Metropolitan System

Chapter 2016: I knew so

Chapter 2,106, I know so

"Do you know that I am shooting now? Don't you feel a bit late?" The wheel of fortune sneered, and the imaginary youth of the illusionary disdain for the two immortals.

"If you do this, there will be no result. If you break us, you will have something big. You don't know it! Damn, Jiang Bai can't be immortal. Some of us are degraded, so that others can achieve immortality. Jiang Bai absolutely No!"

"Once he becomes immortal, we can't survive, it will break the balance. Once the balance is destroyed, the Emperor will..."

The book of the law is roaring, but unfortunately the words are not finished, and the wheel of fortune is shot again.

Interrupted his words, next to the skyless roar: "Everyone, besieged Jiang Bai!"

Unfortunately, this call has limited appeal. First of all, the sword of the dominance is not moved. Secondly, other people want to move but they are temporarily entangled by the opponent. Although they each occupy some advantages, it is almost an idiot to dream of quickly solving the enemy.

This is really vomiting blood, and the nine great immortals have encountered this situation.

"There is no amount of heaven, measure the heavens and the earth!" There is no skyrocketing roar, and the body is getting bigger, as if you can measure the heavens and the earth, the body is huge and unimaginable, traversing the universe.

Then directly directed to Jiang Bai, the huge body contains boundless energy, to crush Jiang Bai in an instant.

However, such an idea is destined to be impossible. Jiang Bai has never been better than ever. Even without the help of the wheel of fortune, the book of the law has been entangled in the wheel of fortune.

However, Jiang Bai still blocked the attack of the sky in front of him, his fists waving, and he did not give up. He even repelled the amount of heaven, Jiang Bai... It was not the same as before.

"Damn!" The volatility of the high-altitude Tianmu slammed again, but it couldn’t help Jiang Bai, the two continued to fight, and the wheel of fortune intervened, and the amount of the sky was broken.

This. . It is simply unthinkable.

The war broke out in the chaotic space of this void universe. You come and go, but no one is willing to give up half a point. After playing for a full day, there is no victory or defeat.

The wheel of fortune is certainly strong enough. The problem is that other immortality is not standing. Although everyone has opponents, they can gain an advantage and can support one or two. Therefore, the fate of the fate has not yet been the book of the law. Rolling, otherwise, if you lose a teammate, Jiang Bai can turn over here.

Everyone is deadlocked and attacking each other. No one is taking advantage of it. If you come to me, no one will show weakness.

The fight is incomprehensible, the heavens and the earth collapse, and the surrounding stars are swept away, and the sky is falling apart. I don’t know how many planets are destroyed, and how many suns are dull.

This situation lasted for three days, no one can help.

This made people almost vomit blood, and the moment of crisis appeared. Jiang Bai and others were not the first emperors. They have been fighting like this. They have not stabilized before, and now some realms are unstable.

What is certain is that, if this continues, Jiang Bai will be defeated.

At this time, Jiang Bai was in a hurry.

"What to do!" Jiang Bai asked the system.

"No way, let's make a place first!"

"It is the matter of the morning and evening, since they are looking for death, then it is no wonder that I am!"

After saying that he did not wait for Jiang Bai to reflect, the "Supreme Destiny Wheel" here broke out with a splendid light.

The body of the great wheel of destiny is constantly approaching the crystal-colored "Supreme Destiny Wheel". After breaking the barrier of the Law Book and the Tower of Chaos, it is hard to merge with this "supreme fate wheel".

"Damn! He finally took this step! Can't let him succeed! Hurry, besieged him fast!" The book of the law was almost crazy, and began to yell.

Every effort is made to make a golden light full of a hundred meters thick, with violent destruction of energy, directly hit the past, which is also mixed with the rules of the law.

The book of the law is desperate.

Not only him, but the people around him have also reflected, and the people around them have shot in an immortal way, and they have come to Jiang Bai to crush the Supreme Destiny.

Block the combination of the two fate wheels.

It is a pity that it is too late, the two have a high fit, and at the moment of the encounter, they blend into one, bursting out the crystal color, shining around, directly blocking the attack from all directions.

Then the brand new wheel of fortune appeared, which was several times larger than before. The crystal color shines dazzlingly, almost transparent, and various colored stones are set in it, and various patterns are engraved on it.

Each one has infinite energy, and between the rotations, it falls into the hands of Jiang Bai. Jiang Bai feels instantly that he has an energy to control his destiny.

It's just that this energy is also limited by certain rules.

Jiang Bai’s current inability to change this rule can only exert a very small part of the power. This makes Jiang Bai very depressed and tries to break this rule, only to find that all his efforts are in vain.

The power of this rule is ubiquitous, and even if it is such a powerful wheel of fortune, it has no effect.

"Youth, don't do useless work, put the few **** in front of you, and make your immortal position, and come directly to the king of immortality, like my master in the old age, those strong, break through the limits, fall down immortal, come directly Is the king of immortality!"

"Upper! Junior!" The sound of the system sounded, constantly encouraging Jiang Bai's progress, and asked Jiang Bai to break the immortality in front of him.

Jiang Bai is not vague, directly shot, with the wheel of fortune, oh. . wrong. . Now called the supreme fate of the wheel, directly waving as a weapon, triggering the power of destiny, directly cut off the sky!

I simply don't give the other party a chance to struggle, interrupting the other side, and then swallowing up. The sky is constantly struggling, but unfortunately it does not help, and it is impossible to make any struggle in front of this power.

It was instantly swayed by this energy.

There is no such thing as a treasure, and one of the nine immortals, even in the eyes of the public, was swallowed up by this supreme fate!

This is simply something that cannot be imagined. It is really shocking. The people next to it are dumbfounded. No one thinks that the Supreme Court of Destiny is so terrible.

Swallowed up the sky, the system appeared again, or the dress, it looks like a little punk, very incongruous with the surrounding, standing there lazy, a full, a smile .

Rubbing his eyes and saying inexplicable immortality to other horror around him: "It’s good to swallow this guy. Do you want to integrate with me too?"

Nima, the other seven immortal faces around him suddenly scared, even if the sword of the ruler is not very good-looking, the book of the law that stands not far away is shocked and muttered: "I knew so." I knew that, I shouldn’t let him go!"

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