Metropolitan System

Chapter 1401: Inflated Holy See

The Divine Holy See, inflated by the first thousand four hundred and one chapters

With the house and the rabbit moving forward toward the north, about a few hundred miles away, there was a small town, into which, Jiang Bai casually found a hotel to settle in, and went out to catch a tongue in the middle of the night.

It was taken by the local church and the situation was understood.

Jiang Bai discovered that even in this remote place, the Holy See's power is still huge. In a small seaside town, the population is only a few thousand. Only a few masters are all from the church.

Some time ago, there was news that the world changed greatly, the Holy See was arrogant, and there was a sacred advent in the vagueness. The Holy Holy See’s power increased greatly. Jiang Bai did not believe it. I thought this was a joke. It seems that this is not the case.

The Holy See is getting stronger and stronger. Is this going to restore the glory of the Middle Ages?

"Let's say, what is your name? I came here first. Tell me about the current situation on this continent?" He quietly grabbed one of the most powerful ones and imprisoned him in his residence. Step on the other person's head and ask the hostage.

"I.. I. Sheen, I am giving Shee, it is the light sacrifice of the Holy See here."

"You.. Who are you, actually arrested me, you know, this is a provocation to the entire Holy See, our Holy See..."

The words have not been finished, Jiang Bai has been slap in the other's head.

"I have been offended by the Holy See. If you are interested, you will speak honestly. Otherwise, you will not be polite to you. My name is Jiang Bai. You just don't know me. You should have heard my name."

"I am not patient, how to choose, see yourself."

“Jiang.. Jiang Bai...” Sheehan heard Jiang Bai’s self-reported door, and then he stumbled. Some dumbfounded, he glanced at Jiang Bai in front of him and looked like a dirt.

If you don’t know anyone, you can’t help but know the uncle. A few months ago, a slap in the face of the St. Angel’s Cathedral in Tiffany, and the Holy See’s sacred nest, but nothing, but this grandfather?

The Holy See is up and down, familiar to the uncle.

Satan, a new century, is an absolute taboo for the Holy See.

His Majesty the Pope personally issued a command to kill the person.

"You.. What do you want to know?" The other party knew who Jiang Bai was, and immediately expressed his interest. He did not wait for Jiang Baiwei to be tempted and consciously confessed. In one ten thousandth of a second, it was decided between the electric and the flint. Tell the truth to the uncle.

Know what you say.

Faith and loyalty are important, but what is more important than life?

At this time, what kind of rites and humiliations, what loyalty and filial piety, and what beliefs can be abandoned.

"Follow me, the situation outside, after the big changes in the world, how are you here?" Jiang Bai frowned and asked.

The world has changed dramatically, and the whole world has expanded hundreds of times. Although the Republic has given some technical reserves before this, countries have also made some early moves to maintain the smooth flow of networks and communications, which are said to be related to satellites in orbits around the world. .

At the same time, there are many other devices that appear in succession. Although they are not fully rolled out, they will not let the East-West exchanges completely cut off.

Here, Jiang Bai also knows some things, but it is not comprehensive.

The practice of the practice world has always been taboo. It is almost impossible to expect those media to truly say that it is a matter of fact. This kind of thing must be understood by insiders.

"This... this has happened a lot, you want to know which one."

The other person hesitated a bit, not wanting to say, it is really too much, he does not know where to start.

Jiang Bai looked at the other party's expression and knew what was difficult for him. He sneered: "It doesn't matter, time is, you can tell me clearly."

"Let's start with the distribution of forces, then from the masters, and then, talk about what everyone is doing recently, I think these are hard to beat you?"

The other party nodded after listening to this, and then said to Jiang Bai: "The distribution of power is actually not much different from before. Our holy church still rules the night."

"It is still the supreme being, the source of faith in the human world."

"Our forces are spread all over the continent. After the great changes in the world, there are huge masters who have come out from the depths of the seals. The whole world has now expanded by about 400 times, but the Tiffany has expanded two thousand times."

"It has completely become a magnificent city, and ancient walls and sacred temples have appeared. Some temples that we have not heard of insiders have appeared, and there are countless masters."

"Now the former Pope has resigned and became a red archbishop. It is also the only remaining high-ranking person in the past, and everyone else is now in the middle."

"A strong man who emerged from the seal became the new Pope, and there were many ancient knights. The sacred sacrifices came out and they were powerful."

"Even my teacher who was in the Holy See gave me news that the true God's faith has emerged, and the sacred angels reappear in the world, and there are angels equivalent to the kingdom."

"To increase the strength of the Holy See, the number of clergy has increased by a million in this short period of more than a million, across the entire continent, any corner."

"There are even rumors that in the near future there will be more powerful masters, more ancient sacred knights, more powerful angels."

"In short, the Holy See, nowadays, is not too much, it is terrible."

After listening to this, Jiang Bai nodded, and these were expected. Jiang Bai also got some similar news.

It’s just that there is no such detail in the eyes of Sheehan’s eyes. It has long been known that the Holy See has a deep foundation, and it seems so.

The area of ​​the world's continents has increased, but other places have only increased several times, more than a dozen times, and there are only a few places that actually increase hundreds of times.

In the west, the east, and the subcontinent in the east, these three places are expanding most rapidly.

The rest of the place is relatively weak, which seems to have a direct relationship with strength.

Perhaps in a certain long-term era, some strong people have long divided the real site, the powerful forces occupy the land of excellent and good, and the weak forces occupy the bad land.

The area of ​​Europa is still incomparable with the land of China. It is still a little different. The expansion of China is unimaginable. It has increased by at least 500, and there are only four hundred times, and the gap is obvious.

However, it is still quite large, and it is unimaginable. As a sect that can master this continent and the most fertile land, the strength of the Holy See can be imagined.

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