Chapter 81

When Jiang Yin said “no objection”.

When everyone was surprised that Jiang Yin had no objection again…

Wu Sin’s vision is different from everyone else, he is looking at Lin Ci

“Lin Ci will never be unprepared.”

“His tactics are hidden under the water.”

“There is always an undercurrent under the calm water that Lin Ci is controlling.”

“And that undercurrent will become a huge wave.”

He always remembered what Guan Hongchu said, and he deeply believed in it.

So just when everyone thought Lin Ci was going to die…

He looked at Lin Ci…still calm and breezy

“Is this a plan between him and Jiang Yin?”

“But you didn’t refute in court, and Chen Weiwei was convicted in the end, what can you do?”

Wu Sin narrowed his eyes.

He knew that his mind might not be as fast as closing the team and Haoran.

But since it maintains the first principle of “Lin Ci will not admit defeat”.

Then there will never be any opportunity for Lin Ci

“What do you want to do?”

“Where is your inventory point?”

While Wu Sin was thinking about it, the trial was still going on.

“Witness number one, please!”

A woman walked onto the witness stand

This woman looks dusty.

But it is not important.

What matters is her testimony.

“It was late that night, and I saw the defendant in the bar.”

“I personally heard Chen Weiwei’s move to kill the victim.”

Guan Hongshan asked: “What did you hear?

“I heard that she said she was going to kill Liu Yan.”

And Guan Hongshan looked at the presiding judge: “It is precisely because of this that she maliciously wounded people and led to the death of the victim Liu Yan.” 653

The chief judge nodded and looked at Chen Weiwei.

“Do you object to this accusation?”

Chen Weiwei recalled, gritted her teeth.

Of course she knows that this is not good for Lin Ci, but the fact is that

What can she do?

At this moment she nodded: “I…”

“I have no objection.”

The presiding judge looked at Jiang Yin again: “Defender, do you object?”

Jiang Yin did not hesitate.

“No objection.”

The two previous no objections have already aroused people’s discussion.

But this time there was no objection, but there was a sound of discussion directly from the field.

There is even more controversy in the barrage!

Especially the large gap between Jiang Yin’s performance this time and the second period has made everyone feel very dissatisfied!

“This is Jiang Yin, how could he not object to anything!?”

“The program group is targeting Lin Ci so much, so what’s the point of this program? It’s straightforward to judge that the actor has lost!”

“Jiang Yin has never objected, and Lin Ci, as a relative of the defendant, can’t be on stage. Of course he will lose if he gets married like this!”

It’s not just the barrage that raises so many questions.

Even the director in the directing room wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In this issue, the audience came with extremely high expectations.

This Jiang Yin doesn’t do anything, Lin Ci is so comfortable…Do they want to give up in this way?

Then they have to endure extremely huge chakra pressure

This is how to do?

The director wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Thinking silently in my heart.

“Little ancestors…

“You guys have to add some oil!”




Fa Mian’s knocking sounded through the whole

“Don’t whisper!”

When the room was quiet, the presiding judge looked at Jiang Yin again.

“The prosecutor has stated the cause of the victim’s death.”

“Excuse me, the defender, do you have any questions about this?”

People watching the live broadcast felt a little impatient.

“What else can I ask?”

“Just acquiesce that she has no doubts!”

“Otherwise, let Lin Ci come up and say it!”

Everyone thought Jiang Yin would not speak

The presiding judge faced Jiang Yin’s silence, thinking about how beautiful this little girl looks.

The ears seem to be a little problematic.

So the presiding judge asked again: “Do you have any questions about this?” Jiang Yin’s eyes were originally drooping, but when he asked this time, he suddenly lifted up.

Just when everyone thought she had given up her defense, Jiang Yin was uncharacteristically


Everyone’s eyes are focused on the husband again

The sights of Guan Hongshan and Qin Ming also changed slightly.

And Wu Sin was thinking silently: “Has it started to fight back?”

The audience before the live broadcast was also somewhat unexpected.

“You don’t object to anything, what else can you say at this time?”

