Metropolitan System

Chapter 1412: True god

The first thousand four hundred and twelve chapters of the true God

He said that Jiang Bai understands that in the case of Qi Chu, if you are not playing well, you may be jealous.

And the shorter the time, the better. After a long time, you will be a good means, and it will inevitably collapse.

It’s been a long time since the Sauron’s family played, and it’s natural that it’s impossible to hide both sides and play the crash, so that both sides are disgusted.

However, this proves the strength of the other side from one side, and has played a crash. It can still survive under the attack of the two forces. The power of the Sauron family can be imagined.

Williams said for a long while, Jiang Bai just nodded and should not sound. At this time, the other party finished speaking. Jiang Bai did not make a fuss: "I have said so much, what do you want to tell me?"

"What I want to say is that we may have the possibility of cooperation between the two."

The other party came to a sentence, let Jiang Bai in the expectation, and some unexpected.

It is expected that the other party must find something for itself. What is unexpected is that the other party actually wants to cooperate with himself.

As for what kind of reputation he is in Europe, Jiang Bai himself said in his heart that the good name is called the fierce name, and the one that says it is not good is notorious.

Which one of the forces here is not a bit too much for yourself?

Nowadays, the sacred Holy See, which is now inflated, is a huge force. Now it is a dark parliament that is now falling apart. Which one does not hate it?

Jiang Bai did not understand why the Hohenzollern family had to cooperate with himself.

In the case of their family, although they are in Qiqi, the two halves are not very pleasing, but they are arrogant in power. Nowadays, this situation can still be independent, and they are very powerful.

As long as you let go of your heart and trust any party, you will definitely be accepted.

After all, this is a powerful force.

Before coming, Jiang Bai had already talked with Williams to know that he had eighty-two this year. This age is extremely old for normal people. It has not been a few years old, but it is positive for a master who is too heavenly. Value for the prime of life.

The Sauron family can not fall for the millennium in the millennium, and it must be more than himself. According to Jiang Bai, their family must have some more powerful masters, but now they are not exposed to themselves.

Such a family is effective in the Holy See or another force, and the other party has no reason not to agree.

We must know that although they have passed the age of the king, they can be included in the Central European powers. Many people want to include them in the body.

"How is a cooperation law." Jiang Bai said undecidedly, swaying the glass of his hand, leaning on the soft sofa, staring at Williams in front of his head, was extremely curious about his proposal.

He would like to know where the cooperation between the two companies is.

In Jiang Bai’s view, there is no basis for cooperation between the two at all.

What I want is nothing more than the situation of the Eastern Expedition. The Hohenzollern family can help themselves. In fact, they certainly know the inside story, but Jiang Bai does not have to rely on them.

The Holy See has made this matter so big. Many people know that it is not difficult to ask a master if he catches some powerful masters.

And Sauran’s request, no matter what, Jiang Bai felt that he did not need to agree.

Because that will certainly not be simple.

For a message, Jiang Bai did not take risks.

“It’s very simple. The Solon family provides some news you want to know. You can do one thing for us.”

Sure enough, the other party used this as a condition to propose cooperation with Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and Williams in front of him did not speak. He knew that the other party must understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Williams seems to have expected Jiang Bai to have such a reaction. After toasting with Jiang Bai and filling it with Jiang Bai, he continued: "Of course, this thing does not make you Difficult, in fact, we hope that your help is a win-win situation."

"If we can succeed, both of us can get no small benefit."

"How do you say?" Jiang Bai looked at each other with his eyes, only a little interest at this time.

"Speaking of this, we must talk about the origins of our three royal families."

"No matter what the outside world says, in fact, our inheritance is far more than the outside world knows. In that distant era, we have united together and traced back. All three of us belong to the gods."

The name of the gods, Jiang Bai has not heard it for a long time. Looking back, the ancient gods pursued in ancient times are actually nothing.

The kingdom of the king can be called the true God.

The masters of Huangquan Mozong, such as Meng Po, Di Zang, and Jurassic, were one of the gods, leaving the myth of inheritance.

The Jade Emperor and so on are even more ugly. It is rumored to establish a heavenly court and there are many gods.

These people rely on spreading their faith to erect their own glorious image, harvesting souls to receive a belief and enhance their power.

In Jiang Bai's view, it is really general. Now Jiang Bai can be called the true **** in ancient times. In fact, there is nothing remarkable.

There is nothing remarkable about the true God, let alone the gods?

Jiang Bai didn't feel anything to be surprised. When Williams said this, he was a little underestimated.

God is not worthy of pride.

Even the king of God is like that.

Heaven respects the level.

This point has long been known from various sources.

Just Williams telling himself what to do?

Jiang Bai said that he did not understand, so he sat quietly, waiting for the other party to continue to describe.

"Our ancestors used to be extremely powerful. Although they are not as horrible as the supreme God of God worshipped by the Holy See, they are also very powerful. They are the role of the king of God."

"Leaving us these heritages will allow us to continue our glory for so many years."

Speaking of the pause here, I saw that Jiang Bai did not have much reflection. He continued to whisper: "The recent changes in the world have made the site of the true God appear. The three ancestors of our three families belonged to a god."

"Although it has been shattered, it has fallen apart many years ago, but it still leaves a mouth-watering treasure. There is the blood of the gods and the essence of the gods."

"There will be opening up in the last few days, and the three families will do their best to enter and compete for what belongs to us. As far as I know, the Windsor family has contacted the Holy See, and Habsburg has contacted the remaining members of the Dark Council, even Invited experts of other races to get into it and get benefits."

If you are willing to cooperate with us, you can enter the bath, you can bathe the blood, improve the cultivation, improve the body, and have the opportunity to become the true God. ”

After listening to this, Jiang Baimei picked up and did not take it too seriously.

If he bathes his blood, he will not be taken seriously. He is one of the true gods. The master of the kingdom is the god.

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