightly opened his eyes, and said softly, "Xiao Fan, there is something going on at the zoo? Are you going back?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan quickly turned around and said with a smile: "Well, I originally wanted to spend a few days with you here, but unfortunately the zoo has only just opened, and many things still need me to do, so... ..."

"Yeah, I understand, I am not a child, I can take care of myself. You can take care of yourself first. After waiting for two years, I will have time to be together after graduation!" Lu Yingxue said with a smile.

Hearing this, coupled with Lu Yingxue's knowledge and reasonableness, made Lin Fan even more guilty.

Such a good girlfriend can't be by her side at all times, it is simply a sin.

There is indeed a lot of helplessness, especially Zhang Hongsheng.

This person has a deep scheming, sinister and vicious work.

Now he has not been found, and if he is kept outside, it will be a trouble at any time.

When Lin Fan went back this time, he mainly wanted to see the Fusang people who were arrested last night, and by the way, he was finding Zhang Hongsheng to solve this worries.

"Well, when my business is finished, I will come back immediately and spend a few days with you!" Lin Fan smiled.

"Yeah, then I'll be waiting for you in school!" Lu Yingxue was as happy as a child.

"Okay, but during this time, you still have to pay attention. It's not safe outside. Don't go out at school when nothing is wrong. Even if you come out, don't be alone, you know?" Lin Fan asked.

"Hehehe, don't worry, I am not a kid, and I will take care of myself!" Lu Yingxue smiled and nodded.

The two chatted for a while, until Jin Miaomiao and the others came and knocked on the door.


When Lin Fan returned to Fengshi, it was already over three in the afternoon.

He did not go back to the zoo directly, but went to the People's Park and drove the car straight to Dayang Island.

Lin Fan only arrived at the place when it was getting dark.

He just appeared in the temporary villa of Lao Tie He and Bald Head. After stopping the car, he strode into it.

At this time, the old iron and the bald head were all resting in the villa.

And not far from them, there were a dozen people kneeling side by side, the same ‘fishermen’ brought back from Dayang Island last night.

After a night of torture, these "fishermen" looked a little embarrassed and haggard.

Especially the two Fusang people who turned out their passports, they are even more scarred.

It seems that the old iron and the bald head had been taking care of them last night.

"Brother Fan, you are here!"

As soon as I walked into the villa, I saw a few old iron and bald men who came forward to say hello.

Lin Fan glanced inside, but only did not see the existence of the old iron and the bald head.

"What about people?" Lin Fan asked.

"Oh, Brother Fan, Brother Guang and Brother Tie have been interrogating those guys last night. They didn't sleep all night. After I called you in the morning, I went to rest. I'll call them right now!" said a follower .

Lin Fan nodded, and did not stop.

Immediately, the attendant ran upstairs in a hurry.

In a short while, only Bald and Old Tie came downstairs, wearing their coats and yawning.

"Brother Fan, you are here!"

After going downstairs, I saw Bald and Lao Tie with a dumb look.

"Well, tell me, what do these guys explain?" Lin Fan nodded.

"That's it. They are all members of the Fusang Triad. Their mouths were so hard that they didn't say anything if they asked them... Hey, after using some tricks, they honestly told the truth. !" said bald with a smile.

These guys are indeed from Fusang, and they are also members of the Fusang Triad.

Lin Fan had heard of this triad before.

It seems that Fusang is on a big dark world, and it also has a lot of fame in the world.

And that Zhang Hongsheng, also belonged to the triad, and also mixed into a small boss inside, and was deeply appreciated by the elders.

This time they came to the East and they were brought by Zhang Hongsheng.

"Brother Fan, those guys said that they were going to destroy Dayang Island this time. Before they went to the zoo, they said they were kidnapping your girlfriend, and they just wanted to move the tiger away from the mountain, so they could do things more easily!" Murmured.

Hearing this, Lin Fan furrowed his brows and his face looked a little gloomy.

Although he had guessed before, he was still cruel after hearing these words.

Fortunately, he was on Dayang Island and prepared a group of defensive forces.

Otherwise, only Jason and the workers were there last night, and I don't know what will happen.

Think about it, there will be a fear in my heart.

Lin Fan frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "That Zhang Hongsheng can't stay, and he must be found for me in the shortest time!"

"Understand, Brother Fan!" Bald head and Old Tie nodded at the same time.

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