“I’m just one step away from conviction… Now, do you want to be convicted as soon as possible?”

“It looks like the lawyer hired by Lin Ci is actually Guan Hong’s spy!”

However, in the courtroom, Jiang Yin stood up and looked

To the trial seat.

“The presiding judge, the collegiate panel.” “Excuse me, what is the content of our trial today?”

The presiding judge said: “It’s the murder case of the defendant Chen Weiwei.”

Jiang Yin said, “But the evidence provided by the prosecutor…”

“It’s nothing more than a dispute between two people.”

“And death…”

“It’s not related.”

Qin Ming stood up and immediately retorted: “It was the car crashed that caused the death of the victim Liu Yan.

(bifd) “The presiding judge’s collegiate panel…”

“I apply for my witness number two to appear in court.”

“He will tell you how the victim died.”


Sun Cheng was taken to the witness stand.

“Iron green hat, big ginseng!” It boiled.

“This is not so good!”

“Not so good? Let Sun Cheng be a witness?”

Sun Cheng’s face was ugly.

It’s a little green.

But at least the hair is black.

He said in a low voice

“That night, I accompanied the victim Liu Yan into the Runtian Building”

“Just after entering the door, she answered a call.”

“From what she said, she should have met an acquaintance.”

“But… I didn’t listen very carefully.”

“She said she wanted the underground parking lot…I was going to follow my husband, but she didn’t use me to

NS. ”

“It means coming in five minutes.”

“But she hasn’t come after waiting for a while…” “I followed my husband.”

Qin Ming asked, “Did you see the murderer?”

Sun Cheng shook his head: “No.”

“I didn’t think anything…but then I saw the victim Liu Yan’s

“At that time I didn’t even know she was dead.”

“She fell by the wall of the parking lot

“Then I called the police.”

Qin Ming asked, “Are there anyone else on the spot?”

Sun Cheng thought for a while, then shook his head.


And then, the presiding judge asked Xiang Jiangyin again: “Defender, do you have any questions about this?”

He seemed to feel that his voice was not loud enough, and then raised his voice and prepared to ask again

But at this time Jiang Yin’s voice came.

“Of course there is a question!”

Hearing this, the scene fell silent.

In the eyes of everyone, I saw that Jiang Yin had suddenly got up, and his cold face was more solemn.

It reveals a high cold that no bulls should enter

She is very beautiful and naturally became the focus of the audience at the moment.

Muttered: “I will watch your performance next, Jiang Yin! I hope you don’t let me down! Only Lin Ci sitting in the spectator seat in his heart, with a faint smile on his mouth, looking at Jiang Yin,

At this moment, with the shift of his eyes, Jiang has already asked in a cold voice

“Since the witness didn’t see it, it was Chen Weiwei who killed Liu.” “So how can the cause of Liu Yan’s death be assumed to be Chen Weiwei’s actions?”

“Chen Weiwei did hit someone.”


Jiang Yin looked around the audience, and finally his eyes froze in Qin Ming’s autumn water-like eyes.

A gleam of cold light, “What I want to ask is, is that the cause of death?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming’s pupils suddenly shrank!

Guan Hongshan’s expression suddenly changed!

There was a rush in the courtroom, and there was an uproar.

At the same time, everyone suddenly stunned.

I see!

Jiang Yin never refuted it before, because there was no way to refute those facts!

Chen Weiwei did hit someone!

But it doesn’t matter!

Therefore, Jiang Yin is ready to go, leaving all the questions to the outside, until the critical moment, directly

Issue a fatal question

“She is actually waiting here!”

“Trying to change the cause of death!” Qin Ming’s three faces gradually became gloomy, but Wu Sin’s eyes still fell on Lin Ci.


He saw Lin Ci’s unwavering face, and even looked to himself, and nodded in greetings, revealing

There was a deep smile.

It seems to be greeting myself, but it is more like a provocation!

Arrogant! Too arrogant!

Suddenly, Wu Xin squinted his eyes, his mind turned, and he muttered in a low voice.

“Lin Ci…”

“What exactly did you design?”

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