Chapter 12

The exchange between Lin Ci and Master Ci Hai lasted a whole afternoon.

Master Ci Hai looks very cold, but in fact he is also a talkative person.

Lin Ci and Ci Hai were too late to meet each other. They talked about each other. In addition to the Buddhist scriptures and teachings, Lin Ci also had a certain understanding of Master Ci Hai’s past in the past few hours.

Master Ci Hai became a monk in twenty-three years and stayed in this White Horse Temple for fifty years.

Witnessed countless ups and downs…

Although the conversation was long, Lin Ci himself did not find the conversation boring at all.

Therefore, the chatting continued until the sunset went west, when Lin Ci bid farewell to Master Ci Hai.

At this time, the ratings of the live broadcast have dropped significantly…

Watching the declining ratings, the person in charge of the show was anxious and scratched his head constantly.

Seeing how often he scratched his head, I was afraid that he would rush to grab his hair.


“Has the director’s application not been reviewed yet?”

“Large chats like this, absolutely must be pinched out!”

“Hurry up for review, it can’t go on like this!”

In addition to the director, the person in charge of the program has also begun to urge the enforceability of “switching perspectives”.

Although this may increase the workload, it is better than such a drastic drop in ratings!

In fact, the entire program group is looking forward to “switching perspectives” to fall to the ground.

Rather than listen to Lin Ci’s daily routines, it is better to see beautiful women!

Sunset, the moon rises.

A few monks cleaned Lin Ci’s room very clean, but even if it was clean… the mountain was full of mosquitoes.

Where have Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei been pampered in their daily life?

But in order to shoot, the two of them can only grit their teeth.

A family of four lay on the Chase shop, the candlelight has long been extinguished.

Listening to the cicadas outside the house and the faint wind, Lin Ci wondered what he would do next.

But Jiang Yu’s voice came over.


“How long to stay on the mountain?”

“When will you go down the mountain tomorrow?”

Lin Ci replied casually: “Don’t worry.”

“I already said hello to the bus that came this morning.”

“They are the last train tomorrow night.”

“At five o’clock in the afternoon, we will go down the mountain at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon.”

Jiang Yu was silent.

She thought to herself, “Why stay on this broken mountain for so long?”

He said: “Slightly pressure is a little bit heavy, let’s not be on the mountain anymore, shall we?”

Lin Ci did not agree with Jiang Yu’s statement.

“These pressures must be overcome.”

“The pressure will only be greater afterwards.”

Jiang Yu wanted to say something more.

But Lin Ci did not give her this opportunity to speak.

“Okay, go to sleep.”

“Tomorrow there will be a vegetarian meal.”

“Master Ci Hai said that he would prepare the most sumptuous vegetarian feast for us.”

When Lin Ci said this, Yiyi had already heard a slight snoring sound.

This girl was crazy enough this afternoon.

After all, the child is still young, and everything looks fresh.

I ran and hopped with the dogs on the mountain all afternoon.

I am really tired now.

Lin Ci was inexplicably calm as he listened to the snoring of his daughter.

Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

With the sound of chanting from the temple, Lin Ci woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he met Jiang Yu’s wavy eyes.

And he noticed that Jiang Yu’s eyes were a little black.


“Did not sleep well?”

Jiang Yu gave a wry smile and said nothing.

Yes, you Lin Ci and your baby daughter Lin Yiyi snore like two subwoofers, one large and one small.

Who can sleep well?

This is really torturing…

But Jiang Yu withdrew with strong willpower.

It’s like listening to the sutra yesterday.

The family got up to wash, Jiang Yu and Chen Weiwei lay on the bunk after a while.

I slept almost all night last night, so tired!

I don’t know how long I have been lying down…

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

The voice of the little monk outside the door came.

“Donor, Su Zhai is ready, please come and have a meal.”

The master abbot cooks himself personally, which proves that the mountain attaches great importance to the Lin Ci family.

The White Horse Temple is not too big, and Master Ci Hai can have a year-end friend with a lot of buddhism, and of course he is happy to give some.

In his mind, this can also be regarded as a good talk.

“Lin donor.”

Master Ci Hai said to Lin Ci’s family kindly: “This Quan Su Zhai uses mountain products from the mountains.”

“Soy products are also ground by the monks in the temple…”

“Although it is not as good as the outside taste, it is still unique.”

“Please use it.”

In the studio, the director looked at the situation before him, thinking again in his heart.

“Is this going from “The Longing for Life” to “China on the Bite of the Tongue”?”

“That’s it…”

“I can’t manage that much…”

He cleared his throat.


“Just use “The Spring, Summer and Autumn of Labor”!”

“Cut the No. 3 position to the No. 1 position, and head towards the dining table from a bird’s-eye view!”

“The visual effects team get a filter up!”

The screen moved away from Lin Ci, flashed back a little, then pulled to the roof, and moved slowly towards the tabletop.

The food on the table looks good in color, although it is not as good as the heavy oil and salt outside, but it does have a special flavor as the abbot said.

Accompanied by melodious music…

At this moment, this artistic conception seems to make people feel that the aroma of the food on the table has been tangy.

However, in the director room…

Looking at the multiple cameras in front of him, the director suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He noticed another point…

“Ready to switch back to position three!”


“Three, two, one… cut!”

The viewers who are watching the live broadcast are also expressing their opinions.

“It’s hard to say…this show…is getting more and more weird.”

“It looks really good! I didn’t expect the master abbot to have this craft!”

“Hey, I don’t expect to see a bit of excitement anymore, this is fine on the whole point…”

However, when the food perspective switched again and suddenly switched to the face, the people watching the live broadcast were shocked.

What appeared in the picture was Lin Yiyi’s cute face with a little fat baby!

The girl looked at the table full of dishes, her eyes straightened!

“I look at Yiyi…how do I feel that I am hungry too?”

“Yiyi is too cute!”

“Lin Ci is indeed a winner in life!”

“Being able to sleep with Jiang Yu, and such a lovely daughter! Envy!”

Lin Ci is of course a winner in life.

In addition to the beautiful wife and daughter, he also wants the fifty million.

And today’s meal… in his plan, it can be said to be a crucial part.

“Okay, eat.”

Lin Ci said: “Try the craftsmanship of the master abbot!”

A family of four was seated.

Yiyi was obviously greedy, but she waited until Lin Ci moved her chopsticks before she started.

After taking a bite, her little face turned red.


“This tofu is delicious!”

Lin Ci smiled and said, “Hurry up, thank you Master Abbot?”

Yiyi nodded, looked at Master Ci Hai and said, “Grandpa Monk!”

“This tofu is delicious!”

Master Ci Hai said kindly: “It’s good to eat, and it’s good to eat.”

But Lin Ci’s eyes flashed a light.

Like this…

It is necessary to strengthen the memory of Master Cihai.

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ps: It is not easy for newcomers to write a book. They guarantee five chapters every day, and try their best to update them every day. If the daily data increase is strong, don’t talk about anything else, write it down if you stay up late. Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for rewards, ask for all support, thank you everyone, thank you! ! !

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