Metropolitan System

Chapter 1436: Tangmen also fell over

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-six chapters of Tangmen also fell over.

Jiang Bai listened quietly but did not speak. Things are not so simple. The cities with poisonous tea are hateful, but this is not the key.

Nowadays, the world has changed greatly. The world has been completely different. Even at the government level, these ancient monks have made compromises on certain levels. As long as the other party does not do too much, they also default to them. The secret rule of these areas.

In many places, some strange scenes have been formed. That is, the name is still managed at the government level. Officials, people's livelihood, and public security are still operating in the government. In the back, many forces that have seen the light have changed their hands.

It is mastered by the nearby Huanghuang Giants.

It is a disguised shift of rights to meet some of the needs of these brilliant sects.

They were also given a sphere of influence.

Every powerful sect has its own fixed sphere of influence, with large thousands of miles and small ones.

Anyway, as it has changed dramatically today, it has changed its appearance. The whole world is different from the past. The land is big and the land is not worth anything. The government level can not manage so many places in a moment.

Moreover, the world is now not safe. Apart from the fixed city, the outside world is full of monsters, and there are many demon ghosts and aliens. Although the traffic has basically recovered, it is air traffic.

The exchanges on land have only recovered by 30%. Nowadays, the imperial enterprises and the new road vehicles that have been withdrawn by several consortiums have just been put into use. They have not fully utilized their energy. Land transportation cannot be considered completely smooth.

The fundamental reason is that apart from the fission of the earth, many road networks are completely destroyed, and more importantly, these aliens, monsters, and so on. . Things like that hinder traffic.

At the government level, there is also the desire to use their power to break the barriers, so they give the corresponding benefits and rights.

However, this kind of benefits and rights are not something that ordinary people can qualify for. Only some ancient churches, as well as some of the sects with a long-lasting strength, have such rights and are smaller. .

No strength, what do you say? Naturally, which is cool and where is it.

According to the truth. .

With the strength and power of Huangquan Mozong, it is not very difficult to expand their sphere of influence. Even if their reputation is not very good, they can be seen at the government level, the old people, the people of Xianmen, or the magic. In fact, they are all similar.

Contrary to the ancient saying that Xia Yiwu was banned, Confucianism was chaotic, almost the same, the two are not a good thing.

Naturally, who is there to radiate power, they will not care too much.

But now Cheng Tianyi has found himself here, certainly not so simple.

Therefore, Jiang Bai did not say anything, and he was there to wait for Cheng Tianyi to quietly talk about himself.

Sure enough, after the completion of these pauses, Cheng Tianyi said to Jiang Bai: "If this is the case, I will not come to you."

"This arrogance is very arrogant. Our people have contacted them. I hope they can stay the same and don't move. With the current limit, the Huangquan Mozong should not expand again."

"Unexpectedly, this person turned a deaf ear to our words, simply ignored it, and even killed our masters and some officials who did not want to cooperate with them."

"I actually tried to turn those cities into the vassals of their Huangquan Mozong, from the sequence of the country, and also want to expand to Chuanzhong, want to annex Sichuan, Yudu, and the southwest, it is simply... insane! ”

Later, the whole person’s expression was distorted and his expression was ugly.

Cheng Tianyi, who is now out, is very angry.

However, this is also a matter of reason, Jiang Bai did not expect, arrogant, not right. . Huang Quan, the appetite is so big, the radiation of the forces is not counted, there is such a big appetite, even want to do more than 10 million people in Sichuan and Yudu?

Radiate the forces of Huangquan Mozong?

This fucking. . Have you eaten the bear heart leopard?

Is this the rhythm of flag rebellion? This is the rhythm of completely tearing the face, no wonder the old process is so angry.

"What about Lushan? Are they not the first swordsman in the world, and the long-standing swordsmen belong to the Huanghuang giants? Chuanzhong has always been their site. Now that Huangquan Mozong has the meaning of doing it there, they don't say anything?"

"This is not like the style of the Shushan Jianpai."

"And many people in Chuanzhong, Zongmen are like dogs, and there are not many sects in the strong, but they are not without. As far as I know, there is a glory on the top of the Emei Golden Summit. A great ancient religion is about to be born, to occupy it. ”

"They didn't reflect it? The people who left the Huangquan Mozong came over there?"

Jiang Bai frowned and asked whether he was ambitious. The Huangquan Mozong was ambitious. It is not an easy task to think about external radiation. It is also a strong enemy around, and there are many powerful sects.

Don't look at the world's expansion so many times, huge and unmatched, the corresponding seals loose, countless masters broke out, the Huanghuang giants are like dogs, and the sects are like forests.

Each has a territory, each has a sphere of influence, Huangquan Mozong wants to expand outside, can ignore the opposition of Shenwutang, but also can ignore the other, but can not ignore these great parties.

"They. Don't say ~ ~ a bunch of hyenas! Huang Quan Mozong is now a mountain of power, there are three masters of the king of the kingdom, not to mention other, just these three kings have already pressed people However, the gas came, Huang Quan, the emperor, is said to have mastered the return of the treasure, the strength far exceeds the same level."

"The Lushan Swordsmen simply did not dare to provoke people. Their Juggernaut went out of the mountain when the Emperor Huangquan's power expanded in the past. As a result, the Emperor fled back and was almost killed by the land of Huang Quan's Emperor. Nowadays. Close the gate."

"When you are in the mountains, don't expect any other sects to have any decent performance."

"Now there is a lot of underground forces in Guanzhong who have turned to Huangquan Mozong, where Huangquan Mozong began to radiate. Even I have news here that Tangmen also pledged to the other side."

When I heard Jiang Bai’s pupil suddenly slammed, Tangmen also voted for it?

Others have nothing to say, Tangmen is not the same, deep-rooted in the shackles, where the development is about a thousand years, the forces are intertwined, once they fall to the Huangquan Mozong, then the Huangquan Mozong will be able to quickly expand throughout the shackles.

It is not a flag rebellion. It is only secretly expanding the forces, including these places within the sphere of influence of the Huangquan Mozong, and mastering the forces in the dark.

This is not very difficult. With its own powerful strength and the help of Tangmen, it is not difficult for Huangquan Mozong to do this.

After all, the world is always speaking with strength.

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