Metropolitan System

Chapter 1654: Dawu test

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-four chapters of the Great Wu test

Playing under Yan Ge’s old man? Do his spring and autumn dreams.

This is what the level of the old character Jiang Bai does not know, anyway, it is not the great emperor. Now Jiang Bailian, the jade emperor, the level of the people to be able to draw him to be gracious, dare not let Jiang Bai play under his arm, just draw Get in.

According to the meaning of the Jade Emperor, Jiang Bai did not have an accident. In the future, a great emperor will let him play under this old age. Dreaming?

Jiang Bai did not say anything, and Bai was not forced to make a sneer.

Then he spent a lot of money inside the city, directly opened the transmission method that was said to be quite expensive, and sent them directly to a small town near the Imperial Capital.

Here, the giant eagle was released and let it inhabit the nearby forest. He and Jiang Bai and others took the dragon horse, which is said to have a true dragon blood, and the giant city that has been seen all the way to thousands of miles away. Going, along with Jiang Bai explained along the way, the emperor is forbidden to fly, any birds and beasts are not allowed to pass the rules, Jiang Bai seems to understand and understand, just listen to people telling the local customs.

And some rules after entering.

Said a lot, but Jiang Bai summed up a sentence, nothing to go out, less trouble and more work, too many people in the emperor can not afford.

Jiang Bai sneered and nodded, saying that he had a good heart.

About a morning after the past, a magnificent city of Huanghuang appeared in front of Jiang Bai. The wall was about a hundred feet high. The left and right sides were like mountains. They traversed the river and could not see the end. There was a gold armor on the tower to inspect the square. Above the sky, there are golden chariots that traverse the sky.

Between the vaguely, Jiang Bai saw a real dragon flying in the sky hidden in the clouds.

On the wall of the city, the array is superimposed, and it is as strong as a mountain. Carefully observe the moat and the wall of the city, and the several brilliant buildings that are revealed in the city of Baizhang. The music forms a certain mysterious array, which is opened at a critical moment. There will be infinite power.

It seems that this unparalleled dynasty has worked hard for this imperial city.

Into it, Bai et al. invited Jiang Bai to rest in the other hospital here. He thought that Jiang Bai, who had no longevity, agreed to this.

He is really poor and white now. Some people don’t mind if he eats and drinks for free. This attitude is to make Bai’s extraordinary look. He looked at Jiang Bai with a suspicious look. He may feel that Jiang Bai had premeditated, but he did not break it. Jiang Bai entered the city, and his identity was directly entered into a courtyard in the north side of the Imperial Capital without any martyrdom.

This place is not small, there are hundreds of acres of up and down, inside pavilions and pavilions, small bridges have everything, beautiful scenery, beautiful.

Jiang Bai was arranged in an independent small courtyard. Bai was not acquainted with the people's hospitality. He left himself with Gu Basha and others, and arranged in other courtyards. He went out alone. .

Jiang Bai was here to live in peace. He lived for a few days. The hard work of these days was not idle. On the one hand, Jiang Bai understood the customs and customs of this unparalleled emperor, and on the other hand began to secretly inquire about the recent period. Are there any strange things like those in the Imperial Capital?

Wanting to find some clues of Huang Quan's emperor, he is not coming to travel. Killing Huang Quan is his primary goal. Of course, it is here to set off a war, to block the unparalleled emperor, to integrate the footsteps of the central world, and to complete his mission. The goal.

But relative to this goal, killing Huang Quan is obviously more urgent.

Huang Quan's emperor is a hidden danger. His existence directly hinders Jiang Bai's "unparalleled expedition" mission.

After all, Huang Quan’s relationship with Huang Quan’s dragon was placed there. Huang Quan’s dragon is said to be the opposite of this unparalleled emperor, and they collude with each other. If Jiang Bai did not kill Huang Quan’s emperor first, he discovered Jiang Bai. Dive into this side, Jiang Bai can be in trouble.

Imagine an ancient emperor who may personally do it to himself. Jiang Bai has some scalp tingling.

It is a pity that there is no news in this courtyard. The servant disciples of the Haoqi League are too low in status, and they know that things are limited. Most of them are hearsays. They know nothing about the arrogant courts. Let Jiang Bai be speechless.

However, it is not nothing. At least Jiang Bai knows a news, that is, the Dawu test is coming soon.

Ten days later, it was the great martial arts test of the unparalleled dynasty. This is an ancient test. Some of them are similar to the ancient dynasty's selection of the martial arts exams, but they are more important and more important. The selection is also the master of the top.

It is an important means for the selection of talents for the entire Wushuang Dynasty. It was a way of selecting talents when the great emperor founded the country.

Three years of selection of people with lofty ideals within the entire dynasty, as long as they are over 18 years old can sign up, can win a certain number of places can be used by the court.

However, in the past, some young talents were selected. Half of them were 18 years old or older. Under the age of 100, the talented people passed the test. They were able to receive the court’s reward and give them military services. They were trained to become the bones of the unparalleled dynasty. Minister.

However, this time it seems to be a little different. This time there is no age limit. In other words, this time the big martial arts test is not a selection of young masters, but a selection of all the masters in the entire dynasty. There is no realm requirement. There is no age limit.

No matter where they are born, no matter where they come from, they can participate in this big martial arts test. There is no restriction at all, regardless of life or death.

It can be said that this time it was a selection and solicitation of all the masters of the entire Wushuang Dynasty. It is said that the great emperor paid great attention to it. The emperor who had retired from the millennium and did not ask the world personally came forward to present the imperial edict. This time, all those who can pass the selection are awarded. Military positions, the first place can directly seal the Hou, worship the generals, command the southwestern million army, and lead the party.

This news aroused Jiang Bai’s idea, knowing that this was a selection of the great emperor, once for the selection and solicitation of the masters of the entire unparalleled dynasty, even the central world, to select a large number of masters, enrich the entire dynasty, for his upcoming Expeditions accumulate strength, and at the same time help them to unify with these masters.

At that time, the competition must be extremely fierce. Jiang Bai is very excited about this. Mastering some strengths is a prerequisite for his completion of the task. Unless he becomes the great emperor and is one of the best, it is difficult to complete the tasks given by the system by relying on single-handedness. Correspondingly, if you can master the army and do your best, it will be much easier to set off a rebellion. This task will be easier to accomplish.

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